Chapter 6

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I'm sooooo sorry i know this chapter was so overdue and i'm so sorry! T-T things have been hectic lately and i just finished this chapter now and it's still short an don't my best work :( Hopefully everything will calm down soon and will have semi-regular updates! Love you all! 

Comment and Vote please! i love your guy's feedback, it helps a lot really!

~Jen :)


I woke up the next morning on my couch, with my phone on my chest.

“Morning, sleeping beauty!” sung Kylie. I groaned and rolled off the sofa, landing on the floor, which I end up doing often.

“If the sofa wasn’t so close to the ground, you would seriously get hurt every time you do that.” Laughs Kylie. She walks into the kitchen which has no walls separating it, so you can see perfectly into it from the living room. She pours herself the last of our cereal and milk into a bowl.

“We need groceries.” She said, chewing.

“No shit Sherlock.” I groaned. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I eventually found an apple and a toaster stroodle. I quietly ate my stroodle while staring at Kylie eating the only think that I would consider breakfast.

“Well, I’m off. You don’t have school today don’t you?” Kylie places her bowl in the sink and grabs her coat and bag.

“Nope, it’s my day off work too.” I finished my stroodle and started on my apple.

“Great which means you can go buy stuff.” Smiled Kylie.

“Fine, but I don’t know how you expect me to go around with bag loads of groceries on the bus.” Kylie was the only one who owned a car. I have a little Vespa, but I don’t think riding a bike at 40 mph and carrying groceries at the same time is very safe. Kylie just laughed and hugged me, then went out the door.

I walked over to my bathroom and did my daily routine to get ready. I put on grey sweatpants and my Rolling Stones T-shirt and draped it over with a tan wool cardigan. Not my best outfit, but I feel too lazy to even care. I grab a I decided that I would drive my Vespa instead, since I have no change on me, just my credit card which I only use in emergencies. Like now, since we literally have no food.

I drove down to the city until I reached the nearest Sainsbury’s about 10 minutes away. I walk in, receiving a good amount of stares from people, since my hair was loose when driving, so it’s probably all over the place. I feel a bit self-conscious and I tie my short blond hair up in a bun then walk on. I grab a cart and start dumping in all the foodstuff we ran out of. Every box of food or necessity stung, because it’s another 1 or 2 pounds and it adds up.

I was looking at a bag of cereal, debating if I should switch it with the Lucky Charms I picked up earlier because the bag is cheaper, but also a knockoff. All of a sudden I hear another cart crash into mine, slamming my body into the aisle.

“Hey! Watch where your-” I shouted before looking up.

“Well, hello to you too?” Liam smiled apologetically. I rolled my eyes and pushed his cart back, and pushing mines to a side so I can get out.

“This is going to be a nasty bruise later on.” I mumbled, looking down at my hip which was externally red.

“I’m so so so so so so sorry. I wasn’t looking, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t know!” Liam started to ramble on.

“Li, it’s alright, it’s just a bruise, and it’ll clear up eventually.” I giggled. He smiled a bit and we pushed our cart in the same direction.

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