Imagine having a panic attack and Lee notices...

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Lee noticed since the beginning of the meeting that you were not feeling well, and throughout the hour long discussion, he had kept an eye on you and noticed your progress declined. However, you're unaware of his stares, you've only focused on the notebook before you where you've been jotting down notes with occasional eye contact with your boss to acknowledge her comments. All the while, you can feel your breathing turn shallower, each breath starts to make you feel like a fish out of the water. You tried to calm yourself down by mentally telling yourself to focus on being present, and on your breathing but it was too late. 

When the meeting adjourned, you dash out of the confer room in a calming manner as much as possible and head for the roof top of the building. The cool summer breeze hit your face as you open the door and you immediately slump down against the wall. You begin to draw in deeper breaths in hopes that the anxiety will go away. Your hands have begun to tremble, your heart rate irregular. You felt like you're about to die. You know you're not but whenever an attack gets this far, everything begins to feel hopeless. You curse yourself under your breath for forgetting to bring your prescription to work today. 

Right then, the door burst open and there stood your boss' client, Lee. You're about to scramble to your feet when he gestures for you to remain seated as he approaches you. He kneels before you and takes your hand, placing his index and middle fingers on your wrist as he glances at his watch, counting. 

"W-W-What are you doing?" you ask, voice stammering. 

"Shh..." he continues to count your pulse for another minute before letting go of your hand. 

When his eyes finally meet yours, you realise then how calming and gentle they seem. You've not had the chance to get this up close with him before, it's usually a fleeting greeting by your desk or you were seated across the conference table from him during meetings. His height has always intimidated you a bit, but at this moment he seems normal, no longer one of your boss' rising Hollywood client. 

"It's Y/N, right?" he asks. His eyes still fixated on yours. You nodded. 

"Okay, listen to me, Y/N. You're having a panic attack at the moment, but you're going to be just fine. Just focus on your breathing." He draws in a deep breath, gesturing for you to follow, and you did. 

Slowly, with time, you could feel your breath and pulse return to normal and Lee stops imitating the breathing rhythm when he noticed that you've calmed down, and flashes a toothy smile instead. "Better?" he asks. 

"Yeah..." you answer sheepishly. "Thanks." You picked up your notebook from the ground and got up, dusting off your pants as Lee stands as well, stretching his arms before pocketing his hands. 

"You'll be just fine, Y/N," Lee smiles.

You glance up to him now, fully aware for the first time how tall he is and how short you are next to him. You bite your lower lip and nod in response. "Thanks again for..."

He shakes his head to interrupt you. "It's alright."

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