Chapter 11

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*Emily's POV*

Today is the day! I'm going to Miami with my boyfriend and newly found friends. It's so exciting. My bags are all packed and Matthew has gone to get the van. I run round my room wondering what else I could do. I go to my friend's rooms and make sure they are ready. Some have already gone down to the lobby. I take Matthew's stuff down the stairs and leave them with Jasmine. I go back up to bring down my stuff. By then everyone else is already down waiting. We talk until Matthew bursts through the door and shouts,

"Hurry up guys I couldn't find a park big enough so I had to double park. Now let's move it before we get fined!"

Everyone jumps up and runs as fast as they can with all their gear on hand. Everyone helps each other get the bags down the back so we can start driving. Matthew and Harry jump in the front seats and the campervan jerks forward. I fall down onto one of the seats and everyone else lands on top of me. All together they are a heavy load. When everyone stumbles off me I regain my footing and help everyone put the bags out of the way. We are on a road trip to Florida. It will take between five and six days if we drive  at least seven hours each day. We are going to share out the driving equally. There is a minimum of two hours driving. If we keep switching every half hour we'll lose time. I'm the one who came up with the rules and made a register of who's driving. I love to make lists and signs. The list is on the dash board and looks like this:

Driving Register ~ Sign on the lines below.

Name:______________. Amount of time driving:______________.

Name:______________. Amount of time driving:______________.

Name:______________. Amount of time driving:______________.

And so on. There are like thirty lines of it. I spent half an hour doing it and doing the same thing over and over it gets very tiring, I can tell you that. All us girls sat down and started talking about stuff. When we ran out of topics we started playing eye spy. I had the hardest one.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with....W!" I said. The word was wheel but no one guessed for ages and they all gave up in the end. I am the boss at this game.

Matthew and Harry switched positions and Matthew cam back and told Harry to turn the radio up loud. Ironicly enough the song 'Life is a Highway' was on. Matthew grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He grabbed my hand and started dancing. I went along with it. We danced until the song was over. Harry was glancing into the back view mirror and when we finished dancing he whistled. I shouted at him,

"Keep your eyes on the road buddy!"

*Jasmine's POV*

Matthew came to the back and grabbed Emily's hand and started to dance. She quickly started to as well. They looked like they were having heaps of fun. The song that was on was pretty fitting to what we were doing, 'Life is a Highway' I remember when I first heard that song on Cars 1. I love that movie. I wish Harry wasn't driving because I would have loved to dance with him. But I suppose it's better to get to Miami faster. Matthew and Emily have some pretty smooth moves.When the song finished I felt a small wave of relief brush over me. The envy was seriously getting to me.

Matthew whispered something in Emily's ear and she giggled and nodded. They started to walk towards the back of the van and closed the curtain, that goes across, behind them. Emily stuck her head out and waved at us with a big cheesy grin on her face. I could hear a bit of lip smacking then a kind of humming. We all knew what they were doing so I tried to think of a conversation starter.

"Hey guys, do you know those vines that people post on facebook?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah why?" Chloe asked back.

"Well I was wondering if you guys know the one where that asian guy does a remix on the 'my milkshake' song."

"Yes, I have seen that one. It is so flippin' funny!" Quinn exclaimed.

"Let's sing it really loud ok?" I ask.

"Sure let's do it,"  Chloe said.

"On the count of three. 1, 2, 3!" I shouted.

"My homework brings all the asians to the yard and they're like, that wasn't even hard. I could teach you but I have to charge!" We all sang at the top of our lungs. We kept singing and singing and Harry joined in to. When we all ran out of breath we slumped back into our seats.

"Now that was singing," Matthew said popping his head through the curtain.


Yay I finally finished a chapter. That is an actual vine on facebook and youtube so search up my homework asian style. Good luck trying not to laugh.

Love you all,


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