Chapter 1

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There was pounding at my door that sounded much louder than it should have been. The room was spinning a bit as I swung my legs over to the side of the bed.

“I’m coming! Just stop with the knocking!” I shouted as I got up. I grabbed a water bottle and a pain killer from my medicine cabinet and walked to the door. I open it and wince at the light that came though the hallway.

“Whoa, Bridge, how many drinks did you have at the party?” asks Jane as she looks at me with concern.

“Ugh, I don’t know, maybe 6?” I replied as I flopped down on my sofa, drinking the pill. Jane walks in and shuts the door softly behind her. She came with me to the party last night, but she left early with her boyfriend, who happened to be a member of One Direction. Not much of a fan, but their pretty popular here in London.

Jane and I have been friends roughly for about four months. We both got scholarships to London Uni, and both in the arts program. The only difference is that she’s a vocal and instrumental major, and I’m a theatrical major. We both have the same general ed classes so we help each other a lot. Well she mostly helps me, because I’m always hung over.

“You have to slow down with the parties. We’re both falling behind and I’m probably the only one with a legitimate answer.” She says.

“And what may be that reason?” I ask sarcastically. She just rolls her eyes and goes to the kitchen to find something for my hang over. Everyone knows why she has fallen behind. She was kidnapped by a psyco and held her hostage for almost a week. And the professor is giving her a chance to catch up. I on the other hand, do not get that chance.

“Hey what happened to that guy you were dating? I saw him for a moment yesterday then he was gone.” she asked from the kitchen.

“What? Oh him, I broke up with him.” I groaned she walks over with a glass of water with that pill thing that fizzes when you put it in water.

“What for?”

“Oh you know, the same with every guy. He was cheating on me in my face.” I growled. I wasn’t in love with the guy, we only dated for two weeks, but there should have at least been some line of respect.

“You have to stop dating party guys.” She mumbled loud enough for me to barely hear.

“It’s the only kind of guys I know.” I answered back.

“Why don’t you get a change of scenery? You know, go out to a coffee shop instead of a crazy dorm party.” She says.

“But I don’t get to be myself.” I said with a small smile. She rolls her eyes again, but this time, smiling.

“You are one crazy chick.” She giggled. I shrug my shoulders and sit up.

“Well what are we going to do today once my hang over goes away?” I ask with a smile.

“We are going to Starbucks to catch up on things.” She said.

“Oh goodie, homework.” I groan.

“Come on, take a shower. I’ll be right here waiting.” She says. Just then her phone blares out in song from her pocket. Even with a killer hangover, the loud ringtone still made me laugh.

“Oh shut up!” she says as she answers.

“Hey Li. Yea I’m busy. No, can we talk later? Ugh, fine, meet me at the Starbucks I’m going to. I’ll text you the address. Bye.” She then clicks the end button and sighs annoyingly.

“What happened?”

“One of my guy friends has girl problems.” She answered.

“How bad is it?” I ask. I get myself up and grab a cookie off the counter and take a bite.

Beautifully Broken (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now