Imagine Being Lee's Date...

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"I can't believe you dragged me into this," you whispered through pursed lips. You were standing in the middle of a star-studded party with a glass of cocktail in hand. You took a sip from it, your face immediately scrunched up at the taste. You had not a clue what kind of concoction it was and quickly placed it on one of the tables nearby. Lee was by your side. He didn't seem to mind the awful taste of the cocktail as he downed it in one gulp.

"I'm sorry!" he whispered back. "I didn't realize the party was going to be this big of a deal," he admitted. "Or this fan-"

"Lee!" a beautiful and elegantly dressed woman walked up to the both of you. It was hard to ignore her - the dangly diamond earrings that framed her perfectly sculpted face, the wavy blond hair that was done in a classy updo, the big blue eyes, the perfect white teeth, and lastly the hourglass figure. She was the definition of an A-list Hollywood actress. She greeted Lee with a kiss on the cheek. You stood by his side, trying your best to not be awkward as you flashed your best smile.

"This must be your girlfriend," the woman pointed out as she greeted you in a similar fashion as she did with Lee. You could feel Lee's arm snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. "Yep. This is Y/N. Y/N, this is Catherine."

"Nice to meet you, Catherine," you added. You could feel her eyes scanned you from top to bottom. She had a good few inches on you, it was only the first few minutes of being at the party and you already felt intimidated and out of place. She excused herself to greet the new arrivals. You let out a sigh of relief as Lee let go of you the moment Catherine was out of sight.

"You owe me big time!" you whispered.

"I know," he sighed.

"Remind me again why are we doing this?" you asked as you turned to face him. He ran a hand over his hair. His eyes observed the room for a few seconds, making sure no one was paying any attention to what he was about to say.

"Because Catherine's been coming onto me since day one of filming and I don't date my co-stars," he explained.

"Can't you just say no to her?"

"I did! But she won't stop! So, I said I already have a girlfriend and that somewhat eased her off my back. I just didn't think I would actually have to show up somewhere with a girlfriend I didn't actually have," he said softly.

"So, I'm the only one who's crazy enough to help you out?"

"Nope. You're the only one who's available," he joked, earning a slap on the arm. He laughed at your reaction. "I called you 'cause I know I can trust you," he answered truthfully. You grinned smugly. "And you're the only one who's crazy enough to do this," he added. You feigned a gasp, earning another chuckle from Lee. "Now what?" you asked, turning your attention back to the room full of celebrities and people from the film industry.

"Just follow my lead," he said and so you did. He led you to a small group of people and introduced you to them as you stood by his side with your best smile and listened to them chat about the industry and any upcoming projects. You eventually found the one drink you didn't hate and had been eyeing for the waiters who were serving that particular mix. The alcohol definitely helped with the time. It was hard to identify who was being genuine and who was lying during these small talks. You didn't know how Lee could do this throughout the night. It was so unlike him. But since it was part of the job, he had learned to cope with these functions and tonight was the first time you got to witness firsthand how he fit in with his peers. You could tell who he preferred to chat with and who he didn't.

You were beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol when you spotted Catherine stealing glances at you and Lee from across the room. You kept an eye out and realized she might have figured it out. So, you took Lee's hand, surprising him as you led him away from the group of agents he was speaking with.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a voice slightly above a whisper. He pulled his hand away from yours.

"Hold my hand, dammit! We gotta make this look convincing if you want this to work," you whispered, lacing your fingers with his. In that instant, you could feel him do as he was told. You led him to a corner of the room where there were less people. "She's been watching you like a hawk." You tilted your head towards Catherine's direction where she was busy entertaining a few guests.

"No, she's not! You're just making an excuse so you could hold my hand," he teased with a grin. 

"Yea, right." You rolled your eyes. "I'm serious, Lee. If you want this woman to let you off the hook, we might as well do this properly or else you just wasted a perfectly good night in."

He gave you a look but knew deep down that you were right. So he relaxed at the notion of holding your hand and the fact that you were standing mere inches away from him. Even though the two of you had been friends for a very long time, and had hugged countless times, held each other's hands, and even fell asleep on the same bed, tonight felt somewhat different. You were all dressed up to the nines and it wasn't that you never dressed up when you hung out with him, but tonight's look was different. You had outdone yourself. He could tell you had put an extra effort to sell the whole idea that you were his girlfriend and to fit in with this crazy crowd of people he called his peers. He couldn't thank you enough for doing this for him. It was a last minute favor and you said yes. Now, with you next to him, he was glad he asked you. You made the idea of a fake relationship less awkward and it was simply easier and more comfortable to do this with you.

"Earth to Lee."

Your voice pulled him out of his trance. He had been staring at you for the last few minutes without saying a word. You bet he didn't even hear a word you just said. "Where did you go this time?"

He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. He was about to say something else when one of the partygoers approached the both of you. "Lee! It's been too long! How have you been?" the stranger asked.

"Toby!" Lee released your hand and shook Toby's. "I'm good. How are you?"

"Never been better. And who might this lovely lady be?" Toby turned to you.

"This is my girlfriend, Y/N," Lee introduced. You smiled and shook his hand. "Y/N, this is Toby. He was one of my cast mates from Infamous," Lee continued.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N."

"Likewise," you replied.

You stood by Lee's side and listened to the two old friends caught up. You were laughing along to one of Toby's stories when you noticed Catherine's eyes on you again. You quickly snuck your arm around Lee's, leaning against him as you diverted your attention back to the conversation before you. You made sure your hand was holding onto his, occasionally running the free hand over Lee's suit jacket as if you were smoothing a crease.

When Toby excused himself after being called by another partygoer, you were left alone with Lee once again. You were about to say something about Catherine who was heading towards the both of you when he whispered, "Quick, kiss me."

"What?!" your eyes widened at what you thought he just said.

Lee didn't answer you, instead he cupped your face, pulling you closer to him as he tilted his head, his lips crashed onto yours, taking you by surprise. You watched his eyes closed as the kiss deepened. His other hand let go of yours as it wound around your waist, drawing you closer to him. Your knees buckled under you. You held onto his shoulders for support. Your eyes fluttered shut as you allowed yourself to get lost in the kiss. You could feel him smiled before his lips parted with yours. You sighed, eyes opening slowly to meet his twinkling blue ones. The first thing you noticed was the smeared lipstick around his lips. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you quickly brushed away the stain with your thumb. He chuckled, eyes moving away from you to the space where Toby was a while ago.

You followed his gaze and realized then that Catherine was standing a few feet away in that direction. The sign of defeat was evident on her face. She pursed her lips and walked away. It dawned on you then why Lee asked you to kiss him. He did it so she would officially stop pestering him. But then why did it feel like it was more than just a kiss? Why did he smile at the end? And why was he looking at you in a way you hadn't seen him looking at you before? Could it be? Does he...?

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