Imagine Roman Making it Up to You After a Fight...

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"Are you kidding me, Roman?! He's just a friend!"

Roman tossed and turned on the lumpy couch for the umpteenth time. After the unnecessary fight and the kerfuffle he caused last night, he had been locked out of the bedroom which he shared with you, and had resorted to sleeping on the uncomfortable couch. He replayed the night on a loop, trying to recall what had happened that led him to spending the night on the couch.

The two of you had decided to have a night out at the local bar instead of being cooped in the small one-bedroom house. Everything was going smoothly at first – he had graciously buy the drinks for the night, obliged when you said you wanted to dance to a song you loved when it played on the jukebox, and he flirted with you; something he hadn't done in a while now – until your work friend, Aaron turned up. 

Aaron had came into the bar alone and was nursing a bottle of beer by the bar, occasionally turning his attention to the TV screen above the bar. It was clear he was unhappy about something. You, being you, decided to approach him to ask what was troubling him, leaving Roman alone at the booth. He watched the two of you like a hawk, taking sips from his beer at first, but the longer you spent with Aaron, the bigger gulps Roman took, and from one bottle, it turned to two, three, four, and by the time you returned, there were six empty bottles scattered around the sticky wooden table, and a fairly tipsy Roman.

You were shocked by the amount he had drank, and knew it was best to call it a night. When you tried to coax him to get up and head home, he began to protest. He swatted your hands away, a string of unflattering comments followed causing the other patrons of the bar to turn and look. You felt your cheeks burned but kept your patience. You used your usual tactics to try to get him to cooperate, but he wasn't having any of it that night. When he finally stood up, he shoved you out of the way, causing you to stumble backwards until Aaron held onto you.

That was when Roman completely lost it. He pushed you aside and threw the first punch. You screamed for him to stop, but watched in horror as Roman swung his fists in Aaron's direction. The bartender was the first to react, followed by the nearby patrons who held Roman back. 

Aaron was about to retaliate when he was stopped by the others. You apologized profusely to Aaron, and paid the bill as Roman was dragged towards the exit and pushed into the streets. When you finally joined him, you ignored the fact that he was still swearing away at no one in particular now. You crossed your arms and started in the direction of home. You could feel Roman trailing behind you, but neither one of you spoke to one another. When you finally reached home, you went straight for the bedroom and locked the door. Then, the protest began; Roman banged on the door, demanding you to let him in, claiming that he didn't do anything wrong, that you had started it. That was when you lost it. You unlocked the door, much to Roman's surprise.

"Are you kidding me, Roman?! He's just a friend! I'm allowed to have guy friends, just like you're allowed to have female friends! So, don't you dare blame the mess you just caused on me! I was helping out a friend who was having some family troubles, and instead of asking or trying to understand the situation, you just blew it out of proportion! Sometimes, you're  just impossible, Roman!" you huffed.

You could tell from his ragged breathing and the rage in his eyes what he was about to do. When he lunged forward, you stepped back, shaking your fists in his face. "Don't you dare, Roman! Don't. You. Dare."

He froze a feet away from you, the reality of the situation slowly began to set in as the alcohol-induced stupor began to wear off.

"Why do you always do this, Roman?" you groaned and stormed back into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you.

Upon checking the time, Roman realized it was pointless to force himself to sleep, it was nearly seven in the morning. He pushed himself off the couch and decided to take a cold shower to rid himself of all the frustration. 

As the cold water trickled down his bare back, he knew he needed to make it up to you. He wasn't prepared to ruin another relationship. He knew you weren't like the others, that you were different. You were patient, you were a great listener, understanding, and were able to fill in all the gaps in his heart which he had so desperately tried to fill over the years. So, with you, he had always stayed and tried to make amends. Last night, was something that hadn't happened in a while now. He had been good. He had been keeping his temper in check for some time now, but for some reason, seeing you with Aaron last night completely unnerved him.

Stepping out of the shower, he hoped what he was about to do would be able to make you forgive him for his impulsiveness. He slipped into a grey undershirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms. He rummaged through the fridge for whatever ingredients were available for his mix, and began to busy himself around the kitchen.

You stirred from your sleep to the smell of sizzling bacon and muffled curses. Confused and dazed, you unlocked the bedroom door to find an unfamiliar sight - Roman in the kitchen area, his back facing you as he juggled between the various pans he had over the stove. Bewildered, you rubbed your eyes and made a beeline towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" you croaked. You cleared your throat as you stood by the kitchen island.

Startled by your unannounced appearance, Roman felt anxious. He was hoping to have everything ready before you wake up. He mumbled another string of curses under his breath.

"Are you making breakfast?" you asked as the veil of drowsiness lifted.

"I wanted to surprise you," Roman grumbled, his back still facing you as he tried to keep up with the mushrooms in one pan, bacon in another, and scrambled eggs in the third pan. "But I guess it's no longer a surprise."

You frowned and watched for a moment until Roman accidentally burnt his already bruised hand in the process. You sighed and offered your help to which he shook his head stubbornly.

"Everything's under control," he mumbled. "Breakfast will be ready in ten."

You watched for another minute before leaving him for the bathroom. You knew it would be fruitless trying to butt in, especially when Roman was this focused.

Surely enough, once you were freshened up, Roman was setting the plates of food on the small dining table. You could spot the beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. You took your seat and waited for Roman as he filled the glasses with orange juice. He took a seat next to you. You studied the feast laid out before you. This would be the first time Roman had ever cooked for you. You weren't even aware that he knew how to cook.

He placed his hand on top of yours, his gaze finally meeting yours. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what came over me, but when I saw you with your friend, something inside me snapped. I-I'm just worried that one day, you'll walk out on me when you finally realized how much more you deserve. You're so much more better than me, Y/N. I still don't understand why you're with me. And because of that, I'm constantly living in fear that I'll lose you at any moment."

You tilted your head, the creases on your forehead became more visible. He never mentioned any of these insecurities to you before.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I promise I'll keep working on myself. I'll be better, I promise you. I want to be the man you deserve."

You shook your head, cupping the side of his face. "You are enough, Roman. I don't care about your past, neither do I care about your flaws. They are what makes you, you. And I love you for being you. I don't need a better man or whatever it is you think I deserve. All I need is you."

Roman studied you, doubt plastered across his face.

You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips against his. You allowed this simple gesture to show him that you meant what you said, that he was indeed enough, that he was all you ever wanted, needed. You felt the tension in his body began to dissipate. His arms pulled you close, and soon you were found straddling him, your arms laced around his neck as his hands held your hips firmly with breakfast being the last thing on either one of your minds.

A/N: This is a request by @lucyernst. I hope it is what you hoped for. Thanks everyone for reading! Feel free to leave your feedback below and/or a request for an imagine. :)

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