Imagine Dancing with Thranduil...

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The best thing about being late to a party was the fact that you could sneak in, unnoticed, without the attention of the crowd. So, you did exactly that. You made your way through the crowds, picking up a goblet of red wine on the way before finding a spot near the balcony, unassuming enough to blend in with the crowd. You took a sip from the silver goblet and simply observed the crowd around you. Everyone was dressed in their finest gowns and kaftans, and had elaborate masks over their eyes. It was a masquerade after all. Partly why you decided to turn up tonight. You liked the anonymity, and the informality that came with the party. Since no one truly knew who was who, the social obligations and etiquettes which were normally demanded from such a gathering were no longer a main focus, so it was nice to witness everyone having fun, chatting and dancing away freely. The commoner mixed with the royal family.

You stood in the corner for what felt like hours, simply enjoying the atmosphere. It was a rare occasion and you were glad you get to be a part of it. The live orchestra playing in the corner opposite from where you were began playing a faster rhythm as you watched the crowd came to life.

"May I have this dance?"

You looked up at the half-masked elf standing before you, his silver blond hair shone under the dim candle lights. A little stunned, you composed yourself quickly, smiled and nodded. He extended a hand towards you which you took gladly after placing the empty goblet down on a table nearby. His grip was firm yet gentle; he led you in the direction where various couples were dancing to the beautiful melody.

The two of you found a space in the center of the dance floor. He let go of your hand, you curtsied and he bowed ever so slightly. He raised an arm toward you as you pressed your palm against his. The two of you moved with the rhythm of the music, twirling. You could see in the corner of your eyes, the other masked couples, dancing in unison. You focused your attention fully on the person before you. He was expressionless yet his clear blue eyes twinkled mischievously as he stared back at you. The reddish-brown kaftan hung perfectly on his broad shoulders. The mask he had on was silver and free from any decorations. The simplicity of his entire outfit made him different from the other guests. He was tall and lean, yet he moved with grace to the sound of the music.

As the dance came to an end, you curtsied once again as your partner bowed; a smile lingered on his face at the slowed down melody of the new song. You were beginning to walk back to the corner where you were a moment ago when he stopped you, taking your hand with his. You glanced up at him, slightly confused. You watched his smile widened to a smirk as he pulled you close. You noticed the couples around you slowed down as they stood closer to one another. So, you did the same with your partner, allowing him to hold you close as you held onto his shoulder and hand. His towering height allowed you to avoid his intense stare; instead you focused on the brooch pinned on the center of his kaftan, holding it together. There was something oddly familiar about it, yet you couldn't seem to place a finger on it.

You could feel his warm breath against your cheek which made it more unnerving to look up into those pools of crystal blue. You felt his grip on your hand tightened. Your cheeks heated up at the close proximity between the two of you.

"Close your eyes," he whispered into your ear, sending a chill down your spine. He sensed you shivered and held you closer. So, you did as he instructed and closed your eyes, making you more attuned to the music playing in the background and the way your feet moved side to side with the rhythm. He smelled of spring and you couldn't help but rested your head against his chest, allowing him to guide you in the darkness.

There was something comforting to be in the arms of another, fully trusting them to lead you, to not let you fall. It had been a while, and the unknown, mysterious partner of yours only made the whole experience that much more exciting and scary. You tried to calm your racing heart by focusing on the music, but your mind kept going back to the fact that a stranger was holding you close, to the point where you could feel the warmth radiating off his body, and hear the sound of his breathing.

As the song came to an end, so did the trance you were in. He gently let go of you as you did the same with him. You curtsied once more as he bowed ever so slightly before leaving. You watched him disappeared into the crowd, intrigued by his identity and the closeness you shared with him.

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