Chapter 15

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I stumble into the house, completely wasted. The voices, once again, faded in and out, but this time, they were as drunk as I was, only with giggles and stupid words only I understood. I was the only one that could hear them after all. I don’t remember what happened before this moment, but I feel like I had brilliant time.

I see Liam suddenly in front of me, which shocks me, because I have no memory of giving him my apartment keys or anything. But I’m still overjoyed to see him.

“Lyumm!” I giggled. I almost fall over with a giggling fit, and Liam rushes over to catch me.

“Bri, you have to stop coming back wasted.” He sits me down on the sofa, and I lazily take off my heels.

“Welp, you’re kinda too late for that, Lilipooh.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“Bri, please.” He sighed.

“How did you even get in the house? How did I get here?” I sighed. Everything was spinning and colors completely fuzzy.

“Bri, I had to pick you up. You called me, remember?” that short memory came back to me slowly. There was flashing colors, I had a shot glass, and someone kissing my neck?

“Oh yea.” I said softly. I giggle then toss my heel behind me, landing with a loud thud.

“Bri, you have been doing this for weeks already. When are you going to take a break from partying, and getting wasted?” he asked. He finds the love bite on my neck and looks at with complete disappointment.

“When I’m dead!” I shouted.

“This isn’t funny, you have to stop.” He said calmly.

“IT NEVER WAS!” I shouted. I stand up quickly, with one heel on. He stands up and walks over to me and holds me by my arms.

“Look, I know you’ve been upset, but doing this isn’t healthy.” He said softly.

“And what? Just cry my eyes out? My best friend is fucking dying!” I cried. I sat back down on the sofa and wipe my makeup stained tears.

The last time I talked to Kylie was that day when I found out she was at the brink of death. Since then, her condition got steadily worse. She’s never awake anymore, they drug her so she wouldn’t feel the pain from the bullet wound and as her lung heals. They treated the metal poisoning, but they had to pump her stomach with great care not to harm her to get the alcohol out of her system. Kylie smokes a lot, which I knew before. But the fact that she had lung cancer scared me. She coughed a lot, but I thought I was just a nasty cold she always had. She was never one to take care of herself, unless I forced her to eat something healthy.

“This was all my fault. My best friend is dying because she got shot at the party I convinced her to go to. If I just let her stay here, like she wanted to, maybe I would have been the one to get shot. Maybe I would have been on that hospital bed, only awake for an hour at most out of the whole day, suffering.” I said shakily. Liam hugged me as I cried.

“Bri, it’s not your fault. You would have never have known this would happened. It’s not your fault.” He said quietly. I look back to him as he looked down at me with his brown eyes. I quickly crash into his lips, his taste more intoxicating than anything I had ever tried. He was shocked, but surely, he gave into the kiss as our lips moved in sync.

My head felt heavy as I rest on his shoulder, too tired to move. The voices were long gone, and now I could faintly hear Liam’s.

“Oh Bri, what am I going to do with you.” He sighed.


I wake up with the familiar pounding of a hangover. It wasn’t exactly day yet, still very dark. Unless I’ve slept the whole day and now just waking up at night. I felt a bit of pressure over my hips. I open my eyes and find Liam in front of me, asleep. I was faced to him and his arm was draped over my side, as if he was protecting me. I curl up closer to him and he tightens his arms unconsciously around my waist.

I feel awful, doing this. I’ve been out with multiple guys, getting absolutely wasted and sleeping with them before I call Liam to drive me home. He always stays with me when I’m especially drunk. We haven’t slept together, as in having sex, but we stay like this, cuddled under my bed sheets.

I don’t feel like I’ve been doing him justice because I KNOW he likes me more than a friend, and he’s here caring for me when all my supposed friends wouldn’t.  Every time I’m with him, I don’t get voices, even if I don’t take the medicine.

Liam opens his eyes and smiles weakly.

“Hey.” He said softly.

“Hi.” I smile weakly as well as I get in closer until I’m pressed against his chest.

“You know, I couldn’t sleep before you called me.” He said softly. His chest vibrated against me.

“Why?” I said quietly.

“Because I was worried about you.” He sighed. We were quiet for a bit, but I was still close to him.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“7, almost 8. You slept all day.”

“Well so did you.” I giggle really softly.

“I woke up, went to do like 3 interviews, went to practice, and then came back. I came back like an hour ago, and found you still asleep.”

“You came back?” I look up to him as he looks down to me.

“Of course. I couldn’t leave you here. You were on my mind all day.” I sighed and curled up to his chest again.

“Liam, I’m sorry I dragged you into this. It’s all my fault.” I said softly.

“Don’t say that, nothing was your fault.” he kisses the top of my head.

“I’m serious. I go out and do stupid crap while you have to put up with me wasted. You’re too kind to me. I don’t deserve any of this.” I said, a tear falling down my cheek.

“Bri look at me.” I open my eyes and see that he shifted downwards so we’re face to face.

“I’m not going to stop caring for you. Even if you refuse to be anything more, I’ll still be here. I care for you too much to let you fall.” I cried a bit harder as I kissed his cheek.

“We could be something more, you know?” he whispers.

“You would really be with a broken person?” I whispered back.

“I don’t care if you were shattered. I still like you. Very much.” I gave him a weak smile and kiss his lips softly.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He chuckles. I giggle a bit and try to go back to sleep, but a heavy knocking hits at the front door. I groan loudly and he chuckles.

“I’ll get it.” He gets out, leaving a cold spot next to me. I curl up in my blankets to get back the warmth.

“Jane? Marie?” I hear from outside. I rip off one of my smaller blankets off my bed and walk over there. They both stood at the doorway with boxes and warm smiles.

“Hi Bridge. Are you ok? You missed class you know.” Said Jane with a worried smile.

“Yea, I’m fine. Come in guys. There’s something I need to tell you.” I said with a weak smile.

“What is it?” Said Marie as she walks in and places her box; a box of movies, on the counter.

“Well…” Liam draped his arm around me and I smiled a bit at the gesture.

“Liam and I are dating.” I think I had went deaf for a complete second. The two girls squealed so loud then rushed over to congratulate us. I have made my decision. I’m going to give up my old life style and join these guys from now on. It’s good to have change.


I feel like this chapter is crap  as i i could of written this a whole lot better :( but THEY ARE FINNALY TOGETHER OMG YAY! xD



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~Jen :3

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