Imagine Lee Breaking Your Heart (Part 2)

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You stood outside of the small coffee shop, your grip tightened around the purse you were holding, you drew in a deep breath before walking in. A light jingle rang from the bell hung above the door. You ordered your drink and took a seat near the back of the shop. You fished out your mobile and scrolled through it randomly to take your mind off what was about to happen.

It had been five years since you last seen Lee. You were at a better place now and you were now in a happy relationship. You hadn't thought of Lee for about two years now until you bumped into him at Central Park. You were taking a walk and Lee was doing the same. When you first saw him, you couldn't quite believe it. He seemed to be at a better place himself. He was back to his usual weight, his eyes weren't swollen, he was growing a light stubble and his hair was more tidy than the last time you'd seen him. Both of you smiled awkwardly at one another, unsure of how to handle the situation. After a quick exchange of pleasantries, you agreed to catch up with him over a cup of coffee. You were relieved nothing too dramatic happened from that unexpected encounter.

So, here you were and as it turned 2 p.m., Lee waltzed right in. He ordered his coffee before taking the seat across the table from you.

"How are you?" you asked, your hand still fiddling with the handle of the coffee cup.

"I'm good. How about you?" Lee unwrapped the scarf he had around his neck.

"Not too bad," you smiled. Lee returned the smile and waited for the barista to serve his coffee. He took a swig from it as you did the same. "So, what have you been up to?" you asked. You hated small talk but you weren't sure what else you could talk about or what there was to talk about.

"Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that," he nodded slightly. "Been quite busy with some acting gigs."

"Oh yea! I noticed. You were everywhere last year," you pointed out. Lee chuckled; a light shade of pink grew on his cheeks at that remark. He seemed somewhat more reserved than you remembered.

"And I had been doing quite a bit of gardening and farming," he continued, in an attempt to divert your attention away from his job.

"Finally! You've always talked about wanting to do it," you replied. Lee nodded as he took another sip of his coffee. "Yup. Sold the old place and moved Upstate. Got a little place with a bit of land."

"That sounds great."

"Uh huh. I mean, I wish I could do more with it, but at the moment with my schedule and all, it's a little difficult. I always end up planting a bunch of vegetables and flowers in the garden but had to go off for a project and return to a forest," he laughed. You chuckled along. You were happy that he was finally doing what he always wanted to do – farming and acting.

"But enough about me, what have you been up to?" Lee asked as he leaned back in his seat. You told him briefly about how your work had been, your promotions and the new apartment. He congratulated you and soon the two of you resumed with the old rhythm of things. You weren't concern about what to say or what to ask, the conversation was flowing freely as you talked about books, films and traveling. You were on your third cup of coffee when the conversation finally turned to relationships. You felt jittery about approaching the subject, but Lee was the one who brought it up. So, you told him about your new relationship as he confessed that he was still single, but happy. He admitted that it was difficult to maintain a proper relationship now with his busy schedule and due to his line of work, he was required to travel quite a fair amount. So, he was contented with where he was just as you were contented with yours. Mentally you let out a sigh of relief. You were afraid at first that either of you won't be able to handle discussing such a delicate topic, but here you were. He also seemed to be genuinely happy for you which you were grateful for.

It was only when your phone rang that you realized what time it was. You finished the call quickly and were about to apologize to Lee that you had to leave now when he interrupted you.

"Wait, just give me a minute, Y/N. I know you need to leave but there's something I've been meaning to tell you for quite some time now," Lee reached out to place his hand on top of yours. You inhaled deeply and nodded. He let go of you and downed his cup of coffee. You could tell he was nervous now. He fidgeted with his hands as he focused on the empty coffee cup rather than looking you in the eye. You gave him time to build up his courage to say what he wanted to say as you prepared yourself for the unknown.

He reached inside the pocket of his coat and revealed a red velvet box. You could feel your blood ran cold as your hands trembled at the sight. His eyes finally met yours again. He was fiddling with the box in his hands. "I-"

"Don't Lee," you uttered through gritted teeth. He shook his head.

"No. Listen to me, Y/N. This," he glanced down at the box. "I bought this for you before we broke up. I was meant to propose to you when I got back from that assignment in LA... but I screwed up. I got distracted when I shouldn't have, and I know now what a jerk I've been for doing that to you. I got caught up with the whole Hollywood scene and I just lost myself along the way. I got lost and I lost you in the process," he turned his gaze to you once again. You could see the welled up tears in his eyes. "When I finally came to my senses, it was too late. You were gone and I don't blame you for that. I would've left me if I were you. And it wasn't fair or nice of me to keep pestering you since then. I thought that if we just give it another shot, then things between the two of us would go back to the way they were. But now I know it's foolish of me to think that and to force you to choose to be with me again. It'll never be the same even if we got back together because of what happened and it'll just end in another heartbreak if we did get back together. And I know that now. You were just protecting yourself and you were protecting me from it," he paused to take in another deep breath. You were tugging on the sleeve of your top the entire time he was talking.

"But I want you to keep this," he pushed the box towards you.

"I can't do that, Lee."

He shook his head. "Take it. I don't care what you do with it, but it's yours. I've tried to get rid of it a few years ago but I couldn't, because I knew I need you to have it. I bought it for you. I love you, Y/N, and I always will. And no I'm not trying to convince you to be with me again. I just wanted to let you know that. You were there for me at a time when things were hell for me, when I was just a kid venturing into the real world. You helped me in more ways than you could ever imagine and for that you would always have a place in my heart."

And at that moment as you looked into Lee's eyes, you knew he was right. Deep down inside, you hadn't stopped loving him even after all this time. He changed your life just as you had changed his. That relationship made you into who you were today. No matter what you told yourself, what the two of you had was unique; it was different from your other relationships. He was your first love, just as you were his. You smiled sadly at Lee as you took the box and opened it to reveal a small and simple diamond ring. You picked it up to examine it closely, and there within the band was an inscription – I love you, always. Lee.

A/N: I didn't plan on writing a Part 2 for this imagine, but after a few requests, I thought why not, and gave it a try. I know this isn't exactly the imagine you were hoping for but it felt right. Please forgive me for not writing a happy ending or a particularly sad one, I left it ambiguous because I wanted you to decide what you would like the ending to be. :) Feel free to vote/comment below with what you think happened in the next scene. Would love to hear what you think. Thank you so much for reading. x :) 

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