Chapter 16

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Marie and Jane were scrawled out on the other sofa with a large blanket covering them, dead asleep. Liam was asleep too, but he fell asleep on my shoulder. I was still in PJ’s from when Jane and Marie got here and I finally decided to change from my uncomfortable outfit I the night before.

I had copied Jane’s notes and finished the homework while they all watched T.V along side me. On the tenth re-run episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, they all had crashed and knocked out. The title screen for the 11th in a row popped up as I groaned and turned it off. Liam had his arm wrapped around me awkwardly. I don’t know how he was able to sleep like that. I shift over to where I’m leaning on him for comfort.

“Hey you’re not asleep?” whispered Liam, completely dazed.

“No, and I thought you were.” I sighed. He sits up and gets comfortable while I lean on his chest. He wraps his arms around me so we’re perfectly intertwined.

“I just had my eyes closed for a few minutes, I was up the whole time.” He said.

“You are the worst liar you know that.” I giggled.

“Not true!” he said defensively, but chuckles after. I was finally starting to go to sleep when heavy knocking come from the door and I groan loudly.

“Every time.” I groaned. Liam chuckled and walked behind me as I go to the door. I look through the peep hole and see Harry and Niall outside, waving madly at the lens. I open the door quickly to let them in.

“Hey Bridget!” sung Niall. Harry waved at me frantically and they both give me bone crushing hugs.

“Guys I literally can’t breathe.” I cough. They chuckle and I move aside to let them in.

“What are you guys doing here.” I asked. Liam snaked his arm around me, hugging me from behind.

“To join the party, they girls texted us half an hour ago.” Chuckles Niall as he picks up Marie gently and she curls up in his arms. She opens her eyes gently and smiles.

“Hi Ni.” She says softly. He kisses her forehead and they sit back down. Niall accidently sits on Jane’s hair and she wakes up yelling.

“Niall you Irish asshole, you pulled my hair!” she shouts. Niall jumps back, Marie still in his arms as he apologizes repeatedly.

“Jane, it’s alright, he apologized a billion times, and it was just an accident.” Laughs Harry. She grumbles and curls up in his arms.

“Why is it when I finally get to be alone with Liam, you too, wake up these two.” I sigh. I shake my head, but I keep smiling, knowing they are going to have a lame excuse.

“Oh yea, you guys are together now, congrats mate.” Smiles Harry.

“Our Lilipooh is growing up!” says Niall, wiping a fake tear.

“Nialler. I’m older than you, that doesn’t make sense.” Said Liam seriously, but the rest of us couldn’t contain our laughter. I could feel Liam roll his eyes behind me as he pokes my sides. I jump drastically ad somehow land on top of Harry and Jane.

“For a small girl, you’re really heavy.” Complained Harry. I stand up and punch his arm. He complains childishly and fake cries on Jane’s shoulder while she’s dying of laughter.

“You guys are so loud.” Complains Marie as she covers her ears with a pillow. Niall nuzzles his face into her neck as she giggles.

“Ok, so I don’t know who told you there was a party, but it’s like 1, and I want to go to bed.” I sighed.

“Aww, party pooper.” Whined Niall.

“Babe, I’m tired can you just take me home?” yawned Marie.

“Fine, but you have to get up first.” He chuckles.

“Noooooooo, carry me.” She whines softly.

“Dude your so whipped.” Chuckles Jane.

“Jane don’t get me started on you.” I laugh. She turns slightly pink and hides her face in Harry’s chest as he chuckles.

“I didn’t say you guys had to leave, I have a spare bedroom and the couch pulls out to be a bed.”

“When was this?” cries Marie, jumping out of Naill’s lap. “I had to sleep on a sofa for an hour and you had a pull out bed?”

“You fell asleep before I could tell you.” I laugh. She rolls her eyes then smiles. I smile back as I walk over to the sofa and stood in front of Jane and Harry as they flirted with each other.

“Ok, gross, and get off so I can pull out the thingy.” I said with a yawn. They stand up and Harry makes a face at me, then laughs. I pull out the bed not-so-gracefully and Harry jumps on it in an instant.

“I call this one!” he calls out, spreading his body all over the plastic covered mattress.

“Let me at least get the covers, will you?” I sigh. Jane and Marie follow me to the hallway to get the blankets and by the time we got back, Liam and Harry wrestled on the bed while Niall cheered them on.

“If I get one complaint from the down stairs neighbor…” I start, but somehow, the front legs of the bed gave away and halfway folded the mattress, almost crushing the two.

“Harry!” cried out Jane as she tries to help him out.

“Why didn’t I see that coming.” I sighed. I walk over to the other side and help Liam up. We get the two up and I fix the mattress and put the sheets on the bed.

“I’m so tired guys, just please, no more loud noises before I get a complaint.” I sigh.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be quiet from now on.” promises Jane. She elbowed Harry and he muttered ‘yea’. I smile a bit and take Marie’s wrist.

“Here’s the spare room guys.” I lead her to Kylie’s room and they walk in.

“Thanks for letting us stay over, Bridge.” I smile and nod.

“Anytime.” They close the door and I slump my shoulders. Liam walks over to me and holds my hand.

“You are obviously exaughsted.” He chuckles. I smile and we walk to my room.

“Hello bed, I missed you.” I fall on my bed with a thud.

“You were only up for a couple of hours.” He chuckles. He takes off his jacket and shirt then crawls on the other side of me. On any normal occasion, I would blush madly that a built, handsome, shirtless lad is lying next to me, but I’m still so exaughsted that I don’t even care anymore. He pulls me close to him and I snuggle up against him.

“Goodnight Bri.” He sighs.

“Goodnight.” He kisses my forehead gently as I start to fade out of consciousness once again.


Sorry that was a short and really lame chapter, but i need fillers, don't I? 

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~Jen :)

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