Chapter 10

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----One Uneventful Week Later----

*Emily's POV*

"Emily, do you want to go do something today?" Matthew asked me.

"Sure, what should we do?" I asked back.

"Maybe go to the beach," he offered.

"Yeah that would be cool. Imagine going to one of the beaches in Miami," I mused.

"Why don't we go to Miami then?" Matthew asked without out a clue of where Miami is.

"Miami is literally hundreds of miles away doofus," I sighed.

"Oh. We can still go though if you really want to."

"I do really want to go it's just a bit of a problem getting there," I said, "after all we have been using taxis to get around."

"Then we should hire a big campervan or something," he said as if we had planned this years ago.

"Alright you have convinced me. But we can't go alone, Chloe S, Chloe D, Quinn and Jasmine must come too."

"But I'll be the only guy," he whimpered, "can Harry come too?"

"Sure. It's just that there will be a lot of people," I explained.

"Then we will get the biggest campervan we can!" he exclaimed and with a skip in his step he went out the door to tell the others of our plan.

*Matthew's POV*

I went into Chloe and Quinn's room first. I knocked on the door and I heard a bit of running coming towards the door. I saw a bedraggled Chloe looking at me as though she was doing something really important and I had just interupted her.

"Hey Chloe, not trying to disturb you or anything but Emily and I just had the idea of going on a road trip to Florida and were wondering if you guys would like to come? We are thinking of hiring a really big camprevan so there will be a bit of a cost," I said in a slowish pace so she could keep up.

"Of course! That sounds great. When are you thinking of doing this trip?" she asked.

"In the next few days probably," I replied, "as soon as we have a campervan ready."

"Okay well I will let Quinn know and you just give us a shout when you're ready."

We waved good bye to eachother and I went down to Chloe and Jasmine's room. I had pretty much the same conversation with Jasmine but included Harry with the invitation. They're up for it to so I'd better book an extra large campervan. When I return back to my room I see Emily asleep on the bed. She is so cute when she sleeps. I get my laptop out and log on to the hostel's wi-fi. I search up large campervans to hire Los Angeles. I click on the first link and it's exactly what I want. Man I love Google! I find a really big campervan that is fifty bucks a night to hire. That's pretty good for a giant of a campervan. I click on the book this campervan buttton and it takes me to the process.

---------------------------Skipping the process :P------------------------------

Done! In two days we will be heading to Florida to go to the beaches in Miami. I am so pumped and I quickly text the other girls the deets. I gently shake Emily awake. Her eyes open very slowly and she asked in an almost whisper,

"What's happening?"

 "We are going to Miami in two days," I told her carefully.

Her eyes widened "Really?"

"Really," I smiled at her.

She sat up and planted a big kiss right on my lips.

"Matthew, I love you so much," she said inbetween kissing me again.

"I love you to baby," I said cradling her in my arms, "Everyone's coming and I found a huge van we can go in."

"You are amazing!" she squeals, "and to think you did it while I was sleeping."

We spend an hour talking about what we are going to do and if we have the right gear and stuff. Our stuff is all ready to go and we have enough money for the gas there and back and that's just inbetween Em and I cause the other's will have to shout as well. This trip is already well underway.


Hey guys will start trying to make updates quicker!

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