Chapter 8

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*Emily's POV*

I can't believe Matthew worried about me so much. He is sooooo sweet. Hand in hand we walk up to the desk.

"A double room please," Matthew said.

"Sure thing," the girl at the desk said, "Here is your keys. It's on the second floor."

"Thanks," I say to her.

Before we leave Jasmine weaves her way around behind the desk hugging the girl and said "Hey guys this is one of my besties Chloe Schwass not Chloe Drabble who is there" she gestured at the Chloe we had previously met, "She works as receptionist sometimes for extra cash."

"Hi," I said as I put my hand out for her to shake. Matthew does the same after me.

We walk up the stairs together except for Chloe S because she was still working.

"This is your guys room," Chloe D said, " The other Chloe and Jasmine is just down the hall at 2H, Quinn and I are right across from you."

"Thanks Chloe," I smiled at her.

"All goods. Anyway you guys get sorted and we'll see you later," Chloe said as she and Quinn both wave goodbye.

Matthew and I drag our gear into the spacious room. For twenty-five dollars a night this is amazing. When I put my gear down I look at the little clock on the wall. I can just read what it said, five o'clock, before Matthew spun me around and pulled me into a tigh kiss. I pull back and say,

"Not now ok? Maybe later, but I wanna get my gear ready." I gave him a quick peck and started making the room feel a bit homier.

I put our suitcases atone end of the room and our day bags on the other. I spend ten minutes on making the room our own. I quickly write up a sign saying ♥Emily and Matthew's Room♥. I stuck it up on our door and looked at it with a proud expression on my face. Life is so sweet when you're in love!

"Done!" I exclaimed while admiring my handywork.

Quinn cam out to see what happened. She came in and looked inside.

"This is so cool. Chloe and I should do this to our room!" she quietly yelled.

"I know aye!" Matthew beamed.

"I am good aren't I," I say once again admiring my handy work but with two other people this time.

Quinn leaves and I quickly write up another sign: Do NOT disturb or you will feel my wrath!! Love Emily. I put that under the first one.

"Now the room is sorted out and I don't think anyone will disturb us," I said smoothly, "we can get back to what we started."

"Awesome," Matthew says as he leaps over the bed towards me.

"ON one condition," I say quickly, "There is to be kissing only. No hands under the shirt or anything because if someone doesn't read or listen to the sign we might get barged in on and that would be really embarrasing. So do you understand."

"Can I at least pick you up?" Matthew said pleadingly.

"Er..Ok." I said. I might aswell at least give him a bit of satisfaction.

He ran over to me, picked me up by the legs and started seriously kissing me. It got really intense really fast but it felt good and right. My hands were around is neck holding on for dear life because if he dropped me I would get so angry at him. He started to slowly walk over to the bed and he put me down. We both let out a big breath.

"Woah," I said softly.

"Woah," Matthew agreed.

He lent down and kissed me again but with less intensity. He put his tongue onto my lip. Asking for my permission. I slowly opened my mouth and all of a sudden I couldn't keep my eyes open. Once I blinked I couldn't open them again. All I could do was listen and feel. It was silent in the room. But what I could feel was so much more than that. He retreated after a little while.

"If I kept going I wouldn't have been able to stay on your conditions," He smiled cheekily at me.

"That's ok. I don't think I could've either," I confessed to him.

*Matthew's POV*

I've never done anything that felt so good and right before. Me and Emily were made for eachother. I know it. When I stopped it felt like the perfect timing. We just smiled at each other for what felt like an age. I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go answer it and I saw Jasmine Quinn and the two Chloes.

"Hey Matthew! Do you guys want to come to dinner with us," Jasmine asked.

"Sure!" Emily exclaimed leaping up from her position on the bed, "where are we going?"

"Our room," Quinn added, "Every Tuesday someone goes to the supermarket and buys what they want to have for dinner. I chose homemade fish and chips so we were wondering if you guys were game."

"For free food? Of course!" I bursted.

"Awesome!" Quinn giggled, "Meet us in my room in twenty-minutes."

"Yup see ya later!" Emily yelled from the other side of the room.

When the door shut she sprinted over to the suitcases and started tearing away at her suitcases.

"Must find good clothes," she said absent mindedly.

I just laughed an helped her find something. I convince her that what she is wearing is fine. When she agrees she rushes over to the bathroom to put some make-up on. That girl's gotta look perfect doesn't she. When she returns from her trip to the bathroom I couldn't keep my jaw from dropping. I must say she looked stunning. She came over and sat on my lap.

"I love you you know," I whisper to her.

"I know you do," she whispers back while snuggling into my neck.

I stand up and check the time.

"We should probably go now Emily," I say to her.


She jumps up and grabs my hand. We walk across the hall into Chloe and Quinn's place.


I won't do the Chloe D or Chloe S thing now. You'll just have to figure it out from context. :P

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