9. The Room of Requirement

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The next day was horrible for Hermione, Draco was in all of her classes. She spent most of her lessons completely ignoring what was being said by the teachers and just worrying about how to escape Malfoy. He had invaded her thoughts again but try as she might she couldn't get him out. She was not about to let him control her mind as well as her body – not today.

She sat in her Defence against the Dark Arts class staring forward, unblinking.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Harry rubbed her right arm to bring her out of her daze. "You're just, kind of... staring?"

"No I'm alright" She gave a very unconvincing smile which Harry didn't believe for a second.

"You don-" harry started but he was interrupted by the Hufflepuff behind him who had started poking him. "What do you want?" Harry turned around looking very annoyed.

"The pen's run out" he whispered handing three sickles to harry who reached into his pocket and pulled out a ball point pen.

"You're flogging BIC pens?!" Hermione sneered but Harry merely nodded and smiled, she shook her head and exhaled hard.

"Oh common Hermione, lighten up a bit?" Harry smiled.

"Lighten up?!" Hermione shot up and grabbed her books "You know what Harry? Stuff you." She stormed out of the classroom. As soon as she heard the door slam behind her she crumpled onto the floor in a mess of tears, her books spreading everywhere – her knees brought to her chest as she sobbed into her cloak. There was nowhere to go, no need to leave. So she just let herself dissolve into a salty mess.

Someone came out of the class room, she only herd the door shut. But they didn't attempt to touch her – they kneeled on the floor and started picking up the books one by one. Hermione wiped her face with the back of her hands and peered up to see the blond she'd been struggling to escape from "No no no – anyone but you" she crumpled back to her previously hidden state. But Draco didn't say anything, he just held out his hand to her. It was so appealing, his pail white skin laced with the scent of apples and cologne... but she wasn't going to take it. She got up unsteadily, flinching away from the hand that went to balance her. She snatched the books from his hands and stared up at him for a second before storming off. 'Pompous idiot, thinks I'm going to come running back – he's got another thing coming!'


Hermione stood in front of the wall on the seventh floor corridor with her eyes closed for less than a second before the scraping noise filled her ears, she rushed inside – shutting the large doors behind her. She exhaled in relief at the room of junk that had appeared before her. She slowly walked to the piano Draco had showed her. She played and played until her fingers were red raw and she had nothing left in her. She got up and snivelled her way through the maize's, thinking of her home and her family. And there, standing right in front of her, without any grand entrance or sound - was the TV set from her childhood. Hermione brought her hand to her face and whimpered into it before setting herself down in front of the telly. She reached for the nearest tape and placed it into the video player – she laid in the foetal position before the device as it warmed up. 'A Bugs Life' came onto the screen and she let out a noise reminiscent of something between a laugh and a weep. She just laid and watched until she drifted off...


Draco walked into the room of requirement, he had no chance, no hope in hell of ever getting her back. The only girl he had ever wanted this badly and he had lost her.

He heard a noise come from his left... 'I'm not alone'.

He started to follow the noise, as it got louder and louder he realised it was words – full, complete words.

He rounded a bend and saw exactly what he wanted... That beautiful brunette that he couldn't get off his mind just lay on the floor in front of a box of moving pictures. He summoned a blanket from one of the piles and genially lay it over her. She was sound asleep...

Draco walked a few yards further down a galley of things until he found his vanishing cabinet. He picked up a bottle of ink and a parchment which he slowly placed in the cabinet and shut the doors behind it.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus."

He opened the doors, it had the worked first time – it was becoming more powerful.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"

Draco's muscles froze as he heard a faint smack as the item returned back. He opened the doors with deep and utter fear imbedded in his eyes. The ink was gone, the only thing left was the parchment and the bold black letters


There was no need to second guess... no need to break down and cry... no need to do anything.

Draco found himself laid next to Hermione, watching the pictures through her bushy hair – careful not to wake her. He felt one single tear roll down his cheek as he nestled in on the floor next to her, spear mint and old books numbed his senses until he fell into a blissful sleep.

Draco woke to find Hermione was gone... always, gone.

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