The Day I Met Him(1)

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Raven's P.O.V.

It was a normal day in Jump City and the team and I were going out for pizza, that is until there was an explosion. I heard Beast Boy mutter under his breath, " Great can't we just have one day off?!" I smirked at that but my smirk quickly disappeared. Robin yelled, " Titans trouble!" and everyone except robin hopped in the T-car. Robin rode his own motor cycle. We sped off into the underground tunnel. That's when I got the weird feeling something was going to happen. I just shook it off.

When we arrived we saw Slade. I sensed Robin's anger grow the he yelled," Titans Go!" and then he ran at Slade with his pole but Slade threw him back into Beast Boy. Boy did that make Star mad. She was about to hit Slade but he threw something at us that made us all go flying. Damn Slade.

I was ready to hit the ground when someone caught me. I looked up to see a boy around my age who had caught me. I thought to myself, ' Damn he is fucking hot. Wait he has a diamond on his chakra. I think he is from Azerath!!!!' He set me down and I said," Thanks," He ignored me and said, well asked, " Are you OK?" I was about to answer him when I heard Cyborg yell," BOMB!!!" Before I could even think about moving it exploded but it didn't hit me. I looked and saw a black force field up. I spun around and realized that the boy who saved me had put it up.

I said as calm as possible," Can you please take down the force field and stay here?" He nodded yes. I thought to myself,' I see he's not much of a talker.'


Hawk's P.O.V.

I just couldn't stand it anymore. Beast Girl was driving me off the edge of insanity. Her and her stupid jokes. I thought to myself, ' Might as well go for a walk. Hm let's see, if i stay in the city she would easily find me but if i go to a different city she won't find me.' I went to the main computer and searched the nearest town. Jump City. I thought to myself, ' OK Jump City here I come.' I appeared there and started walking.

After a few minutes there was an explosion not even 50 ft away from me. I saw a girl go flying right towards me so I caught her. When she looked up at me the first thing that popped up in my head was, ' Damn she's cute. Wait a second. She has a diamond on her chakra just like me!' I set her down and she said, " Thanks." I ignored her and said to her, "Are you OK?" I could tell she was about to answer me when I heard someone yell, "BOMB!!!!!"

I decided I wanted to know this girl, so I whispered, " Azerath, Sinthos, Cazerath." and a force field went up between the girl, and the bomb with me behind her. The girl opened her eyes and spun around. I saw the shocked look on her face then she said," Can you please take down the force field an stay here?" I nodded.


Raven's P.O.V.

The first thing I saw when I turned around was StarFire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy knocked out a few dozen feet away but the next thing I saw made my blood run cold. I saw robin almost dead not even 20ft away from me. I couldn't help but yell, "ROBIN!!!!!!" I started to run over to him when Slade tackled me. Blackness started to cloud my vision but I fought it. I saw Slade about to finish me off so I hissed, "AZERATH METRION ZINTHOS!!" and Slade went flying. Boy did he tick me off. I said with a evil smile on my face," Slade you shouldn't have made me mad." I hit Slade with everything I had but he dogged it and took off. I was about to run over to Robin when I saw him start breathing again but then I noticed that the boy that saved me earlier was healing him. I walked over and said, " H-how are you healing him?" He replied, " I have special powers that can heal." I was shocked until loud music snapped me back into reality. I saw punk rocker start playing his guitar and me and the boy and I hit our knees covering our ears. Then all of a sudden I hear a loud boom and the sound of water.

I look up to see 2 girls standing there. I looked over to the boy who had just stood up and started lecturing the girls. " ARROW, CICI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!?! YOU TWO SHOULD BE BACK AT THE TERONICS EAST TOWER!!!!" I stood up just as Sierra snapped at him saying, " WELL YOU SHOULD BE BACK AT TERONICS WEST TOWER MR. GOODY TWO SHOES!!!" By that point I was far past annoyed and before I knew it I yelled, " STOP!!!!" There was about a 10 second awkward silence so I said," Hi." Arrow and Cici broke out laughing and the boy ruined the moment by saying," Hi I'm Hawk."

Cici stopped laughing and said," Total moment ruin-er hawkey wawkey!" Hawk looked at her and yelled," SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" That's when I noticed my friends were staring at me and the other three like we were insane. Before I could speak, the boy named Hawk, introduced them. I smiled. "I'm Raven and these are my teammates Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and last and least Beast Boy." BB was now glaring at me, big time.


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