Almost Dead(4)

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Raven P.O.V.

Hawk and I were making out on the couch when all of a sudden the windows came crashing in. I was levitating in a minute. I expected to see Eagle there but who I saw scared me. I whispered, "Brandon......" 'Great my what is it my ex-boyfriends festival?!?!' I said very pissed off, "What do you fucking want you mother fucking bitch?!" "This mother fucking bitch has a name Rac-" I cut Brandon short by slamming him into the wall. I said, "I'm going to repeat myself one more time Brandon" I noticed Brandon was glancing at Hawk.

I froze when I realized that he might kill him. He was about to attack Hawk. I screamed, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And pushed him out the window knowing he couldn't fly but he grabbed my arm and I went down with him. We fought on the way down towards the water. When we hit the water he didn't go under he stood on the water. I sent Hawk a mind message. The last thing I heard before I hit the water was Hawk scream my name. I saw Brandon dive under water and he pushed me farther under. I couldn't breath. I was fighting him but my body gave out. Then my vision went black.


Hawk's P.O.V.

I stood up just as a boy flew in. Raven was pissed. She slammed him back to keep him from saying something. I heard her say as cold as ice," I'm going to repeat myself one more time Brandon." That's when I noticed that he was staring at me with a killing look in his eye. I was frozen. All of a sudden Raven screamed, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She pushed him out the window but he grabbed her arm and pulled her down with him.

I ran over to window and looked out. I saw him standing on the water while she was about hit the water. I heard her voice in my head say, 'I love you' I screamed her name and flew down there. Brandon was under water with Raven I dived into the water and saw him holding her down at the bottom of the ocean. I swam behind him and knocked him out. That's when I realized she stopped moving. I grabbed her and swam to the surface. I levitated onto the rocks. She woke up and coughed up some water. She was almost dead. I started to panic.

I carried her inside and set her down on the table. The door opened and I glanced up to see everyone run in. Arrow stuttered, "W-w-what happened to her?!" I didn't respond. I looked up and said, "Cici help me get the water out of her lungs. Everyone else guard the tower." They looked confused until Brandon kicked in the door and said," Surprise, surprise." Cici and Arrow both attacked him but he knocked them out.

He knocked everyone else out too. I let my anger show knowing that I could easily kill him. The sad thing is I underestimated him. He was choking me before I could even blink. All of a sudden I saw yellow electricity, 6 arrows, water, and 2 little fast people tackle and hit him. I looked up and saw a boy version of Bow, a boy version of Arrow, a girl version of Wasp, a boy version of Mia, a boy version of Mi-ya, and a boy version of Cici.

I stood up and went over to Raven. I was watching her when she woke up. She opened her eyes and shot up. She jumped off the table. She slowly looked around and stopped when she saw me she smiled and spun around and froze. Now I was confused.


Raven's P.O.V.

I woke up on a table. I sat up quick. I stood up and looked around. When I saw Hawk I swear he looked like a drowned rat. I smiled at him but spun around to see that the Titans East we're fighting Brandon and they we're getting their asses kicked by him. Boy was I mad. I started to throw things at Brandon with my magic. The first few hit him, the last few he dodged. He looked at me and said," Now, now sweetie that is no way to treat your guest."I noticed Hawk had anger and jealously written in his eyes. Why was he jealous and angry? I have no fucking clue what so ever.

I glared at Brandon and said," Let me guess what you want. You want me to be your girlfriend again so that way you can just cheat on me and break my heart. Sorry I don't think so." Brandon looked at me shocked. He had never seen me so cold. I laughed a little and picked him by the shirt. I threw him about 1,000,000 miles away from the tower. Hawk came over to me and said," Are you OK?!" He sounded worried about me. I thought it was sweet. I nodded and he looked relived.

Then everyone woke up one after another. Cici and Arrow ran over to me and kept asking me,"Are you alright?!" I nodded yes and said," I going to go to bed now, OK?" Robin nodded and I ran to my room. I was half way to my room when someone grabbed my arm. I spun around and saw it was Eagle holding me tight by the arm. Before I could do anything he pinned me to the wall and started making out with me. I kept trying to break his grip on me but I was failing miserably. I started to cry and he pinned me harder to the wall.

All of a sudden my cape came off. I started to fight again but before he could do anything else I heard," Azerath, Sinthos, Cazerath!" Eagle flew off of me and I hit the ground crying. I looked up to see Hawk with dark red eyes. Eagle and Hawk fought but Hawk kicked his ass, now Eagle was half dead on the floor. I would've smiled but tears we're coming out way to fast. Hawk opened a portal and threw Eagle into it. He ran over to me and held me. I heard footsteps but I didn't try to push away. I heard a gasp and I heard Arrow say," What happened?" Neither one of us responded. Arrow said," I'm gonna guess Eagle or Brandon was here." I nodded and whispered," E-E-Eagle." Arrow didn't respond she just walked off.

I buried my head into Hawk's chest even more. I could tell that I would have nightmares about this for a long time. I looked up at Hawk and whispered," Will you stay in my room with me tonight, please?" He looked at me with a smile and nodded. I don't know what I was thinking when I asked him that, but I don't regret a thing. I hugged him and stood up. He got up too and followed into my room.

I froze in the door way when I saw both Brandon and Eagle in my room. I almost snapped when I saw Maskey tied up behind them. I saw Slendy a.k.a. Mr. Sexypants behind them. He was with Hoodie, Jack, Jeff, Smile, Sally, Ben, LeGreeny and everyone else. I looked at them and said very clearly despite my previous breakdown," You two have gone to far this time. Your lucky I ain't coming after you." I thought to myself,' YES!!!!!! Sexual slender man isn't here!!!!!'

I realized Hawk was there so I pushed him into a corner of my room and looked at Slendy and them with a look that said 'Touch him, I dare you.' They nodded and sally went up to Eagle and said, "Wanna play hide and seek?" Eagle nodded and she responded," You go hide, and you DON'T want me to find you." He went off and hid. Sally started to count," 1, 2, 10." She went off to find him. Maskey came out and brutally killed Brandon. I smiled and giggled a little.


Heads up to some confused readers Raven knows the Creepypasta killers. Just a little help for DA confused ones.

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