20. Canty

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"SHIT!" Blaise screamed kicking the door open and storming into the dormitory, taking Draco completely by surprise.

"Mate... what's the door done to you?" Draco looked up from his book at the scene soon unfolding before his eyes.

"Megan broke up with me!" he cussed under his breath kicking another piece of furniture before nursing his foot in his hands "...she broke up with me?" his tone dropped to a small whisper, as if he was trying to hold in his tears. He sat on his bed and dropped his head into his hands.

"She what?" Draco sat straight up, staring at his friend "Why?!"

"She didn't even bother saying, doesn't even care enough to give me a fricking reason." He shook his head within his hands sighing harshly.

Draco had no idea what to do in this kind of situation without thinking he bent down and removed his sock.

Before Blaise could register what was happening a cheesy piece of clothing had been flung into his face.

"Congratulations mate... you're a free elf"

Blaise lifted his head to look at the sender, slowly. "Seriously!?" he had a face like thunder... "For Salazar's sake mate it's really not the time!" he huffed falling down onto his pillow facing away from Draco.

"I was only trying-" Draco started but was cut off by his very angry friend.

"Trying to what Malfoy?!" Blaise flung straight up and was staring Draco down within seconds "How would you feel if Hermione broke up with you and I reacted by saying you were no longer enslaved?!" Blaise snapped.

"Merlin, Zabini – would you listen for one second?!" Draco started but Blaise had other ideas.

"No Malfoy, why would I listen to you?! If you have nothing useful to say then why bother?!"

"Blaise listen!" Draco spat "Megan is clever; she wouldn't leave you without a reason." Blaise calmed down instantly.

"What?" he whispered.

"She really loves you, if you think she would leave you without a reason then you must have been dating someone else to who I thought." Draco shook his head slightly.

"She still did though, so she must just be a really good liar like Hermione said..." he breathed, massaging his temple with his fingers.

"To madam Pomphrey yes... but the love potion. She would have acted so differently, but she didn't. Hell, she even suggested it. She loves you Blaise. And if she has no reason, then she's doing it for you?" Draco thought outload.

"But... then you're saying she did it to protect me?" Blaise creased his forehead in confusion. "She has no reason to?"

"I know... I can only suggest we let it play out, she will tell you when she's ready"


Draco and Blaise sat in Divination with their chins rested in their hands, they both looked board out of their minds. Harry and Ron sat on the pillows next to them, Harry passed a note discreetly to the blond wizard next to him.

What's wrong with Thompson? Even Hermione can't get it out of her.

Draco turned slightly to the shaggy haired boy with glasses and whispered "She broke up with Blaise last night, and she didn't give a reason? ...what's happened?" Draco frowned.

"It's just... Megan's been moping around; I mean look at her?" The boys turned to look, she looked truly run down and sleepless. "She's utterly distraught and-" Harry started but professor Trelawney came running over to Draco and thrust her hands on either knee.

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