Chapter 24

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*Liam's POV*

"I-I'm sorry." Sobbed Bridget before I hear something close to the sound of the phone falling, then a faint but deep chuckle, then nothing.

"Bri!" I shouted.

"Liam, the call is over." Said Jane softly. I clutched on the phone tightly in my hand. I feel completely numb. Jane took the phone away from me and ends my side of the phone.

"What now?" Asks Harry.

"I don't know. She doesn't want to be found..." Said Marie.

"Something is wrong. I heard someone else on the other line, someone is forcing her." I said flatly. I still feel completely numb, but I know something in the call wasn't right.

"Liam, she called you with your own phone, she must be-"

"No! Please Zayn, keep driving, I don't think it was alright. If she truly didn't want to see me, she would be mad, not crying!" I cut off Marie and jump to the front seat, even though Louis was already there.

"Mate let me move in back first!" Complained Louis.

"Just keep on driving this way." I ignored Louis and kept facing forward. Zayn gave me a worried look but kept on driving. Louis managed to go over me and to the back seat.

"Liam, I know your worried, but please, listen." Said Marie. I felt on the brink of tears, but I nodded anyways. Zayn pulled to a side and we parked on a curb.

"I- I know this isn't her. She was crying! A-and I could hear in the tone of her voice that something isn't right."

"Liam, we all heard, but we can't be sure." Reasoned Marie. I looked at the rest of the group and they all looked worried. I looked then to Marie, who then sighed.

"Zayn keep on going." She said softly. Not a minute later, we reach the house. We turned off the car lights and parked in front of a very old and beaten up house. We saw a girl, walk out with a huge trail of smoke behind her. She was giggly and touchy with the guy who walked out behind her. They kissed sloppily and she walks over to a small red car, completely disoriented.

"What is that smell?" Groaned Niall in back.

"Marijuana. That girl is high off her mind." Said Jane.

"Wait is that...?" Asked Louis, leaning closer to the window.

"That's Mike!" Said Harry. Mike looks around and shuts the door behind him.

"So we found the bastard's hiding place. But what would Bridget be doing here?" Asked Zayn. There was a crash and a familiar scream.

"That's Bridget!!" I said but Zayn held me back.

"Hold on mate." We waited and through the window, we could see her fighting him. She was really weak though because he was able to pick her up, and those her over his shoulder, disappearing from sight.

"That bastard!" Hisses Marie. I got out of the car and went down the front lawn.

"Wait!" Shouted Louis behind me. I went up to the door and hit it with my fist. Multiple locks were unlatch end before he finally opened the door.

"Look, I told you-" I cut him off with an adrenalin rushed punch to his face. The guys behind me pushed their way in until we were all inside the house. Mike got up and wiped the blood off his nose.

"So, look who's trying to be a hero. Well guess what, she don't love you anymore! She with me, and there’s nothing you-" Zayn hit his head with a glass full of whitish liquid. The glass broke, spilling all over him and Mike. Mike then falls to the floor, unconscious.

"He was getting on my nerves." Said Zayn.

"What was in that?" Asked Louis. Zayn hands him the lid, which he held on to.

"Chloroform. Otherwise known as knock out gas." Said Zayn. I smiled at him gratefully, knowing that I don't have to actually fight anyone tonight. I run down where I saw him disappear earlier to. It was a staircase down to the basement.

"Bri?" I called out. I ear multiple bangs in the basement and I sprint down the stairs. I hear Bridget faintly call out on the other side of the door.

"Liam! Liam oh my god, the door is locked." She cried.

"Hold on!" I shouted. I saw a metal pipe and I grabbed it and hit the door knob with it. It broke in half and I pushed in the door.

"Liam!" Shouted Bridget as she runs over to hug me tightly.

"I thought I'd never see you again." She cried.

"It's alright. It's all over."

"What about Mike?" She said softly.

"It's all over, your safe now." I said. She was crying really hard into my chest. I pull her back and kiss her. All the emotion I felt when she broke up with me until now went into that kiss. All the times I wanted to say I was sorry, and that I love her, and how I would never do anything to hurt her, all in one moment.

"Bridget?" Shouted Jane from upstairs. She runs down the stairs, Marie and the other lads behind her and crash into us with a hug.

"Don't ever do that again, you hear!" Cried Jane. Bridget gave a choked laugh and nodded. We all went upstairs and stared at Mike who was on the floor, still unconscious.

"What are we doing about him?" Asked Niall.

"I think it's time we call the police, Louis. How about you?" Said Zayn. Bridget walked over to an old cabinet and opened a drawer. She pulled out a piece from the back and a whole load of drugs came out of all kinds.

"Tell them that we'd like to report some illegal narcotic possession." She said.

"What the fuck?" Gasped Jane as she looked into the drawer.

"We better get out of here before someone calls before us." Said Harry, holding onto Jane. We walked out and turned off the lights and closed the door. Bridget held onto me as we walked out and into the van.

"You know we have a play to preform tomorrow right?" Said Jane. Bridget groaned loudly.

"Can we leave it for tomorrow please?" I chuckle and kiss her forehead as she fell asleep on my shoulder.


Guys this is the second to last chapter TuT I hope you guys hung on as much as I did!

With the last chapter, I'll also update the prologue of Star's Complications!

Comment and Vote Lovelies!

~Jen :,)

Beautifully Broken (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now