Imagine Lee Breaking Your Heart...

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It was way past midnight but you were still wide awake, your eyes focused on the ceiling above you. You let out a sigh of defeat. Your body felt exhausted, your muscles ached yet your brain was bouncing around, unwilling to let you sleep. Your phone buzzed suddenly, startling you. You reached over for your mobile on the bedside table.

Unknown number: Y/N!!!! SOS. I NEED YOU!!!

You squinted at the all caps message and even though it was an unknown number, you knew who it was. You ignored the message and switched off the screen of your phone, tossing it onto the table once again. You hugged your blanket closer and turned away with your back facing the phone, eyes shut tightly. You knew what was coming. Those pleading eyes. That straight nose. Those perfectly shaped lips. Oh, what you could do to those lips. You shook your head and buried your face into your pillow, letting out a muffled scream.

It was then that the familiar ringtone rang and filled up the silence of your bedroom. You ignored it and waited for the tune to stop. It eventually did, and for a brief second you thought you got away with it until your phone started to ring again. You let the call drop, and again it rang. This continued for a few more times before you sat up, fuming as you picked up the phone.

"What the fuck do you want, Lee?!" you yelled.

"Erm... I'm sorry for disturbing you this late Miss, but your friend here borrowed my phone to give you a call but he just passed out a couple of minutes ago," said an unfamiliar voice.

You exhaled and ran a hand through your hair. "Is he really tall? About 6' 5", 6' 4"? Messy dark brown hair? Goes by the name Lee?"

"Yup! That's him," replied the stranger. You drew in a deep breath. "Okay. Where are you guys at at the moment?"

"I'll text you the location."

You waited for him to end the call and seconds later your phone buzzed with a text of the location. It was a twenty-minute drive. You grabbed your purse and slipped on a coat. You ignored your aching body and made your way to the garage and to your car. As you drove towards the bar, your mind was having an internal debate. A part of you knew this was a terrible idea but another part of you was convinced that it was a worse idea to ignore the SOS call. You would end up blaming yourself for being such a horrid person. So, as you turned the car towards the walkway where you spotted Lee slumped in a sitting position, his back against a wall with an unfamiliar man stood next to him. You got out of the car, crossing your arms to keep your coat wrapped tightly around you to conceal your pjs and to shield yourself from the cold weather.

"Hi, I'm the person you just called a while ago about this fella," you mumbled and gestured toward Lee as you approached the stranger. He smiled sheepishly and nodded. You helped him lift Lee up to his feet. You hadn't a clue how you were going to get him through the driveway later and into his house all by yourself. The two of you helped Lee into the car and watched him slid down, his body sprawled across the backseat of your car. You thanked the kind stranger and drove towards the direction you hadn't been to for the past year and a half. During the silent drive, you shifted your gaze between the road ahead and the rearview mirror to check on the passed out figure in the back of your car. He was out cold. His face was flushed from the amount of alcohol he had ingested throughout the night. He had a fully grown beard, his hair unkempt and longer than you had ever seen it before. He also seemed to have gain a little weight since you last saw him. The smell of vodka and tequila slowly covered the pine-scented air freshener you had hung in your car. You rolled down the window a little to let in some fresh air.

About half an hour later, you turned into the driveway of his house. The grass on his front garden seemed like it hadn't been mowed for a few months now which was uncharacteristic of Lee. You killed the engine and turned to see Lee still unconscious. You unbuckled the seatbelt and reached back to his coat and fished out his house keys. The silver keychain in the shape of a dog which you had given to him after your visit to a dog shelter still kept his keys in a bundle. You bit your lower lip to distract yourself from the overflowing memories.

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