23. Brute Force

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The group of Slytherins and Gryffindors waited eagerly outside ancient roons, waiting for Draco and Hermione to come out so they could confront them about their secret relationship. Ginny and Pansy had made very unlikely friends and were sat entertaining themselves by trying to pull what Draco's facial expression would be when he walked out to a wall of accusations. Luna was telling Nevil and Theo about how she had suspected this 'Romeo and Juliet' type relationship since second year; Nevil and Theo however, were not convinced.

Goil had been sat silently next to Crab by the door and was the first to hear the chairs drag along the wooden floors as the students were dismissed.

"QUICK!" he whispered loudly, getting himself and his chubby friend up off of the floor. The group arranged themselves in a sort of organised gaggle as they waited for their victims to exit.

A stream of Ravenclaws exited first, some shooting very concerned looks at the group in the corner; before, finally, Draco stormed out of the room barging past everyone in sight – anger pouring from his every poor.

"Hey! Draco! We know about you and Granger!" Crab called, before he knew it he was being held by the front of his collar and being pushed up against the wall.

"You dare to mention that mudblood's name again and I will make sure to personally stuff you!" Draco spat before dropping the boy's clothing and stomping away.

Hermione exited the room in tears surrounded by Blaise and Megan, they walked quickly in the opposite direction of the group as Blaise mouthed over his shoulder 'They are over'.


"Leave me alone" Draco spat as Crab and Goil moved over to the sofa in the Slytherin common room to try and talk to their friend.

"Malfoy, we're sorry – we didn't know" Crab whimpered.

"Oh grow some balls Crab?!" Draco sneered before shooting a look like one he used to give before he started caring at Goil. Goil opened his mouth to speak, but decided that now was not the right time to try and voice his opinions. After a few minutes of silently staring at Malfoy who was watching the fire, trying not to notice that his ex-minions were looking at him, the two sulked away into the background slowly.

Blaise looked up from where he was sat at a dark polished marble table with Megan to watch his friend. He looked completely run down, as if he had been trying hard at something all day – of course, Blaise knew exactly what.


"'Mione" Ginny whispered as she walked the stairs of the common room to see her friend staring blankly at the wall.

"I'm not in the mood Ginny" Hermione whispered.

"Everyone is always in the mood for a hug" Ginny smiled but Hermione continued staring at the wall.

Ginny walked confidently towards Hermione's bed and went to rap her arms around the curly haired witch.

"Gin, don't" Hermione looked at her, her jaw clenched slightly.

"Okay, no hug. Sorry." Ginny looked hurt but didn't want to push Hermione after all she had been through during the day. A break up with Malfoy, people harassing her for information. It really was the worst possible day for anything like this to have happened. "Harry's looking for you" she tried to spark conversation.

"I don't want to see him" Hermione answered quickly.

"But why not? He's your best friend?" Ginny questioned placing her hand on Hermione's back, but Hermione flinched away.

"I don't want to see anyone; I want to go to sleep." She said bluntly, leaning down on her bed facing away from Ginny.

"Alright then" Ginny said, trying to hide the hurt and annoyance in her voice "I'll leave you to your thoughts" she added before leaving the room.

Hermione didn't want to sleep; she just didn't want to see anyone – but she couldn't tell them why either.

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