Imagine Thranduil Meeting His Wife After Centuries...

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Ragged breathing, erratic heartbeat, the distinct silence and darkness that swallowed him whole. Thranduil sat up from his disturbed slumber. He ran his fingers through his long silky silver blond hair. Beads of perspiration covered his forehead. It had been a week since he had returned from Dale. It was the same amount of days since Legolas, his son, had left his side to venture down a path Thranduil had been aware of but resistant toward. Images from the recent war haunted his sleep since his return to Mirkwood. It didn't matter how many years, how many centuries, or how many battles he fought, Thranduil still suffered from post-war trauma. Nightmares, paranoia, heartache – you named it, he had experienced it before. So, this time was no different from before.

Thranduil wiped off the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his robe. He inched off the canopy bed and was immediately greeted by a chilling breeze. He rubbed his eyes as his breathing and heart rate began to return to normal. He was about to walk to the balcony for a breath of fresh air when the sudden sense that he wasn't alone in the room washed over him. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stood and a prickly feeling ran down his spine. He reached for the knife by his bedside table. Something he kept nearby as a precaution. As quietly as possible, he followed his instincts and made his way towards where he believed the presence was. The thin white curtains billowed in the growing breeze.

"Uuma dela, heruamin (Don't worry, my Lord)."

Those words. That voice. It can't be. Thranduil froze midway, his fingers still wound tightly around the knife, but his heart rate had begun to race again. His eyes squinted at the shadow by the curtains. Everything moved in slow motion. He wanted to move closer, to get a better look of who it was, but his feet felt like they were weighed down by lead. He held his breath as the person slowly appeared before him.

"Melamin (My love)."

He watched as she made her way towards him. She looked exactly as he had remembered her. The porcelain skin that always seemed to glow. The curly silver blond hair that reached her waist, always neatly combed and never out of place, even now it flowed freely in the direction of the wind but not once shielding that beautiful face of hers. That face that captured his heart the moment he laid eyes on her centuries ago. The ocean blue eyes that seemed so endless, that opened a window to her soul, that reflected who he really was, and their future together. Then there was the perfectly shaped nose and bowed lips with its ends curled into a loving smile.

Thranduil felt his blood ran cold as she stood right before him. They were only a few inches apart now. Nothing changed since the last time he had seen her. She reached out and with those long, delicate fingers and gently cupped his cheek. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't dare to lean into her hand nor did he dared to reach up and hold her hand with his. She looked so fragile, so perfect, that the idea of moving a single cell in his body would cause her to shatter into a million pieces.

"Thranduil," she began with her velvet, airy voice. Her fingers weaved through his hair, combing it before they traveled to his upper arm and eventually his hand. He looked down as her fingers laced with his. They still fit perfectly like two pieces of puzzle.

"Breathe," she reminded him. He finally did. He exhaled through his parted lips. "Wh-"

"It's alright, melamin. Shhh..." She knew what he was going to ask. "I'm so proud of you, especially what you've done with our son." She smiled. Thranduil didn't realize it until then that there were tears in his eyes. He was so stunned by all of this that all he could do was to ensure that he was still standing upright. She wiped away the drops of tears that rolled down his cheek. He had forgotten how it felt like...

As if on cue, her arms found their way around him as she pulled him in a tight embrace. He was still for a moment before his arms made their way around her, ever so gently, just in case. He leaned into her as he rested his head on the crook of her neck. She smelled exactly the same – the beginning of spring where everything came to life after a few months of dark and dreary winter. He had forgotten how it felt like to be held, to be so close, so intimate with another being. His heart ached as his grip tightened around her, for a fear of forgetting how all this would feel like.

Ragged breathing, erratic heartbeat, the distinct silence and darkness that swallowed him whole once again. Thranduil woke up with his cheeks stained with tears. He sat up with a heavy head, the room spun ever so slightly. It all felt so real. He could still feel her arms around him, the warmth of her body, the smell of her hair, and the sound of her voice. Sadness hung over him as reality slowly set in.

A/N: This was something slightly different, it was a request on Instagram. Hope you've enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! x

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