Alphys's POV
I fell in. Into the lake. I frantically tried to swim up to the surface, but my leg got caught on something, which made me thrash around in a panic. The nightmare. That's exactly what it is. I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could barely focus on the pain since I was losing consciousness. Everything slowly went black as I heard a familiar voice calling out my name.
I woke up, my vision all blurry. My glasses weren't on. I felt rain on my face. Plus, I was all wet and freezing. "Alphys, are you okay?! Don't scare me like that! You're damn lucky I was here! What if I wasn't?! Then who would've saved you?!" Undyne's shouting made tears well up in my eyes. I doubted she could tell though, since the rain and me being all wet made it hard to. "Be careful next time! God knows what coulda happened to you!" Her shouting continued, and I couldn't take it anymore. So I just started sobbing, right in front of her. Undyne automatically shut up and had a guilty look strewn across her face. "Alphys- Wait- hold on, I'm sorry- I shouldn't have- shouted like that at you-" The tears continued streaming and Undyne was trying to calm me with a worried look. Of course she had a reason to be mad, it's because of me she jumped into the lake to risk her life trying to save me. It's because of me we're both freezing to death in the rain. It's because of me she's worried half to death right now. That's all I do, I mess things up. I never meant for this. Maybe I shouldn't have even tried to get close to her. This is all my fault.
In all honesty, I wasn't listening to Undyne right now. I was too busy thinking of how I messed up all this. Undyne shook me and I looked at her, having calmed down a bit. "Should I take you to the ER?" I shook my head. "Alphys, you're bleeding, and you just almost drowned. Are you sure?"
"Just take m-me home.."
Undyne picked me up, being wary of my cut and bleeding leg. She ran to her house, shivering because of the rain. I would've been blushing and fangirling if I weren't in excruciating pain and a sobbing mess right now. Undyne went into the house, dropped everything else she was carrying and tended to me. She got disinfectant and bandages and rubbed the disinfectant on a cotton ball. She then proceeded to rub the cotton ball on the cut, which burned a lot. Afterwards, she wrapped the bandages around my ankle and gave it a gentle pat. "Nothin' too serious, it'll be fine." I just sat in silence and nodded.Undyne approached me, sitting on the side of the couch. "Are you okay?" I nodded again, but she didn't buy it. "Fine.. Call me if you need anything.." She stood up, about to walk away. "I-I think I'm g-gonna leave.." Undyne turned to me. "What?- Why? I thought you liked it here-!" She said in a panic. "I-I do.. I just......" Tears started to well up in my eyes again, and I already had a bad headache from the crying before. "I-I mess everything up.. I k-keep panicking and I g-get you into these m-messes.." Undyne looked at me baffled. "What?! Are you crazy Alphys? What're you talking about?" I looked down fiddling my thumbs. "I-Isn't that w-why you shouted at m-me?.." Undyne frowned and face palmed. "Oh Alphys- Is it about that? I wasn't thinking straight, and I'm not that great at controlling my anger.. I didn't mean to shout that shit at you Al.." I was relieved at that, but still not so convinced. "Look, if you want to leave, I get it.."
"I'm not the most fun of people to be around- I took you to that waterfall so we could have a good time. That didn't work out in the end.. After that lunch we had? A few months ago? I started to work harder on my schoolwork so I could impress you. 'Cause I thought I'd never match up to your smartness, I thought I was too stupid for you.."
"U-Undyne- Wh-What are you-"
She ignored me and continued. "I kept trying to look cool in front of you, I even did extra work to impress you! And I'm glad you were here to motivate me to do it, even if you barely noticed! I was just trying to match up to you! But I guess I never will, huh?"
Did she actually just say that?I was overwhelmed. I couldn't believe she actually tried to impress me. I felt my face heat up. "Wh-Why would y-you t-try to impress me?"
"..Never mind. If you say that, I guess you never noticed.."
"Noticed what?"
Undyne huffed and walked towards her room, right before she walked in she said: "That I like you. More than a friend." And with that she walked into her room, locking the door.I can't believe she actually..
She tried to..
But I didn't notice..?Undyne's POV
Stupid idea. I shouldn't have said that. I confessed just like that! I'm such an idiot. I shoulda known she didn't want anything to do with me. Why would I think that? After I shouted at her like that?! I was so worried about her, I panicked a bit while I got her out of the lake, I just acted! I should've noticed how ignorant I was being to her though. Stupid.. I laid down and hoped to sleep and wash away these thoughts, just for a while. It worked. For a while..
After a deep and troubled sleep, I woke up. I stood and cracked the door open to snag a peak at Alphys. She was awake, and doing the summer assignments that we got for the break. I decided not to be a wimp, so I walked out and silently went to the kitchen. While there I glanced at her, she was looking at me, which made me awkwardly spin my head back to the counter top. "G-Good morning.." I nodded a bit. "Yeah- Mornin'-" I was acting really awkward, and I wasn't used to that.
"Listen, Alphys, forget what I said yesterday- I understand you don't have the same feelings and I don't wanna trouble y—"
"I-I never said I didn't h-have the same f-feelings.."
I froze for a second and turned around to look at her, she was in front of me now. "Uhm.. I- Eh.. I've h-had them- since- s-since we s-started the semester-" I didn't really believe my ears so I stood there shuffling my bare feet. "R--Really-?" That was the first stutter I had in a long time. Alphys smiled a bit nodding in response. "I-I th-thought it was obvious- I-I was t-trying to hint it at you-"
"Damn, were you? I'm such an idiot- Sorry-" Alphys giggled a bit. "Wh-Why are you apologizing?-" I shrugged. "Cause I- didn't notice?? The signs?"
"M-Maybe they w-weren't th-that good-"
"Well, they sure are good now, I'm pickin' it up so easily!" There was a pause, then we both burst into a fit of giggles.Alphys went ahead and hugged me, I picked her up and twirled her around still in a giggle fit. Extremely unexpectedly, Alphys planted a kiss on my cheek which made me blush a little, and turn to her. "Oh- Sh-Sh-Should I not h-have d-done that? I'm s-so sorry-- Oh g-gosh-" I snickered at her embarrassment. "It's fine, you missed though."
And so I kissed her, right there, in the kitchen, on her lips. From the corner of my eye, I saw her blush madly which made me smirk a bit.
We moved it to the couch.
Things may have gotten a bit more intimate after that.((Yo Yo, this book is close to it's end! I'll be making a Christmas special, and afterwards I think the book'll be done. Thanks so much for sticking around ya'll. Stay here till Christmas for the special, plus the ending! I think my next book will be a Chariskfic. What do you think? Would you read it? So anyways, thanks again. See you soon! (If you want you can check out my one-shot book, where I'm taking requests) Byeeee

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...