Imagine sitting by a lake at Upstate New York with Lee...

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You can't help but smile at the fluttery feeling that's been growing inside you for the past hour. You look up at the calm water that stretches out before you with trees of gold, orange and red leaves covering the rolling hills behind the lake. 

Lee's voice is low and soft as he continues to read from the novel he's holding with one hand which is resting on top of your arm. You can feel the warmth emanating from his body which you're leaning against. His other arm is resting on top of your abdomen, holding you close.

 "Y/N?" You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of your name. "You're no longer reading or listening, are you?" Lee asks with a soft chuckle.

You bite the inside of your cheek softly before turning slightly to look at him. His eyes heavy from reading, looks right into yours, the blueish-green pools have never seem richer than right at this moment. He folds the corner of the page he was reading from and closed the book, setting it aside before wrapping his arms around you tighter. You can't help but giggle and rests your hands on top of his before turning your attention back to the lake.

 "I love this place," you state matter of factly. "We should come here more often."

"Mmmhmm..." Lee agreed as he rests his cheek against the side of head, studying the nature around the two of you. 

You let the silence envelope you as the orchestra from your surroundings become more evident - birds chirping, and leaves brushing against one another as the autumn breeze whispers. You can feel the rise and fall of Lee's chest behind you. The rhythm of his breathing is slow and deep and before long you find yourself beginning to sync yours with his.

You glance up at the orange and yellow leaves above you, and the cloudless rich blue skies. The two of you were exploring the woods nearby Lee's farmhouse when you stumble across a small pathway that led you to this view of the lake. It was only then that the two of you have decided to rest under this tree and simply embrace the beauty of the countryside. Lee frees one of his hands to push away your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear before pressing his lips on the side of your forehead right below your hairline. You smile once again, making a mental note to remember this moment.

Lee Pace ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now