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Hawk's P.O.V.

I sat beside Raven in the bathroom. She'd been puking all morning. "Rae, you want me to get you some medicine?" I asked her quietly. She nodded furiously. I kissed her forehead and got dressed.
"Hawk?" She whispered from her place on the bathroom floor.
"What's up Beautiful?" I asked her squatting down beside her.
She looked me in the eyes and said, "I hate you." I smiled and kissed her lips softly.
"I love you too, love. I'll be right back." I whispered and left the rooms. I went down the stairs just as there was a knock. I opened the door to see a guy standing there. He looked up and his eyes matched Raven's to a tee. "Yes?" I asked the guy carefully.

"Is Rac- er- Raven here?" He asked with that 'Wait, fuck' face. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm her older brother, Ryan." He said looking at me. "She's never said anything about me, huh?" He asked recognizing my 'Never heard of ya' look. I shook my head. He sighed.

"Hawk? Who's at the door??" Raven called from upstairs. His head snapped up when he heard her voice. A few seconds later she came downstairs. "Who's here?" She whispered behind me. I moved and her eyes lit up like a little kid at Christmas time. Or her at Christmas time. Whichever. "Ryan!!!!!!" Raven squealed and tackled him in a hug, causing them both to go tumbling. I heard him groan.

"Rae." I said sternly, "Get up." She jumped up and couldn't stop smiling. "Rae." I said again. She looked at me. "Don't do that again." She nodded while smiling and trying not to laugh. "I'm serious." I said as I saw the boy get up and dust himself off. He raised his eyebrow in confusion. Raven began laughing. My head dropped as I shook it. "Rae, question." She looked at me again. "When he came to the door, why'd he almost call you Rach?" She froze and tensed up turning to him.

"It slipped I'm sorry!!!!!" He said holding his hands up. She was glaring daggers at him now.
"Oh and heads up Ryan, I wouldn't upset her right now. It wouldn't end well." I said with a glare towards him. He didn't even pay attention to me. I didn't like him. Raven was still glaring at him. "Rae?" I asked, getting her attention away from him. She looked softly at me. "You still want the medicine?"
She nodded again. "And a soda?" She asked giving me puppy dog eyes. I nodded and she hugged me. "And-"

I cut her off, "A snicker bar?" She nodded once again. I nodded and grabbed my keys. "Wanna come with?" I asked her softly. She shook her head holding her stomach. I nodded softly. "I'll be back Rae, OK?" She smiled and that was enough. I winked at her and went outside, getting in my car. I started it up as she waved. I waved back and drove off.

I pulled up to the gas station and went inside. The cashier waved and I gave her a small smile. I grabbed the Tylenol and nausea medicine . I found a Dr. Pepper and grabbed a Snicker Bar. When I got up front I set the things down and pulled out $5. "The total will be $4.76." She flirting with me. I gave her the five and she winked at me. "Have a nice day, sweetie." She said leaning foward.

I grabbed the bag and shook my head. "Stop it. I shouldn't have to tell you every time I come here. If I have to I'll take my business to elsewhere." I growled annoyed with her. Her eyes flared in anger but I was already outside. I threw the bag into the passengers seat and got in, starting it up. I pulled out onto the main road and was on my way home.

I pulled up and the door was opened. I tensed up and got out. I went up to the door and felt fear creeping up my throat. "Rae?? You there??? HELLO????!!!!" I called out only to have a groan and Jazmine crying as a response. I saw Ryan on the ground just waking up. I kicked him in the side. "Where's Raven?!?!" I asked angrily.

"I don't know. S-something just attacked us and everything went black." He said getting up while holding his head. I glared deeply at him.

"So Raven's missing because you didn't protect her?! Some brother you are." I spat out angrily at him. He glared at me I said those words.
"IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!!" He yelled, outraged. I glared at him. We had both lost our tempers.
"WELL YOU DIDN'T PROTECT HER!!!!!" I screamed back. I was pissed. So was he. "SHE WENT MISSING ON YOUR WATCH!!!! YOU WERE KEEPING AN EYE ON HER AND IF ANYTHING, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, HAPPENS TO HER OR OUR BABY I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" I spat in his face. He looked ready to snap.

"What do you mean, 'baby'?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.
"She's pregnant. That's why I was getting her medicine. That's why I was stern with her when she tackled you!" I said, giving him the obvious. He looked even angrier. "Don't even start cause we're married. So shut the fuck up." He stopped. I held up my hand with my wedding ring on it. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. I turned and went upstairs. I went in Jazmine's room.

I scooped her up in my arms and rocked her back and forth. "Shh baby girl, daddy's here, shh. Everything is OK. I'm gonna find mama. Don't worry. Shh." I spoke quietly to my daughter. 'She's 4 months old. She's supposed to have a stable family without having to worry for her mother's life. God, she is supposed to have a younger sibling and the baby most likely won't make it. DAMN IT!!!!!!' I was crying softly by that point. My Raven was gone. I may lose her, or the baby, or both! I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to lose either. I just wanted them home, safe. If I had to lose one I'd lose the baby. It isn't born yet. I won't be attached, unlike to Jazmine. I could never give up our baby girl. I love her too much.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a soft knock. The door opened and Ryan stepped in. I just stood there holding my baby. His eyes flickered over to her. "It's y'all's second?" I nodded. He came over and Jazmine reached for him, clearly wondering who he was, and why he was in our house. He looked at me, asking to hold her. I reluctantly let him. He held her good and kept making her laugh. I smiled faintly. 'At least she's happy.... She has no clue what's going on.... Lucky girl.... I'm glad she doesn't have to deal with this....' I thought absent mindedly. I looked back at Ryan and Jazmine. He was great with her. 'Maybe I could get used to him around here. Well, only if I get my Rae back, without her, he has no purpose here. Even if he wants to be her uncle, I won't have it. She'll be around the Titans and the Teronics. That's it. They're our family..... Wait. They can help!! I've gotta call them!' I grabbed my phone with celerity. Ryan gave me a questioning glace.

I dialed Robin and Lucy's number. After the second ring I heard Robin's voice. "Yellow?" He asked calmy.
"Robin? It's me, Hawk. I need your help, it's important."
"Yeah, of course. What's up?" He asked worried and confused.
"Raven's been kidnapped."
"What?! I'll have Luc gather the Teronics and I'll gather the Titans. Meet you at our tower." He said instantly worried. Him and Raven were like twins(Sorry RobRae fans!). He knew how I felt about this, vice versa.

"OK meet you there. Bye." And with that, I hung up. I grabbed my keys and took Jazmine from him. "If you're going to help us find her, c'mon." He nodded, "We've got work to do."

Hey guys! The story's back on. Please let me know if you like it.

Thnx, SierraMorris0

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