2. Malfoy

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Hermione walked aimlessly around the seventh floor during her free period after potions, there was a part of her brain screaming at her to go to the library and revise but she wasn't giving into that voice today – she needed to rationalise what had just happened. 'Malfoy has a crush on me?' she thought as she stared blankly at the floor, hugging her books tighter to her chest 'The pureblood Slytherin? The most pompous arse to have ever stepped foot on the grounds of Hogwarts has a little crush on me?' she couldn't fathom what her brain was telling her 'A muggleborn Gryffindor? Oh how the mighty have-'she was brought out of her daze by a tall flustered looking boy who seemingly appeared out of nowhere bumping into her making her stumble backwards, the boy caught her quickly. His shifty persona subsided immediately, his grasp was firm enough to steady her but soft enough to not hurt her. His hands were large and strong but somehow made her feel safe and warm, he pulled her back up checking if she was alright "Granger, I'm – I'm so sorry I..." she looked up and saw his white blonde locks graze his eyes, he looked so concerned, his hands were on either arm as he made sure of her well-being.

"Malfoy?" She asked, almost as a whisper... He caught her – and was checking she was okay?

He cleared his throat and stood back to his full height withdrawing his hands from her body, Hermione didn't know why but she didn't want him to go – she wanted to stay in that moment forever. 'NO! Hermione stop it! You can't think like that! He hates you... then why was he so concerned... -NO HERMIONE! You do NOT have a crush on Draco Malfoy!'

'Oh merlin' he thought 'I slipped up... she knows... she KNOWS? I can't do it, I can't not like her?! But she's so perfect... Draco!? NO! You do NOT have a crush on Hermione Granger!'.

They both resumed their normal positions and Hermione awkwardly looked up at him "ah- thanks, Malfoy" she whispered. He glowed with embarrassment "um- yeah..." he said as he walked back in the direction he was headed. Hermione turned her head to watch him walk away and couldn't help thinking that, in her eyes, behind the snide remarks and nasty comments... he might like her... and she just – not defiantly but maybe... she just might like him to?

"Malfoy?" She called after him, jogging to catch up.

"What do you want" he turned coldly to face her, sneering.

"I...um... never mind" She turned away sadly, her heart dropped as she realised she was lying to herself, she was deluding herself when she thought he could ever like her.

He sighed heavily "wait, granger" he reached out a hand to stop her and spin her round, his grip was perfect on her arm like it had etched its way through her cloths onto her skin – she never wanted him to let go. 'HERMIONE STOP THINKING LIKE THAT!! It's never going to happen anyway...' she thought glumly.

"I don't... I don't suppose you're going to the library?" He asked, this was the first time she thought she had seen Malfoy even slightly shy... he cleared his throat.

"Well... I hadn't been planning to." She replied truthfully and his beautiful silver eyes reached the floor and he composed his usual 'pompous prick' stance and raised his eyebrows.

She sighed, "What do you want me to take back?"

"Take back?" He looked honestly confused and his eyebrows knitted "I don't want you to take anything back... I... I just wondered if you were going because I was heading that way and" He coughed, seemingly uneased by his very own uneasiness.

'Hermione, snap out of it' she thought 'it's Draco Malfoy for Merlin's sake – he's clearly been put up to this by someone!' she knew her brain had just explained everything in one simple sentence. 'You're such an idiot Hermione! He hates you, he detests you?! Why on earth do you think that's going to change all of a sudden?'. Her heart sank, this was lower than low! How could he do this?!

"Are you trying to take the piss Malfoy" Hermione saw straight through his sweet shy act any day of the week, admittedly she may have fallen for it for a moment – just a moment though!' Argh, he is so up himself; he thinks he can get away with anything?! Argh that boy!? Not today though, I won't let that happen... not to me!' she thought trying to hold back the tears.

"No I-"

"Because if you are it's not going to work"

"Granger I... oh just... just forget it." He decided and walked away, cussing under his breath.

'He's such an arse!! So up himself?! Why did I even fall for his 'I've fallen into a forbidden love' routine – he's such and idiot'. Hermione span to walk the other way, she wiped a tear from under her eye with the back of her left hand before anyone could see it. He wasn't going to get to her. Never. She was Hermione Jean Granger and a hansom blond boy with silver eyes was not going to get to her... HERMIONE!?


"Hermione!" Harry called as she walked back into the Gryffindor common room, as soon as her wet, red face came into view he stood up and speed walked straight to her embracing her in a tight hug. She had been crying – she was so sure she was going to have a good year... and the first day back she had been made an idiot out of by a bunch of good for nothing Slytherins! To make it worse, she had odd and unexplainable feelings for the boy who was taking the lead in the fiasco – she had no way of controlling herself and no way to make it go away as she shared most classes with the prick and couldn't escape him even if she hid under Harry's cloak for the year. "What's up?" He asked with concern riddled across his face.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" she wiped her face again with the back of her hand quickly "Thanks Harry" she smiled and continued straight upstairs to her room.

When she arrived she ran straight to her bed and collapsed onto it, smothering her head in the pillow as to muffle the sound of her sobs. Why did he make her feel this way?! Hatred was one thing but emotional torcher was on another scale and she hated him for it!

"'Mione?" Katie worriedly ran over and placed a loving hand on her back "What's happened my lovely?" she asked kindly, but Hermione didn't want to talk about it – she just shook her head as a sign for Katie to let the subject go.

Katie, Hermione had realised over the past years, was the kindest and gentlest person alive... expect for when she was on the quiditch pitch. She was extremely good in these situations at doing exactly what was needed. Today, she got up and pointed her wand at the bed before saying "Engrogio". She then climbed into the newly made double and hugged Hermione until she stopped sniffling. "See" Katie said at last, "spooning fixes everything". Hermione chuckled and sniffed as Katie kissed her shoulder. "Do you want to tell me or leave it?" she asked kindly.

Hermione shook her head and replied "No- no I'm okay thank you" and she stroked the arm that was laid around her waist.

"Alright my lovely, if you ever want to talk to anyone I'm always here" she soothingly said as she climbed out of the bed and shrunk it back to normal size before returning to hers. "Night 'Mione"

"Night Katie, thank you" Hermione smiled at her.

"Your welcome my lovely" Katie replied calmly, she had such a motherly glow to her already and Hermione respected her all the more for it.

She slipped silently into dreamless sleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

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