Chapter 3

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*Bridget’s POV*

This. Is. Extremely. Awkward.

I continue to ask Liam other questions while Jane left to go get food about half an hour ago. For a while we had a conversation going but we both ran out of things to say. It’s like 1 in the afternoon but the sun hasn’t come out yet. Same old gloomy England.

“It’s so dark.” I said, sipping the last of my drink. I usually drink it all in a matter of 10 minutes because, who doesn’t like Starbucks? But when I finished almost half and saw we still needed a long way to go, I decided to save it. We came here like at 12 so it’s like a new record for me.

“It is. And did you finally finish your coffee?” laughs Liam.

“Yea, don’t judge.” I said sticking out my tongue at him.

“Calm down. Where’s Jane with that food? I think my arse is sore from sitting here.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

“Yea me too.” I hear a knock at the window next to me. We both turn and see Jane waving franticly at us.

“Let’s go home! We’ve been here forever!” she shouted from the other side, which is a low muffle from our side. I laugh and stand up, lifting her and my books. Liam chuckles and stands up with me.

“Here let me help you with that.” Liam heaves the textbooks from my arms, not giving me a chance to respond.

“Thanks?” I said, coming out like a question. We walk out to Jane’s car which is parked badly on the curb.

“Thanks Li, and I think you better hurry up, I think your meter ran out about 10 minutes ago.” His eyes grew wide as he tossed the books in the back seats, grabbing a random bag of Nando’s and ran down the sidewalk.

“You like scaring people don’t you?” I laughed, knowing that she lied. I look down the street and saw Liam rest on his car panting, and checking the meter. He had a scowl on his face and glared at Jane, who is dying of laughter.

“Yep! It’s funny, especially since he scared me yesterday.” She said laughing. She took out her keys and unlocked the door and stepping inside. I roll my eyes and step in the passenger side.

“I can’t wait to go home and eat!” I groaned, grabbing a bag. I look inside and frown. I switch the other bag and check inside, only to groan even louder.

“What is it now?” asks Jane as she pulls out of the parking spot.

“Liam has my food!” I groaned again. She chuckled and went a different way than I knew.

“Are we going to go get it?” I asked hopefully. She laughs and nod. I jump up and down excitedly, making Jane laugh even more. I love food that much. We drove for five minutes until we reached a big flat in a small street.

“So this is where the famous One-” Jane cuts me off by covering my mouth. A group of teen girls laugh and walk by us, walking straight towards the small park nearby.

“Dude, you have to be careful of what you say by here. The fans are ruthless.” She whispered harshly. She looked a bit scared as she let go of my mouth. She gets Liam’s bag and locks her car.

“Alright, sorry for that.” I whispered back as we parked in front and knocked on the front door. A boy with black hair opens the door shirtless, rubbing his eyes. I drop my jaw and couldn’t help but stare. He was ripped. His tattoos moved along with his muscles.

“Zayn go put a shirt on. It’s amazing you opened the door by the way, since I know you all are still asleep.” Said Jane laughing. Zayn laughed as he moved aside and let us in. I was able to close my mouth but before I went crimson red. He chuckles then jogs upstairs.

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