18. The Hospital

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Hermione sat at breakfast the next morning with her chin in her hand, Ron and Harry were talking about Quidditch scores again but Hermione had no interest in that. The only thing that kept crossing her mind was 'Where is Draco?'. She must have scanned the Slytherin table 50 times or more before she spotted Blaise and Pansy walking in through the doors. Blaise looked like he had seen a ghost and Pansy... Pansy was crying?!

Pansy was weeping perfectly, with small pearl shaped droplets falling down her face one by one. Her mouth was slightly open and she sniffed slightly before looking up at Blaise for comfort. But he didn't give it to her.

Blaise just stood by the door, scanning for Megan. As soon as he found her he made a bee line straight for her, leaving pansy sobbing in the doorway. He touched Meg lightly on the shoulder and her smile dropped when she saw the contorted pain hidden in his eyes. They had a very short convocation before Megan rose from her seat and looked up and down the Gryffindor table to find Hermione.

It didn't surprise Megan at all to find Hermione staring straight back at her, panic riddled across her face. Megan just dipped her eyebrows and screwed her lips together worriedly.

'...no...' Hermione thought. Whatever it was, it wasn't good – and it was about Draco.

As Megan and Blaise left the room Hermione got up and followed them. She muttered "I have to go" to harry as she did so, but he just stared after her in confusion.

Once Hermione had rounded the corner she found Megan and Blaise waiting for her, before she could say anything Megan had cocooned her in a tight embrace. Hermione's eyes pricked with tears from the un-known. "What's happened to Draco?" she whispered worriedly to Blaise over Megan's shoulder.

"He was found this morning unconscious with a bad head injury on the floor of the common room" he looked at Hermione, eyes filled with sorrow but she clearly had no idea how bad it was "...I don't know if you've ever seen it but the floors are made of black polished marble." Hermione watched Blaise shudder at a memory. "He's in a bad way Hermione."

"How bad?" Hermione whispered, barely wanting to know the answer.

Blaise didn't say anything; he didn't have to. He searched Hermione's eyes to find the right words to tell her... but he couldn't find them. He breathed out shakily trying to compose himself, but dipped his head and looked at the floor instead.

Hermione didn't know what came over her but she was sprinting across the courtyard and up the stairs of the clock tower, running as fast as she could to the hospital wing.

"HERMIONE!" Megan shouted after her but nothing was stopping her.

As soon as she burst through the doors a wave of sickness crashed over her. She took in the pail, lifeless Draco that lay on the bed, completely unmoving. Her shaking hand was braught to her face in an attempt to stop a cry from escaping her mouth – but nothing came. He breath came in shudders as the gravity of the situation hit her. Her Draco was laid, completely unconscious, with blood matted into his previously white hair... he could have been dead and she wouldn't have been able to tell. She stumbled backwards with desperate tears flowing, unceasingly, down her face.

"Hermione weight!" Blaise started as he ran up the stairs after her but he stopped as he saw his friend.

Even he stood and gulped back the emotions as his girlfriend ran up after them.

"...Oh merlin!" she gasped upon seeing Draco, she flung her hand to her mouth as she took the mess that laid on the bed across the room in.

Hermione couldn't breathe, everything had happened too fast for her to deal with. She struggled to catch her breath through the endless flow of tears which was constantly pouring down her face.

"And what in Merlin's name are you three doing here?!" Madam Pomphrey screamed before slamming the curtains of Draco's bay shut. "Get out! Get out NOW!"

Hermione stumbled backwards as she tried to hold herself upright, Blaise caught her as she started hyperventilating in to his arms. She had crumpled to the ground in a repulsive mixture of shock and panic. The world around her blurred as she struggled for breath, her body shook as her emotions took hold of her in a harrowing attack.

Blaise stared from the unwoven body that lay defencelessly primitive in his arms to the woman "CAN'T YOU SEE?! She can't leave him!" he bellowed.

The woman rushed over and withdrew her wand muttering enchantments under her breath until Hermione fell limp in Blaise's arms.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Megan shrieked at her rushing forward "YOU'VE ERASED HER MEMORIES HAVNT YOU?! YOU HAD NO RIGHT-"

"Young Lady would you listen?!" she snapped shooting daggers at Megan which sent her faltering backwards "I have not erased her memories; I have put her to sleep. Although I'm not so sure the same can be said for Miss Weasley over there?" she raised her eyebrows at Megan who sneered at the woman in disgust.

"Mr Zabini, would you please take Miss Granger to a bed?" Blaise got up with Hermione in his arms and went to put her on the one next to Draco's "Now I hardly think that's sensible." She looked at him over her glasses.

"Why not?" he shook his head.

"Because when she wakes up do you really think it's wise for her to have to lay next to an unconscious version of her boyfriend?" she sighed.

"How long will it take you to fix him?" he asked, still holding Hermione in his arms.

"Fix? A couple of hours, and then he will wake up after a few more." She said, matter-of-factly.

"And how long until she wakes up?" he continued.

"About 6 hours?" she shrugged.

"So she will be fine here." He placed her gently down on the bed before walking over to madam Pomphrey "Thank you." She just nodded.

Blaise walked over to Megan and took her hand before walking out of the room, Megan stared back at Hermione and the curtained off bed next to her with pain coursing through her body.


Hermione came too with perfect fingers stroking her hair from her face, her eyes fluttered open slightly before she shut them tight again and groaned in discomfort.

"Hey sleepy, you're okay now. I'm so sorry 'Mione" his voice was warm, loving... Draco?!

"Draco?!" she exhaled quickly before launching herself into his arms, sending him backwards in his chair slightly "Draco I- I thought you had... you were so?" Tears ran freely from Hermione's eyes as she remembered him so cold, so still on his bed.

"It's okay 'Mione, you're not getting rid of me that easily" he chuckled, massaging the back of her head in his hand before kissing her shoulder and smiling.

"Ergh, PDA" Harry's voice came from behind her, she drew away from Draco and saw her best friend on the other side of her bed smiling at them. She looked around quickly and realised that the curtains were drawn around the three of them. "You really do love him hu?" he shrugged "Madam Pomphrey told me what happened" he smiled and went to grab her hand "Umm... permission to comfort her?" he looked over at Draco who just nodded and smiled.

"Permission granted"

Hermione laughed slightly as she wiped her face with the back of her left hand as Harry grabbed the right one and stroked up and down her thumb.

"Just next time try not to get yourself in a bad way too when you see him like that yeah?" he winked.

Hermione couldn't help but smile as she looked between her two favourite people, two people who in the previous five years had hated each other, two people who were now laughing at each other's jokes. She shook her head and chuckled as she squeezed both their hands and realised that it was a perfect moment for her, all safe, all happy - she was with her  boys.

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