12. The Room

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As Christmas drew closer people started packing up and leaving for long, well overdue, 2 week breaks at home. Hermione and Draco however, had no such plans.

Hermione stood in the great hall bidding Harry and all of the Wesley's a heart felt good bye before they left for the Hogwarts express.

"You sure you won't come with us?" Ginny questioned rubbing Hermione's arms with a concerned look on her face "I'm sure Mum won't mind".

"No I'm okay, thank you though" Hermione replied kissing Ginny on the cheek.

"Okay, we'll see you soon!" she smiled waving while she walked away

"Alright, bye!"

Hermione was met with a chorus of 'bye's from them all. Once they had all left the hall she exhaled before jogging up the stairs to her dormitory, she was the only one who was going to be left in her room so it was perfectly safe for her to pack now. She threw some cloths, a toothbrush and the like into her little beaded bag before running out of the common room and along to the seventh floor.

She met a smiling Draco leaning against one of the pillars, "hey" she grinned "Where's your stuff?"

He held up his backpack which was on the floor behind him "Don't think you're the only one who can do undetectable extension charms" he raised and dropped his eyebrows sarcastically.

"Yeah but isn't that heavy?" She half smiled.

"No, again, don't think you're the only one who can do anti weight charms" He bit his bottom lip as he smiled "Now come here" he winked.

"No, if you're so smart, make me" she started running down the corridor.

"Oh common Granger, don't make me do this" he shook his head playfully as she giggled and carried on running. "Accio Granger!"  She sored straight into his arms as he lent her back.

She sighed, accepting defeat - "Why do you keep calling me Granger?" she half smiled as he lifted her into the wedding carry and walked through the room of requirements double doors.

"I'll keep calling you Granger until you're a Malfoy" he winked as he carried her on through. She flushed bright red and turned her head into his chest, grabbing a bit of his T-Shirt trying to pull him closer to her. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere" he lent down and kissed the top of her head.

"You haven't looked yet have you?" he asked quietly. She could hear his smile broaden on his face.

"What?" she whispered into his shirt as she lifted her face to watch his.

He looked down at her and winked again "Go on" he nodded forward as an indication before putting her down.

He was right, it was beautiful! The room of requirement had given them exactly what they had most desperately desired. "Wow..." Hermione whispered as she walked forward, taking in the wooden floors beneath her feet. There was a roaring fire to her left with a sofa and two arm chairs laid out before it. To her right was the grand piano she had grown so fond of. Book shelves, filled to brimming, lined walls which gave it a cosy, cottage feel.  A Christmas tree stood behind the piano and was decorated so beautifully with lights and fake snow. A door stood directly in front of them and one slightly to the left, she started to walk towards the room to the left but Draco held out his hand to stop her.

"Noooooo, we can't go in there until Christmas day" he smiled at her.

"I thought we said no presents" Hermione retorted, going bright red.

"It's not just for you, greedy – it's for me to" he winked.

"You can't know your own present?" she dipped her eyebrows.

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