21. Thompson

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Harry practically screamed the password at the fat lady, frightening her so much she almost forgot to open, before storming into the common room – rage staining his face in every sense. Hermione shot straight out of her seat and her mouth opened slightly, taking in the pacing Harold before her.

"What happened?" she gasped, shocked at the state her friend was in.

"CANTY! That's what happened!" He belted, scaring a first year as they scuttled past him.

Hermione's shoulders relaxed slightly, at least it wasn't anything major. "Which first year did he beat up this time?" she shook her head slightly at Harry's overreaction.

"He didn't beat up anyone!" he was absolutely fuming.

"Well, then what did he do?" she asked, confusion riddling her face.

Harry stopped dead in his tracks, guilt and sadness now contorting his face "...Megan"

Hermione felt her stomach knot and something inside her lurch forward, her joking manor stopped as she tried to compose herself, drawing in a shaky breath she asked "...what did he do to her?"

Hermione herd her slow breaths loud in her ears, her hart bracing itself against her chest for the surely hysterical pain that was about to be inflicted on her. It was like her whole body was bracing itself, bracing itself for a physical attack.

Harry tried to explain but every time he opened his mouth to speak, no sound came out. "...I don't know how-" he shook his head but Ron piped up before he could finish.

"Harry used Legilimency on Casey to find out what had happened. You could watch the memories yourself... couldn't you?"

"I- I suppose..." Hermione whispered, scared of what she may see.

"Hermione are you sure you want to do this?" Harry asked, placing his hand on her arm. From the level of care Harry was showing, she knew that it was not something for the faint hearted. "I could write it down if you prefer?" he offered with pain flashing in his eyes at the memory.

"No... no, can I see?" Hermione asked, she was so quiet her speech was almost inaudible.

Harry said nothing but sat down on the sofa behind them, Hermione mirrored his action as he braced himself and she drew her wand slowly to his head.



Hermione's eyes flung open as she fell deep into Canty's memory. Hermione looked to one corner and saw Megan crying in a ball on the floor of an abandoned classroom, Casey loomed over her with his wand in his left hand and a sneer on his face. He bent down to her height and used the tip of his wand to drag her hair from out of her face, Megan whimpered in fear as he did this and tried to flinch away from him – as soon as she did he grabbed her arms in either hand "Don't do that, filthy Mudblood!" he looked away and spat on the floor, making Megan's cries more and more desperate "Obscuro!" he chanted as a black piece fabric darted out of the end of his wand and balled into her mouth and round her head like a choke.

He lowered his voice to a whisper "Don't make a sound, Mudblood. We don't want things to get any worse for you now do we?" He cooed sinisterly as he thrust his right hand to her face and grabbed it, snapping it over to the left.

He tutted in disappointment "Oh dear, such a shame" he shook his head "We could have been friends" he raised his eyebrows before spitting on her face, making her cry out in fear. "Or maybe I was wrong - I don't associate with muggles."

He slowly pivoted her face back round to meet his once again, he sighed "I would say it's a shame your pretty. But I've been trying not to lie recently." His mouth lifted into a perverted smile which chilled Hermione to the bone. "Oh bless, where have all those quick answers and mocking statements gone now?" he pouted sarcastically, "Are you scared of me?" his smile widened as he dropped her face and she crumbled to the floor.

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