19. Aquaperisium

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Draco, Hermione, Megan and Blaise sat on the ground in Care of Magical creatures listening to Hargid read very slowly from the class book.

Every time that Hagrid made eye contact with Hermione, she would smile encouragingly to make him feel better about the pace and clarity of his reading – but it was truly dire.

Draco lent over towards Hermione "Why don't we read this ourselves?" he whispered, trying to listen to the drone of a west country slur at the same time.

"He's trying really hard, and it's so could I can't feel my fingers anyway – I for one am sort of glad that we don't have to do anything practical" Hermione finished, smiling at Hagrid once more.

"Oi, Thompson" Canty whispered over Megan's shoulder, catching her attention. Meg was clutching a thermos flask between her hands and her tea was steaming through her fingers. "How did you do that?" He nodded down to her tea.

"Do what?" she asked, knitting her brows.

"Keep your tea warm in the cold?" he looked rather annoyed at having to explain himself.

"Oh... It's just a thermos?" she questioned, looking over at Blaise for assurance she wasn't saying anything stupid.

"Thermos... okay." Canty whispered, walking away slowly.

Once he had reached a suitable distance away, Draco leaned round Hermione to talk to Blaise and Megan "What was that about?"

"He wanted to know about how I kept my tea warm" Megan shrugged.

"What did you tell him about it?" Hermione asked rolling her lips together "Megan... did you say it was a thermos flask or a thermos?" she placed her hand over her mouth in amusement.

"Just a thermos... what am I missing?" Megan looked around from Draco to Blaise for help.

Hermione chuckled lightly to herself "He's a pure-blood right?" she checked with Draco who just nodded confusedly. "Well I guess we will find out later" she laughed to herself.

"What is it?" Draco nudged her "You have to tell us" he smiled slightly through the mystery.

"Well... I think he might think that 'Thermos' is a spell to keep things warm?" Hermione smiled as it dawned on the other three's faces. Megan started giggling slightly as Blaise wheezed "He's going to kill you if he does". The group tried to keep their laughing quiet until the end of the lesson.


As soon as Professor Flitwick summoned them away to their practicing partners Hermione and Draco retreated to their corner where Hermione bent down to poor water into the tub they were supplied with.

"Aguamenti" she whispered as the tub filled with crystal clear liquid.

"Hermione" Draco asked quietly as he bent down to help, brushing a loose curl behind her ear.

"Draco" she looked over "Thought we weren't letting people know about us?" she smiled, remembering his touch on her skin.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist" he winked before carrying on "Have you thought about what you're going to do after next year?" he carried on arranging the pillows that laid next to the water.

Hermione stared at Draco, taking in his every feature – the contrast of his white hair on his pale skin, making him look tanned. His perfect jaw line and his dark eyebrows, framing his face perfectly.



"You're staring" he smiled.

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