Chapter 10. Feelings

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((A/N: Just saying, this chapter contains a bit of self hate, so be prepared. Just a lil warning))

Alphys' POV

3 days. 3 days until the dance and I STILL hadn't asked her! What is wrong with me? Why do I keep stalling? I need to ask before it's too late. What if it is too late and I make everything awkward?
What if someone's asked her already?
That was probably my biggest fear at the moment, just a step ahead of the fact that everything might go completely wrong for me.

I stared at the box of chocolates in my hands. It was the weekend right now, a great time to ask. I inhaled and took a step foward. At that very moment Undyne stepped in and we bumped into each other. Next thing I knew was that Undyne was on top of me rubbing her head, trying to process what just happened. "Oh geez, sorry Al, I'd better look at where I'm going next time-" She paused and looked at my flustered face. I don't think she realized the position we were in... Maybe I can make this that really cliché moment in Hentai manga, where two characters are in a situation like this and then suddenly the one on top slams their lips on to the others lips, then- NO NO NO NO ALPHYS WHAT THE HELL-!?!?!
My.. Ehm.. "Interesting" thoughts just made me blush more than I already was. I politely gestured to Undyne. "Uhm- U-Undyne, I-I would a-appreciate if you could- g-get off me-" Undyne looked down at where she was sitting and instantly got off me. "Oh god- sorry Al--!" I shook my head. "No no no- it's okay-" I stood up shakily and adjusted my glasses. I then looked at Undyne who quickly turned away as if she were.. Staring? But why would she?Nah, she wasn't staring, she probably just felt awkward from the fall.

I sat on my bed and Undyne sat on hers. This is your chance Alphys. Come on, ask before you get scared and mess everything up! I exhaled the breath I was holding in and was about to ask, but then.. "Hey Al, I got a weird question, Uhm, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but- uh- What's your orientation?"
"Your sexual or romantic orientation- Like, Y'know, who are you in to?"
I really wasn't expecting a question like that to pop out of her mouth, I sat there thinking of an answer. I mean, I'm obviously into her, I've never actually been into a boy before. So, I mean.. I guess I was some form of a Lesbian, but, what do I say? I can't just say "Bisexual" if I wasn't that sure.

Oh god I just said that out loud.

"Oh, I getcha. I'm cool with that." I breathed out an obvious sigh of relief and looked at her. "U-Uh, if you don't mind me asking- Wh-What about you?" Undyne just casually said "Lesbian." Somehow, without looking like she was uncomfortable or nervous about just throwing her orientation out there. I really admired the way she was so tough with her words, how she doesn't care about what people say. It was pretty attractive to me to be honest.. I mean, everything about her was great. From her physical appearance to her great personality, she was absolutely flawless. I, on the other hand, am.... Something else. I had a lot of flaws. I'm antisocial, weird, nerdy, an anime freak, fat, unattractive.. I just.. Sometimes.. Living felt... Kind of pointless.. There are days where stare at myself in the mirror and just... Stand there.. I never thought of myself as any form of attractive. I highly doubt that anyone else did. From my glasses, to my chubbiness, I'm not perfect. I'm not average. I'm just a useless nobody.
That's in love with a perfect somebody.
And that's that.

I kind of forgot Undyne was there, because I started to tear up at all my dark thoughts. I cried a lot about everything. Even about my minor flaws or just thinking about how useless I really am. Undyne wasn't looking at me, so I quickly wiped the tears away and excused myself to the bathroom to calm down a bit.

After calming down, I went back out. Darn. Undyne left. Well, that gives me time to prepare. I have to ask her today. I don't need her to find out that I spent the past week and a half worrying about how I'm gonna do this. So, the plan is, mention the dance in a casual conversation, ask her out and uh... I'm not really sure how the chocolate will fit into this context. So I waited.

But nobody came.

Undyne's POV

I hope I didn't worry that nerd by leaving so suddenly. Just had to go outside and think. I mean, it ain't my fault she was taking so long in the bathroom. I really hope I didn't offend her with that question or anything.
I was just curious.. For some reason..
I shrugged to myself. Eh. I dunno.

I thought about what Mettaton told me a few weeks ago when he barged into our dorm while Alphys was taking a nap. She told me to ask her out. I'll admit that I have the tiniest crush on Alphys but- I don't know. Mettaton jut says I'm scared to admit my own feelings to myself or something. Psh. Whatever. I ain't scared of anything. And, I'm kinda new to this whole love thing. I've never been in a relationship and I don't think I've even been attracted to someone. Well except for Alphys. I think. I'm not sure how to even tell that I'm in love. I mean, Mettaton says that it's obvious I am. I think romance novels have it all wrong, I'm not dying when I see her with someone else, I don't get jealous or anythin. Or maybe I'm just, not inlove. I don't know.

I walked back into our dorm and saw Alphys reading manga on her bed. She looked pretty cute when she was entranced with the cheesiness of the romance manga. I almost didn't want to say hi to interrupt her indulgence. But by common sense, my mouth didn't really listen to my mind.
"Hey Al."
She jumped a bit, which was adorable, and put her manga down. "O-Oh hi U-Undyne!" That stutter is adorable. I waved and sat on my bed. Wait, how many of her features have I called cute by now? Probably not an average amount. Well then. I'm not exactly sure what that's supposed to mean. Is that a sign of love? I don't know. Damn it.. Why am I so stupid? Ever since that lunch me and Alphys had together, I kind of wanted to impress her.. So I started working harder on my schoolwork and decided to ditch the whole copying thing. Anyways, I could ask Alphys for more help but, I don't do it much. If I ask too much she'd probably think I'm some kind of idiot. A lot of people think that that's what I am anyways. Not to mention that my attention problems have been getting in my way. Welp, I ain't perfect. But nobody really is. We all feel self-conscious at some point. A part of me has passed that point, but sometimes it just sneaks up on you and tries to attack. So you have to fight it, counter-attack, block, dodge or just accept it. But giving up is useless. It's better to stay determined and strike what's bothering you down.

I got into pretty deep thought and stayed in it until Alphys snapped me out of it. "H-Hey Undyne.." I looked at her. "Mm?"

"Uh- I wanted to ask you s-something-"

((A/N: Yoooooo Wassupppp?! Itsa me! Fish! Or whatever ya wanna call me. Eh, I don't have much to say soooo, on to the question.
Today's question is: "What is your favorite scene in Undertale?"
Mine is definitely when you meet Asgore. Or any scene with Asgore in it. •v•
I'm obsessed with the goat ok.

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