Alphys' POV
I woke up with large beads of sweat on my forehead, the same dream three times.. I've read about recurring dreams, theoretically, recurrent dreams are assumed to reveal the presence of unresolved conflicts or stressors in an individual's life. At least that's what I've read. I don't see how seemingly drowning and struggling while not being able to breathe, can connect to unresolved conflicts in my case, or the future in general. Maybe it's a metaphor? Or maybe I'm just stressed. This dream came on the night of the dance, the first night at Undyne's and the most recent one too! A part of me drifted off to a memory I had, once I had read a book where if you dream the same dream 3 times, it'll come true. In the book, each time the dream got more and more vivid, quite like in my case. (If you know which book I'm referencing, I love you). I shrugged off the alarming thought. It doesn't matter, I'm in reality now.
I was hoping I'd still be in Undyne's arms when I woke up, but she seemed to have rolled to the other side of the couch, taking the blanket with her. It made me somewhat cranky. I just sat there on my phone, going through tumblr posts. I got a bit lost in the posts because Undyne snuck up behind me trying to see what was on my feed that entranced me so much. "What's up Al?-" I quickly flinched away holding my phone close to my chest. Thank god she didn't see, the sight on my screen was pretty.. Questionable.. "Uh- okay- Good morning to you too-"
"S-Sorry!- You know- j-just reflexes-"
"Whatever you say" She answered shrugging. She leaned back and stretched herself out. I shut off my phone and silently put it on the table. "So, whaddaya feel like doing today?" I shrugged a bit thinking of what we could do. "U-uh- I-Is there a place we could go that c-could be f-fun?-" Undyne processed the thought and snapped her fingers. "Awesome idea Al! I know exactly where to go!" I smiled. "Wh-Where-?"
"It's a surprise."We got ourselves some water, food and a blanket. I assumed we were going to have a picnic. I wasn't wrong at all. Undyne and I hiked towards a forest with beautiful scenery. The trees' leaves looked like they were glowing when the sun reflected off of them. That effect didn't last long since the sun quickly hid behind clouds. "S-So where are we setting u-up?" Undyne motioned for me to follow her, and I obliged. As we walked, a certain sound was heard, and got louder as we approached it. It was a whole row of waterfalls, beautifully aligned naturally in a line. "Wh-Whoa!- that's beautiful-" I said as I stared at them all. Undyne nodded and set our stuff down. She spread out the blanket, letting me watch the water tumble down the falls as she did all the work. Once she finished, she took off her shoes, and dipped her feet into the crystal clear water. I watched her and she motioned for me to join her using her head. I took off the sandals I was wearing and dipped my feet in. The water was nice and cool. It felt like a water god massaging your feet. "Wanna see something even cooler?" I nodded and she pulled me up, taking me by the hand which made me blush. She guided me around the water, towards the waterfall. There was a little cave there. Undyne led me into the cave and let go of my hand, letting my blush die down. "I used to come here a lot.." She mentioned as she ran her hand across the walls. "Eventually I stopped since I never had any time.." Her expression shifted into a frown, then back to an optimistic smile. "Cool though, right?!" I nodded. "I-It's amazing.." She smiled at me. "I'm glad you like it."
After a while, we walked out of the cave and sat on the blanket. We ate sandwiches and talked about our childhood, telling each other silly stories. It was honestly one of the best times of my life. I felt so happy, every second sentence of hers made me crack a smile and giggle. Night time crawled around rather quickly as we talked and laughed. We started to pack up and got ready to head back to the house. "M-Mind if I t-take one more peak at the w-waterfall?" Undyne chuckled and nodded. "Go ahead" I walked over to the deep lake, it was shining in the moonlight.A gust of wind blew strongly and made me lose my balance.
I heard Undyne's muffled shouting.
I saw my life flash before my eyes.I can't breathe.
((Oh yes I'm alive. Sorry for that stupid hiatus! I'll do my best to update! Also, I'm planning to do a Christmas special once the holidays roll around.
Now, to the question of the chapter.
"Who's your favorite enemy?" Mine's Astigmatism, they're so cute with those eyes!
See ya soon~

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...