31. Shock

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"No no miss, Dobby must take Master and Miss back to their dorms – curfew has been set Miss!" Dobby grabbed at Hermione's legs as she tried to explain to the elf they will be perfectly fine.

"It's okay Dobby, you can take us" Draco half smiled at the rather amusing scene in front of him in which a wavy haired girl was trying to coax a small creature off of her lower leg without hurting him.

Hermione shot him an exasperated look but relaxed into her regular posture realising it was the only way Dobby would let go of her now extremely saw leg.

"Good, where is Dobby going first?" He held his hands out to both of them as he looked from one to the other.

"Miss Grangers, its only polite" Draco smiled as he took Dobby's hand.

Hermione took the other hand but looked up at Draco slightly "Miss Granger?" she dipped her eyebrows so slightly it could hardly be noticed but Draco sore.

He shrugged "It will come to you" he turned to the little smiling elf between them "Common then Dobby"

The house elf grinned and nodded before a gentle twisting sensation came over all of them, it did not feel like normal apparition – closer to a nudge in the right direction than that.

As Hermione opened her eyes she saw the fat lady falling asleep in front of her, she sighed in happiness "Thank you Dobby", she bent down and kissed the top of the creature's head.

He blushed harshly "No, thank you miss" he grinned.

"And thank you Draco" She lifted herself to her tip toes and kissed his cheek, pulling away slowly she saw the look in his eyes – a look of completion... a look of happiness.

"For what?" he whispered.

"For trying to protect me... although, never do it like that again" she smiled and he looked at the floor in embarrassment, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, I won't – don't worry" He smiled at his feet as Dobby tugged his hand slightly. "Goodnight Granger"

"Goodnight Malfoy, Dobby"

"Goodnight miss" Dobby smiled before he and Draco twisted and vanished.

Hermione smiled closing her eyes and leaning against the familiar portrait, she had him back. She really had him back, she let her happiness flood over her in waves as she sighed at the silence of the castle.

"Miss Granger! Get off of me this instant!" The fat lady spat as she woke from her dozy state.

"I'm sorry" Hermione shot round as she realised the poor woman must have been able to feel her whole body weight.

The fat lady grumbled as she asked for the password, Hermione reciprocated with the answer before whispering another quick "Sorry" as she clambered in through the whole.

What met Hermione's eyes was a sight she never imagined she would see, the happiness she felt only moments previously became completely encompassed by utter shock.

"Ron, stop! Please, Ron! NO! STOP!" Ginny screamed as she kicked and struggled against Cormac who had his arms wrapped round her, holding her back aggressively.

Hermione's eyes rushed straight to whatever Ginny was screaming at, Ron was straddling Pansy as he threw his fist down again and again. Her face we contorted in agony and covered completely in crimson red, her screams seemed to have long since stopped as the only sounds left were that of skin on skin and short, sharp, haggard breaths escaping Ron's throat.

"Ron what the fuck are you doing?!" Hermione charged forwards trying to grab his rapidly moving arm, "Ron STOP!" She screamed as he threw her backwards into a wooden bookcase that fell on her, immobilising her completely. He grabbed Pansy's shoulders, hitting them repeatedly into the floor, her face no longer showed emotion as he hit her again and again against the marble.

He squeezed her shoulders and started screaming, "YOU FAGGOT!" he threw her against the table, destroying a vase that once sat there, the glass shuttered everywhere as he continued to smack her body down to the floor... her back stuck on the glass pieces that littered the ground as he started beating her once more. Hermione flinched as she heard Ginny's blood curdling scream, she almost felt the pain he inflicted on the limp girl on the floor, feeling his shoe crush through her stomach. "THAT'S MY SISTER!" His voice cracked under the weight of the words that escaped his own throat. He let her go as quickly as if he realised what he had been doing, he stared at his shaking blood coated hands, "That's for my sister" he breathed heavily as he stood up slowly and took in what he had done.

Harry came sprinting down the stairs before taking in the scene around him. Ginny still screamed and thumped against McLaggen who didn't budge from his ridged hold, Pansy lay motionless and blooded on the floor surrounded by broken glass with Ron looming over her, not breaking eye contact with the body, and someone was on the floor covered in books and a fallen book case. He couldn't work out which direction to go in first, his best friend who could well have just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life – his love interest who was being restrained by another man or a possible stranger that no one was helping.

"Ginny, what happened?" he rushed over to her as McLaggen let her go reluctantly, tears rushed down her face as she struggled to get out her words. Sharp breaths and hyperventilation's punctuated every other word.

"Ron f-found me and- me and Pansy in front- in front of the fire. We– we were just talking?! We- we had just told... we had just told everyone we are- we were - I love her and he- he flipped out and he- he started hitting her and now she- she's laying there and I" She couldn't carry on any further as Harry sprinted to the limp body a few meters away.

"What the fuck man?!" He shot at Ron who didn't move.

"She's a faggot, she deserved what she got" he spat, turning and making his way up the stairs to the boy's dormitory. Deane rushed over to the book case as Harry cast whatever spell Snape used in the bathroom on Malfoy to try and keep her alive.

"Hermione's hurt, she's unconscious" Deane called as Harrys heart sank – that night his best friend damn near became a murderer, the girl he had had a crush on in so long had come out as gay and Hermione had become hurt – again, and it wasn't even Malfoy's fault.


I really need to stop hurting poor Hermione, it seems she spends her life in the hospital wing :s

And I also appreciate that this is a very short chapter but I didn't want to include the next bit in the same chapter so... I split them up, shoot me :s whoops

But thank you to anyone who left comments - they make me very happy so thank you so much :D <3

Also I've finished my God awful exams so I can write more now :) unlucky for you your phones will be full to brimming with notifications about my story! Hehe, sneaky! ;D

I love you all!!

Much love, Emm x

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