10. The Christmas Party

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Slughorn's room had been completely transformed since the dinner, there where emerald green drapes lining the ceiling and large globe lights hanging precariously by chords. Hermione walked in with Harry and Luna but she stopped dead in the doorway realising that in all the kafuffle she had forgotten to invite a date, that in itself didn't bother her in the slightest; but having people stare at her when she knew full well that she looked like she was about to burst out crying, was not something that she wanted.

"You coming?" Luna smiled in her usual whimsical tone.

"Yeah of course" Hermione mirrored her face, pretending to be happy was always easier than explaining why you were sad. And, of course, she was sad because she had seen Draco Malfoy the most vulnerable he could look last night.

Hermione had woken to Draco having a nightmare, she had fallen asleep in the room of requirement and somehow Draco had joined her – this, again, didn't bother her. What bothered her is that he was sprawled on the floor writhing in pain screaming the worst and most honest scream that she had ever herd, and she did nothing. She just backed away and walked out. She had felt herself freeze in pain at the sound... yet she still ran. And the simple fact that she left him alone when he was like that was enough to break her heart.

"Common then" Harry smiled, rubbing her arm. They walked over to the dance floor where they met up with Ginny and Deane, Shamus and Vivieros and Nevil who was giving out drinks.

Hermione shot Nevil a quizzical look.

"I didn't make it into the Slug Club... but this isn't so bad – 2 galleons an hour" he smiled as he walked away with his platter.

The group descended into idol chit chat and continued to do so when McLaggen came to going them too.

The party rambled on through the night, and it wasn't until about one in the morning that their group split to do some dancing. Being the only two without partners Hermione and Cormac decided it would be best if they danced together to avoid funny looks.

"So, Granger" Cormac started, Hermione felt her stomach churn at memories of him picking his nose in the common room "How come your alone tonight? Beautiful girl like you" he winked.

'Disgusting' she thought as she mentally punched him in the face.

"Just didn't ask anyone" she replied, bluntly.

"Should've asked me, we could have been dancing magically for all of the night if you had" Cormac had a sickening 'I think I'm so charming' air about him. It made Hermione cringe even to think about him. "How about under here?" He dragged Hermione under the mistletoe and she turned to back away but he tightened his grip around her waist "Oh, common Granger – just a smooch?" he puckered his lips.

"Argh" she pointed her wand at the mistletoe and set it on fire, destroying it completely but he still persisted – she had to bend backwards to escape him "Cormac, let go!" she struggled.

"McLaggen" came a strong but calm voice from behind her, McLaggen froze looking up and letting go immediately "Next time someone falls into one of your traps, treat them like a woman and they might comply yeah?" It was Draco, Draco had come to save me from 'it'. We walked away to a corner where no one was.

Hermione opened her mouth to start talking but Draco beat her to it "Hermione, I have fought against my better judgement, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance... And- and all these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony" he looked at the floor by the end of the sentence, apparently realising how rude half of his sentence was.

"Pride and Prejudice?" she smiled at him, his eyes lit up when she did "You read it?"

"of course I did" he fiddled with this sleeve, trying to evade eye contact so that he didn't feel twice as awkward admitting what he was about to say "it- it was the only thing I had left of you when you hated me... while you hate me, I mean."

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