3. Quidditch

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"Morning sleepy" a familiar voice whispered as Hermione felt her hair was being brushed away from her face by knowing fingers. She felt a tap on her noes which made her screw her eyes quickly and open them "Oh -There we go" Katie giggled and smiled at Hermione happily.

"It's Saturday Katie" Hermione strained, realising how utterly horrific her morning voice was.

"Yeah, but its Quidditch trials before breakfast too - Ron and Harry will be there and you need a change of scenery... and a cheer up" Katie coaxed softly.

Hermione groaned as she sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes harshly with the back of her hands. She turned to look at Katie who was knelt next to her bed in full Quidditch kit.

"How long have I got to get ready?" Hermione sighed.

"About half an hour" Katie smiled in reply "...well... minus the 15 minuets it takes to walk there and the 5 minutes early I want to be... so about 10 minutes really"

'Seriously? ...Excellent, thanks for the warning' Hermione thought to herself silently. She winched herself out of bed and dragged on the closest clean set of cloths she could find. Katie handed her a hair brush and she attempted to pull it through her wild and untameable hair – she reached for her wand and pointed it directly at the tangled mess that resided on her head and whispered "Reneo", her hair immediately fell back around her shoulders in a slightly neater fashion.

"Reneo hu, I might make a note of that one" Katie laughed. "Common then".

They hurried out of the room, Hermione almost jogging to keep up with the chaser.


Hermione had never enjoyed playing Quidditch herself, she struggled to stay on the broom itself let alone multi task on top of that? She did, however, enjoy watching Harry dart about with potent skill and Ron have a fair old go, making her laugh in the process – Katie just made her jealous when it came to sports. So there she sat, in the auditorium, watching her friends fly around on broomsticks... it was rather entertaining actually.

After the try-outs she waited outside the changing rooms for Harry and Ron, when Harry exited by himself he turned to her silently.

"You coming?" He wondered.

"Where's Ron?" She questioned.

"Talking to McLagan, he'll be a while I think" he smiled and they walked off side by side.

"I think Quidditch is becoming more popular you know" He smiled across at Hermione "You must have seen how many people were stood in the stands with you?"

"You're not serious right" She laughed at him.


"Oh common Harry, it's not Quidditch that's becoming more popular... it's you." She looked at him with raised eyebrows.


"Didn't you know Remildar Vain has been trying to slip you a love potion for weeks? And that's just to mention one" She countered.

"Why?" he laughed.

"Because she thinks you're the chosen one" she replied almost tripping over a lump of soil.

"Have a nice trip?" Harry joked.

Hermione stopped dead. "Right, I'm going back to check Ron has not been killed by Cormac" she replied shortly. She knew she had a very short fuse today through lack of sleep and she did not want to snap at her friend for one stupid comment.

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