Chapter 14

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3rd person P.O.V:

Kellie and Milly got up about half 9 as Kellie and Milly had a bath after they left the foam party as the pair of them got covered in foam. The foam party was pretty fun Zancrow was still asleep he seemed to enjoy last night meeting other people and he was going to have a hangover that's for sure as he, Canna and Backus had a drinking contest. Kellie and Milly were looking forward to brightening up some of the old people's day by singing and telling them about their adventures. Kellie and Milly loved to hear the stories that the old people would tell them about when they were younger. They headed out to get breakfast at a nearby cafe Kellie ordered some pancakes and Milly had some milk. During breakfast Milly checked phone to make sure to had all the songs that they would need for the afternoon. After breakfast Kellie texted Sting and rouge to ask if they were still in town and wanted to hang out latter. They replied saying that they were busy this morning but they could meet Kellie for lunch then go to the old people's home together. So Kellie and Milly decided to go and spend time with their guild mates as they always enjoyed it so they went and found team Natsu and decided to hang out with them for a bit. So they decided to watch a movie they decided to watch how to train a dragon. Natsu was saying how he could easily take down toothless and the other dragons. The others said the film was good then Kellie mentioned that they had made a second film which in her opinion is even better and that they could what it sometime. After the film it was time for Kellie and Milly to meet Sting and Rouge. Zancrow had woken up and decided to come along as well just for fun also the fact that Kellie said she was going to do some training after and also she challenged Zancrow to a friendly battle which off course he expected as he loved to fight Kellie back when they were younger.

As Kellie and Zancrow met each other when they were about 9 and spent a year together training and battling then they went there separate ways but still met up as they were best friends and Kellie saw Zancrow like a brother and Zancrow saw Kellie like a sister as he did have a family but they mistreated him in fact when Kellie and Zancrow first met when they were 9 he had a few bruises then Kellie and him started to meet up more often. Until one point were Kellie could not take her friend being hurt no more as she saw what his parents did to him and,

Then made them stop but Zancrow would not go back to them as he decided that he had enough.

So he moved away into the forest near to wear Kellie was and the two of them started to become close like brother and sister. Kellie and Zancrow used to play and fight each other and Kellie and Skybolt tried to teach him from good and bad and he did listen and learn right from wrong yet he still joined the dark guild. Until he saw Kellie again when he was older as he was 17 when they saw each other. As they destroyed a town that Kellie just happened to be in so Kellie protected the towns people by fighting against them and she was disgusted at Zancrow that it him hard then he started to have doubts and he wanted to be with his sister again as they called each other brother and sister even though they are not related.

Zancrow's P.O.V:

I hope them boys treat my sister well I am only going for the brawl but if they make Kellie cry I will burn them to a crisp as Kellie has always been there for me now it's time for me to repay her by being there for her. Even after the bad things I done she still calls me her brother and has stuck by my side. Kellie means so much to me and whoever gets her will be lucky as she is a great girl I just hope I can find myself a great girl are well I'm sure Kellie will help me find one.

When we got to the café were sting and rouge were meeting us we got a table and waited for them they came in shortly after us and we ordered food. Then we started chatting and Kellie started to tell us all about the old people and how nice they are to her and milly. I really hope jackal doesn't get with my sister as that would be bad as he might break her hart and turn her into a demon. After we ate food we started walking to the old peoples home Kellie was listing to music probably the songs she would be singing today I remember Kellie loved singing and to make people happy. When were younger I used to tap out a beat and Kellie used to make up a song and sing to it. When we arrived at the old peoples home a carer met Kellie and milly she smiled but looked at me and the pair of idots weird then Kellie explained that they were with her and I was Kellie's brother and the other 2 were Kellie's friends. Then she smiled again and led us thought to a big room then the laddie clapped her hands and introduced Kellie and us. After that Kellie went to talk to some of the people and I went with her Sting and rouge tried talking to the others but they failed. After about half an hour of Kellie saying hello to everyone and having a small chat her and milly went to the end of the room and started to set up. Once everything was done she brought her microphone out and the old people went silent and looked at Kellie. Then milly started to play the music and Kellie began to sing some songs like Hall of fame by the script and other slow songs or clamming songs. Then for her fine; few songs she done some faster songs like One Women army.

Once she finished everyone clapped my sister I was proud of her then she put the mike to her mouth and called me up on the stage she whispered in my ear her plan and then Milly started playing the song Hey brother and we took turns singing it was fun to be on stage with my sister again.

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