Chapter 8

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*Bridget’s POV*

“Liam, pass me the popcorn?” I asked. He passes the bowl to me, staring at the T.V. screen. The boys and I are watching a documentary I found on one of the movie channels they had. At first they protested it, and begged me to change it, but slowly, they all sat down by me and are now mesmerized but the beautiful scenery from all over the world.

“…The North pole, a dry and frozen desert tundra…”

My phone rang loudly, scaring Louis who was on the floor right in front of me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen and answered.

“Babe where are you?” slurred a very drunk Mike.

“Mike hang up and go home, your wasted.” I sighed.

“No I not! What makes you think that?” he slurred.

“Because you said ‘no I not.’ Seriously, go home and stop calling me.” I said as calm as I could. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“But baby I lurve you!”

“Bye Mike.” I hung up and sighed in frustration.

“What’s wrong?” I spin around, surprised, to see Liam standing in front of the door to the kitchen, holding an empty bowl.

“Oh, god Liam, you scared me.” I sighed, breathing a bit hard. He smiled lightly and walked over to the pantry and pulled out another bag of microwaveable popcorn. He removed the plastic and put it in the microwave and punched in the timer.

“So, is everything alright?” he asked.

“Yea, everything is fine.” I smiled to convince him with the lie. Actually I am completely conflicted inside. The whole Mike thing wants me to rip my hair out. He just smiles and nod. I check my phone and see that it was already late.

“Oh, I should get going, It’s pretty late and I have class tomorrow.” I sighed.

“No worries, I’ll just drive you once the popcorn is done.” The timer beeped behind him and he takes out the bag and pour its contents into the bowl.

“Well, let’s get going shall we?” I follow Liam out to the living room where the lads are still watching the documentary.

“Well boys, it was nice seeing you all, but I have to go.” I announced. They all hugged me goodbye and I grabbed my coat and followed Liam out the door. It’s about 11 pm, so it was completely dark out. I didn’t know I was here for so long. The car ride was quiet, but only because I had begun to fall asleep.

“Hey, Bri? Wake up.” I shook me softly and my eyes fluttered open. I sit up and see that we’re in my driveway.

“Did you just call me Bri?” I asked, yawning.

“Oh, d-do you not want me calling you that? I just thought it’s a cute nick name for-”

“Liam, it’s alright! I like it, it is cute, thanks.” I said tiredly. He relaxed a little and smiled.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” I said, taking off my seatbelt and opening the door.

“Yea, I’ll see ya.” He said with a smile. I close the door and wave to him. I walked to my door and he still was waiting for me to go inside. I just guess he’s just making sure that I’m still safe. I waved to him from where I stood and walked inside. It was dark, inside and I could hear Kylie’s soft snores. She obviously made it before me. I walk to my room, only to hear a grunt that could have not have been from the tiny girl. I take a peek inside only to be traumatized for life and shut the door again. Kylie and another guy were tangled in her bed sheets, naked.

I shake off the fact that I Kylie had sex in the house and the guy is currently groping at her waist and walk to my bedroom and lock the door behind me. I did my nightly rituals and flopped into bed, knocking out just moments after my head touches the pillow.


I wake up to songbirds tweeting by my window and the sunlight pouring into my room. I tie my messy hair in a top bun and walk out into the kitchen. The first thing I walk into was a muscular bare back with black jeans, flipping pancakes. The guy turns around, shocking me more than the fact that a man without a shirt is making food.

“Hey Bridget. What’s up?” says Mike with a malicious smile. I stood there frozen as he continued to flip the pancakes.

“Bridge, I don’t know what happened last ni-” Kylie walks in and stops right next to me.

“Uh.” She says before I grab her arm.

“Will you excuse us for a sec?” I said before immediately dragging her to the bathroom and shutting the door.

“You slept with Mike?!” I whispered.

“I don’t know! Everything was a blur… Oh my god did I use protection?!” she opens the door and runs directly to her room.

“Hey the pancakes are ready you girls want some?” asks Mike. I look at him oddly as he held the spatula.

“Uh, sure, in a sec.” I said before Mike walked back inside the kitchen and Kylie walked out of her room relived.

“Yep. I’m safe.” She sighed. I stared at her with a mix of mad and confused expression.


“What the hell happened at the party?” I whispered harshly/

“Like I said I don’t know! It just happened!” she whispered back. We walk to the kitchen and found him with a huge plate of pancakes and bacon on the center of the table while he serve himself one. We both awkwardly eat our breakfast as we glared at Mike who ate as if it wasn’t a problem in the first place.

We got rid of him once we were all done. He offered to help clean, but we both managed to get him out of the apartment with his stuff.

“God, what just happened?” sighed Kylie. I glared at her then walked over to the bathroom. I bathed and changed quickly to let Kylie in so she could bathe as well. She blocked me before I could leave the bathroom.

“Bridget what’s your problem?” she asked.

“Nothing.” I try to leave but she kept her place.

“Look, I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t mean to sleep with Mike. We were both drunk!”

“Then how come he remembered and you don’t?” I questioned.

“You know I have a low tolerance of alcohol.” She said back


“Look, just please, know that I was under the influence and I didn’t know. But why are you getting worked up about it?” she asked. Her eyes did this thing which was hard to stay mad at.

“I-I don’t know.” I sighed.

“Are you jealous?” she asked.

“Oh god no!” I said, which made her laugh. I smiled and hugged her.

“It was just awkward, is all. Before dinking, please text me first before I get home.” I said. She laughed and nodded her head as I moved out of the way to let her inside the bathroom and I walked out and got to my room.


Sorry for the slow and short update, school has been kicking my ass. :/

I also got sick and it makes me just exaughsted all the time and my throat hurts too :(

So i noticed that NO ONE as even tried the contest :( if i get no suggestions by the deadline, i'll be either forced to push the deadline another week or just stop it. please Please PLEASE try! I would love it if you at least tried! 


Comment and Vote Lovelies!

~Jen :3

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