Alphys' POV
This is what I was afraid of. I was afraid of falling in love with her.. She's too good for me.... She's so.. Cool, tough, funny and kind.. I've only known her for- what? 3 days? And I'm already in love! Geez...... Well, besides, she sees me as a friend.. Maybe even only an acquaintance.. And she's way out of my league anyways.
I kept thinking, eventually getting completely lost in my thoughts and falling asleep.I woke up looking around the room.
"Oh Darling~!" A voice suddenly piped up. Oh boy. "Why hello Alphys, dear~" Mettaton exclaimed looking pretty excited about something. "U-Uhm- H-Hi Mettaton-" I stuttered in response. I looked around for Undyne and saw her behind Mettaton. She looked extremely mad. "Mettaton- I swear to god- get the hell out of my- OUR dormitory!" Undyne shouted at her. Mettaton had a smirk spread across his face. "'Our' hmm~?" Mettaton replied smugly. "That- That's not what I meant idiot!!!" Undyne looked like she was gonna punch Mettaton at any second.Was there something I was missing here? What are they talking about? Why is Mettaton here, and why is Undyne so mad? Mettaton seemed to see the confusion in my face. "I was just telling Undyne here that she should as-" Undyne shut her mouth and dragged him to the door. "Nice to see ya Metta! Now leave, punk!" Undyne barked practically throwing Mettaton out of the room. "Alright gorgeous, but you'll regret it~" Undyne rolled her eye at Mettaton's remark. "Yea, yea, whatever." She replied. "Toodles~!" Mettaton skipped away.
I was extremely confused and looked at Undyne for some kind of explaination. She didn't return eye contact. I turned away looking for something to say that wouldn't make the conversation more awkward then it already was.
"Sorry 'bout that- You know Mettaton, not minding people's business." I nodded in response understandingly. Still, what on earth were they talking about? I looked at Undyne again and she returned eye contact this time. I got all sweaty all of a sudden. Oh, right right, I forgot.. I'm in love with her... I decided to ask, despite the awkwardness. "U-Uhm... Undyne, Wh-what exactly were you and M-Mettaton talking about..? If you d-don't mind me asking.." Undyne looked around quite nervously and crossed her arms. "Nothin too important in all honesty-" I could easily tell she was lying, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't gonna call my crush a liar.
I needed something to change the subject. Before things got too awkward. But Undyne beat me to changing the subject. "How'd you sleep?" She asked. The tone in her voice said that she obviously wanted to change the subject. "O-oh.. I slept g-good.." I replied looking around. "That's good." I nodded in response. Well, so much for not making things awkward. A weird and awkward silence was in the air's presence, and neither of us liked it.
"Uhm- Okay- This is kinda awkward.." Undyne blurted out.I couldn't agree more.
•Time Skip•
It was Monday, and the only thing that was ringing in my mind was 'school'. I packed my bag and decided to wait for Undyne so I could get an opportunity to walk with her. She eventually got all ready and we were off to school.
I sat in class as the teacher went on about photosynthesis as if we didn't learn about it in 2nd grade. I felt a tap on my shoulder and a note was handed to me. I looked at it and read it.
"Hey Alphys,
Can you meet me in the park right after school? I wanna talk to you about something..
Hope you can make it.
-Undyne"She wanted to meet, with ME? Oh god, I don't have time to look all pretty after school. Calm down Alphys, it's not a date.. Right......? Duh, of course it isn't!! Besides, why would she want to talk to me? What's there to talk about? Sounds kind of important. I'll go then..
After school I jogged out of class and went to the park. Undyne was waiting there as written. Curiosity bloomed within me as I wondered what important thing she wanted to talk to me about. I had one guess but it was extremely unlikely. I went over to her and she waved at me. "Yo, Al" She said looking down at me. "Uh, H-Hey Undyne- Um- Wh-What did you want to talk a-about?" I asked her. She looked at me extremely confused. "Whaddaya mean? You wanted to meet me here. You sent me a note, didn't you?" I blinked in confusion. "N-No I didn't- Y-You did.." Undyne reached into her bag and pulled out a note, handing it to me. I looked at it.
Dear Undyne,
I would appreciate if you could meet me in the park after school, there's something I want to talk about.
See you soon, I hope.
-AlphysHuh? I didn't write this. It wasn't even close to my handwriting either. I showed Undyne my letter and she rubbed her head in confusion. Who on earth would want us to meet, for no apparent reason? One person rang in my mind.
Mettaton.......It's got to be Mettaton, who else would? I told Undyne my theory and she nodded in agreement. "What on earth does he want from us, honestly, we aren't puppets to play with! I'm gonna pummel that jerk-" I shook my head. "W-Well.. You know Mettaton.. Always g-getting into other peoples business.." Undyne shrugged, knowing what I said is very true. "Well, great. What do we do now? She asked looking back down at me. "Oh- U-Uh- I don't r-really know-" I stuttered back. She couldn't help but smile a bit at the stutter. "Wanna go get somethin' to eat?"
"Y-Yea.. Sure."
((A/N: Finally finished this chapter, writing block's been messin' with me. But anyways, question of the day~!
"Who's is your favorite Amalgamate?"
Mine has to be Endogeny~
He's adorable ^^G'bye beauties~))

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...