Chapter 16

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*Quinn's POV*

I snuck up behind Emily when she was facing the wall on her bed.

"Boo!" I yelled, grabbing her shoulders.

Boy could that girl squeal. In fact she lost her shit at me. After the shock she grabbed a pillow and started smacking me with it.

"Quinn you big meanie," Emily sulked.

"Suck it up girl. you're gonna have to get used to frights here."

"I'm not sure about you sometimes Q," Emily raised an eyebrow.

"No one is," I joked, "why were you taking to yourself just before?"

"I wasn't talking to myself before," she said defiantly.

"Uh, yeah you were. You were saying something about Matthew. I suppose you were day dreaming about him," I teased.

"No!" she exclaimed.


"I'm serious. It was about Matthew but I wasn't day dreaming. He and Charlotte were talking in the front and I may have eavesdropped," I sheepishly admitted.

"For shame Emily," I joked "but anyway, what did you hear."

"Some really sweet stuff that I never properly thought about before."


"Like that the love Matthew and I have for each other being stupidly, blatantly obvious. Like the fact that we have more chemistry than Jasmine and Harry," Emily spilled.

"As if I didn't know," I sighed jokingly.

"Yeah," she sighed happily.

"We're going to this city called Tucson before we leave Arizona," Matthew called out from the front.

"Can we go to Starbucks," Chloe asked enthusiastically.

"Great idea Chlo," Jasmine said.

"Starbucks it is then," Charlotte giggled.

"How long do we have before getting to Tucson?" Emily asked. Always practicality first.

"A bit less than an hour," Charlotte said.

"Awesome," I said.

Emily leapt up and grabbed her make up bag and crammed herself into our tiny bathroom. I quietly chuckled to myself and dived onto Matthew and Emily's bed.

When Emily came back to put her make up bag away, I grabbed her and pulled her down whilst screaming "twice in a row!" Emily have me a playful shove when she composed herself.

"Will you always try to scare me?" she asked.

"Probably," I replied.

"What the hell was that?" Harry asked, startled.

"Me scaring Emily for the second time in a row," I announced proudly.

"Well it's distracting the driver," Matthew said, "and would Emily please come here."

Emily hopped up from the bed and headed for the front, she turned back and poked her tongue out at me. I poked my tongue back imitating her. We smiled at each other then she turned around and walked up to the front again.

*Emily's POV*

"So what did you want?" I asked nonchalantly.

"You mainly," Matthew said pulling me onto his lap.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I asked, "you know, me sitting on your lap while you drive."

"I can still see the road."

"Ok. Well what did you want me to do or whatever."

"Sit with me and keep me company for the next half an hour," he smiled.

His smile always makes my heart melt. His shiny teeth and the cute little dimples on his cheeks. I quickly looked down shyly before he noticed I was staring at his face. He put his fingers under my chin to pull my head up.

"Why are you looking down the view's up here," he said gesturing towards his face.

"That's what I was staring at just before," I mumbled. My cheeks flamed up instantly. I mentally face palmed myself, just tell the whole world why dontcha' Emily!

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that.. or not," he teased.

I lightly gave him a shove. "Your so mean Matthew."

"I'm sorry babe," he pouted.

I mimicked his pout. He just smiled afterwards. If the pout wasn't enough the smile just sealed the deal.

"Pull over," I whispered tracing my lips around his ear.

"Come on Emily, we have ten more minutes left till we are in Tucson," he whined.

"No," I said firmly, "just swap with someone."

"Fine," he huffed.

"Jazzy would you be awesome and drive the rest of the way?" I asked sweetly.

"Sure," she said leaping up from her spot in the bed, "I've had nothing to do all day except eat cereal."

Matthew pulled over to a gas station filled up the fuel tank and Jasmine swapped positions with him.

I pulled his shirt into our bedroom thing and quickly told Quinn that there were to be no surprises. She nodded with a sky smile on her face and I poked her cheek.

Matthew spun me around and I flopped onto the bed. He hovered over me. His lips came down, slow and soft. My fingertips played with his hair and his arms slid around my waist. I held my back up as if there was a magnetic force pulling our bodies together.

His lips left mine and he started rubbing my back while kissing my chest. I let my fingers slide down to the hem of his shirt.

Just as I was about to slip his shirt off his head, Harry interrupted us and called out "Get a room you two and we are here."

I leapt up and looked out the window and I could see a sign,

Welcome To Tucson

And I could see Starbucks. My most favourite coffee shop on the world. As we got out of our van it was sweltering. The air conditioning in the van made everything seem so cool but as soon as I got outside I wanted to get in my bikini and dive in a pool somewhere.

When we got inside I immediately made my order, a regular size chocolate frappe. That sounded like the best thing right now.

When everyone placed their order we got a huge table. there weren't quite enough seats so we had to borrow some from other tables. In just two minutes everyone had their drinks. There were mostly frappes but Chloe and Jasmine had a coffee.

It felt like I was in high school again. Chilling at some cafe with all my friends chatting about stuff, passing our boyfriends/girlfriends. It reminds me about the little things in life don't really change.

We left not long after we got our drinks. Jasmine continued driving but with a slightly faster speed because she was more awake after a bit of her coffee.

I pushed everyone to the front if the van so me and Matthew can try remake the moment we had earlier.

~~~Ten minutes later~~~

Nothing happened we just talked about things aimlessly. That's kind of become the story of my life. Talk aimlessly to the person you are in love with. I'm not a hard person to please.

In an hour we got to New Mexico. We found a Mexican place when it started getting dark. Everyone had an awesome time at dinner. There were hundreds of overnight parking spots for campers there which made it easy to find a spot. My long day was finally over and all I wanted was sleep.


Hey! I updated pretty fast this time didn't I? I hope it's long enough for you guys :/. I just finished reading an amazing book called little miss perfect by writerbug. it's a super good story so if you want to read it I encourage you to.

Vote/comment please!

Bye imaginit4

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