Chapter 18

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Kellie wished she could contact the others somehow then she had an idea. So she went to speak to zeref about it "You know the proficae says i need my exseed with me and my family need to witness the defeat they also train me harder than anyone here could. which would mean acologia would go down faster as I would be stronger then." Kellie said to Zeref. "Very well we will let you go however Jackal will go with you to make sure you remember that you have to defeat him also then he can report back to me and mard geer." Zeref said. So Kellie went back to her room to wait until Zeref had told Mard Geer and Jackal what was going on. Then Kellie remembered an old spell to make her human again it worked for when she was a dragon so it should work now she chanted the words and she became human again sure she had the same clothes on but that was fine. Then Kellie thought as the council will recognize jackal she would need to use a transformation spell on him. Just then Jackal walked in "so it looks like we're going back to the disgusting humans." he said sounding kind of pissed of. "Year and that reminds me i thought i would use a transformation spell on you so then you won't get noticed by the council and people won't recognize you.

Sure you will still be able to talk and use your cause but it's only your body that will change form." Kellie explained. "What so you're saying your gonna use your stupid magic on me I won't let you." He growled. Damm he won't let me use the spell on him are well time to turn on the feminine charm with him as I know he wants me.So I can use that to my adavarntige I just got to be careful as i know how to use my femminim charm but I want someone to love me for who I am not what my body looks like. Kellie thought. The she went over to jackal with one of her sucding smilyes he whacted kellie the whole them.

"You know if you let me use my magic on you, it means you can spend more time with me and of course you will have to stay at mine." Kellie said giving him a wink which made jackal smirk as loads of things were going through his mind.

I guess that sounds good Kellie you're going to regret saying that especially when i'm through with you. Are well i guess this will be fun for me to see what the humans are like outside of battle. Jackal thought and that was not all he was thinking but you kind of get the idea.

They decided that in 3 days would be better and jackal stayed with Kellie learning some things about the human world and working on his human Kellie said she would call him Jack so it would be easier for him to remember. Jackal let Kellie do the spell on him a bit as temporary so he can get used to it. He had to admit for a human he looked good and Kellie was pleased with her work she made the demon look pretty hot but then she mentally slapped herself I can't start crushing on a demon can I, mean sure he's nice to me and shows me attention but he's a mass murder. Then again that seems kinda hot i mean call me crazy but he has a great curse power. Let's see what goes on this few months are going to be interesting that's for sure. Who knows i might of done too good a job and start crushing on him. Kellie through. Jackal was enjoying spending all this time with kellie he flirted with Kellie a bit they laughed and made jokes about each other. Both Kellie and Jackal enjoyed spending time together. Jackal thought and that was not all he was thinking but you kind of get the idea.

They decided that in 3 days would be better and jackal stayed with Kellie learning some things about the human world and working on his human Kellie said she would call him Jack so it would be easier for him to remember. Jackal let Kellie do the spell on him a bit as temporary so he can get used to it. He had to admit for a human he looked good and Kellie was pleased with her work she made the demon look pretty hot but then she mentally slapped herself I can't start crushing on a demon can I, mean sure he's nice to me and shows me attention but he's a mass murder. Then again that seems kinda hot i mean call me crazy but he has a great curse power. Let's see what goes on this few months are going to be interesting that's for sure. Who knows i might of done too good a job and start crushing on him. Kellie through. Jackal was enjoying spending all this time with kellie he flirted with Kellie a bit they laughed and made jokes about each other. Both Kellie and Jackal enjoyed spending time together. Jackal thought and that was not all he was thinking but you kind of get the idea.

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