((A/N: Before this chapter I have a few things to say.
1. I would appreciate if you could check out TheUndertaleSinner
They have a really good Papyton book and I recommend checking it out!
2. If you have requests for something to happen in this book, please don't be shy and tell me! I love requests!
3. Thank you so much for 1,000 reads! It means so much to me that people are interested in this book!Now on to the chapter!))
Alphys POV
Yea, the reality of things are different than expectations. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't muster the courage to ask her. Even with Mettaton's encouragement (which didn't exactly help) I couldn't. Okay. Today's the day I'm asking. The outside was chilly even though summer was right around the corner. I put on a white button-up jacket and took the chocolate that Mettaton gave me, throwing it in my bag along with some other books. After mentally preparing myself, I went to school.
I watched Undyne from my desk during mathematics. For some weird reason, ever since we had lunch together she started working harder on her studies. She was obviously pretty careless about them and I heard that she'd usually copy assignments from Asgore, but she seems to be working harder now. She'd even talk about them with me and ask me for help sometimes. I doubt it was because of me though, I mean, what effect would I have on her education?
I felt a tap on my shoulder and Mettaton handed me a note. I opened it and it said "Well? Have you asked her yet? -MTT and all the other people that ship you two." I face palmed at Mettaton's nosiness. Plus, who else besides Mettaton ships US? We were extremely different from eachother.Class eventually ended and I started walking out of class. But I got stopped by the teacher, Mr. Toby Fox. He crossed his arms at me. "Alphys, please, You know there are no notes in class." He said, pointing to the note in my hand. "Hand it over." I sighed and gave him the note. He took it and read it. "I'd appreciate it if you would handle your love shenanigans outside of class, this is the first time I've given you a warning but I've seen all the past times. Which means that you're enlisted to detention after school." Detention?! Oh no! I have to confess to Undyne at that time- "You won't be lonely though." He winked at me. "Undyne's there." With that, he snickered and walked off. He apparently knows what's going on-
Oh boy.
After all my classes ended I went to the class where detention was held. I walked in and saw a few familiar faces. Undyne, Sans and burgerpants as people called him. Ms. Temmie waved at me and told me to take a seat. I sat next to Undyne and Sans who were sitting rather close to eachother.
"Alphys? What're you doing here? You don't really seem like a person that would get in trouble.." Undyne told me as I sat. "U-Uhm- W-Well technically it was M-Mettaton's fault." Undyne nodded. "Wh-What are you guys here for?" I asked. "Sleeping" Sans replied tiredly. "Attacking the teacher" Undyne said and shrugged. "I waved a punch at her, I didn't actually hit her-" She added. I looked at burgerpants and assumed that he was there for smoking on school grounds.•Time Skip•
Detention was boring, but Undyne made it interesting and funny. I walked out of school with her after that. I nervously thought about asking her now. I don't know.... I felt the chocolates in my bag and huffed. I'm gonna do this!
...Or the day after that!
((A/N: Whoop! Finally finished this darn chapter. I don't have much to say so on to the questions!
Question of the chapter:
"Which area themes do you love the most?"
Mine should be:
1. Core
2. It's raining somewhere
3. Waterfall
4. Home
5. RuinsHave a good one punks!))

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...