Chapter 13

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*Liam’s POV*

I breathed in deeply, letting out the air slowly.

“Ok. So the lads convinced me to go to the party in costume. I didn’t want to go out, but the lads are persistent. So I went. When we got there, I stayed at the bar, drinking some water, when who I assume Kylie walked up asking for another drink.” I paused to see her reaction, but her face stayed the same, blank and emotionless stare. So I continued.

“She pushed me to take a shot, which was really strong, and she took me out on the dance floor. I don’t know how long I danced, but that’s when you came in. I didn’t know it was you, but I knew you looked familiar. No one has the same blond hair as you do…”

“So I don’t know who to blame, myself, the alcohol, or everyone else, I don’t know, but I ended up kissing you. And when I took off your mask, I didn’t expect it to be you….” I breathed in heavily once more. It took all the strength I had to do what I was about to do.

“I… I think I have feelings for you, Bridget.” Her face didn’t change. But her eyes, something changed there. They went from a cold, serious determination, to a soft, almost sad. I gulped waiting for her reaction. You could hear a pin drop with the silence between us. The only sound you could hear was the wall clock that ticked consistently.

“Bri…” I said in almost a whisper.

“I- I don’t understand you Liam. If you have feelings, why did you run away? Why did you leave me there, almost getting killed by a madman?” she had begun to tear up, the areas around her eyes getting puffy and red.

“B-Bri! I didn’t know! I ran away because I didn’t want to believe it myself! I’m not even sure if these feelings are real or not…” I trailed off.

“Just get out. If you aren’t going to tell the truth, you shouldn’t have come here in the first place.” She said in almost a whisper. She lowered her head, not looking at me anymore.

“Bri I’m not lying!” I said, standing up, trying to walk to her. She hold up her hand to stop me, squeezing her eyes.

“Just leave Liam.” She whispered. I stood there, surprised. But at the same time, I wasn’t surprised at all. I knew that there is little chance for her believing me. I stood there a minute. Watching her lower her hand and her standing up slowly. She walked to her room and her door shuts with a click of a lock. I felt sort of frozen. I didn’t want to move. My mind went back to when I went over to the bathroom. I found a bottle of pills on the sink. I was curious, thinking why would she need it, she seemed healthy to me. That’s when I read the label. She had schizophrenia, something I heard over but never thought actually was a problem. Then I understood. When she was in the car, she winced as if she tried to block something out of her mind. And when I found her in the hospital, she clenched her head, trying to block something out. Now I understand.

The wall clock continue to be the only sound in this silence. I sighed and grabbed my coat, walking slowly out of the apartment. A blast of the cold night air hit me as I walked out. I rushed over to my car and drove as quickly back home.

I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. I drove over to the hospital where Kylie was. I ran over to the same receptionist who looked at me with surprise.

“Hi, I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over. For a while already, I don’t know who let the lot of you inside.” She said a bit sweetly, talking about earlier.

“I’m Kylie Reed’s boyfriend. Her parents aren’t here, they asked me to stay with her. Please.” I said with a scratchy voice. I assume it was convincing, because she nodded then gave me a pass. I didn’t want to lie, but I had to get to that room.

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