The Surprise(6)

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[ 3 months later ]

Hawk's P.O.V.

'It has been 3 months since I have seen Raven. I have been coping well but it still makes me sad to think about her. I miss her a lot. I wonder how she's doing.' All of a sudden I heard Beast Girl yell, " Blue Jay has a boyfriend!!!!" I downstairs before you could blink. "What?!" Katrina came down a split second after I said that. "WHAT?!?!?!" her voice rang out across the tower. Beast Girl nodded, " She's bringing him in, in a minute." 'Oh god another boyfriend gone wrong.'

Bluejay poked her head in and said, " NOBODY hurts him in ANY way, got it?" Nobody responded. " But we like hurting your boyfriends......", Beast Girl whinnied. "No." Bluejay said firmly. "Fine." "By the way, he brought some friends with him." Bluejay turned around and said sweetly, " Come on in sweetie." She stepped out of the door way and the boy I saw I never thought I would see again. "Robin...."

'Did he bring Raven?' Whoa wait a second Robin's in normal clothes? Whoa.' All of a sudden I see red hair pop up then Starfire's face. Shit. Robin moved and Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg came in. I stayed in the back of the crowd. Beast Boy walked out and came back in covered in ice cream. Everyone burst out laughing. Robin smirked and said, " The Wrath of Raven?" "Yep." 'The Wrath of Raven? What?'

"Raven said she'd be in, in a minute." Robin just snickered a reply. That's when Starfire's eyes widened. 'Oh no she saw me!' "ICEFIRE!!!!!" 'Oh she didn't see me..... wait why is she so happy to see Icefire?' Icefire smiled and hugged her. EVERYONE looked confused. Bluejay narrowed her eyes and said, "They're dating. Didn't you know?" "No.... cool." Robin said.

All of a sudden Raven came in. She looked different. A lot different. Bluejay smiled and said, "Katrina will you show Raven to her room?" "Yeah, follow me." Raven nodded and followed her. Starfire looked over and saw me. She frowned at me the turned towards Robin and Bluejay. "May I be the excused?" Bluejay nodded. She flew past me grabbing my cape along the way.

She pulled me into the kitchen and started tapping her foot. "Well? Can you the explain yourself?" I stayed silent. "What you did was not very nice." 'What does she mean what I did?' "You left friend Raven after breaking her heart. Second, you made her cry very many times. Three you got her the pregnant and didn't do anything to help her." 'Wait pregnant?' "Wait did you say I got her pregnant? I didn't know I got her pregnant Star. Honest." She just glared at me and walked off.

'She's pregnant, with my child.' I ran up stairs to talk to her. I saw Katrina walk away from a door so I knocked on it. I heard, "Who the fuck is it?" I didn't respond. I heard her groan and say "Come in." I opened the door and went in. I locked it behind me. She looked up and saw me. I saw so many emotions going through her eyes. I smiled and she glared.

I looked down before I started speaking. "Listen Rae I'm sorry for what I did. When you heard me say it would break BG's heart I meant that in a different way. Back then she had a crush on me. I never loved her. I loved you. It broke my heart when you left. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please just forgive me." I looked up. She looked at me and smiled. "Hawk, I forgive you." I smiled.

"Thanks Rae, I'm sorry I left." " It's OK Hawk." I looked down and whispered, " Rae I still love you." " I know, and I still love you." I looked at her hopefully, "Do you wanna get back together?" "When were we ever together?" That hurt a lot. "Hawk, you never asked me out." I smiled and realized she was right. " Hey Rae?" "Yeah?" "Will you go out with me?" "Yes, yes I will on one condition." "What's that?" "You help take care of the monster inside of me." I laughed at that. Then I realized she was serious. i just nodded.

"See you later?" "OK, bye Hawk," I walked out. I went downstairs and I saw Robin, Star, BB, and Cy send a glare towards me. I just smirked. BB shot me a questioning glance and sprinted upstairs. I just went out and decided to go for a walk.


Raven's P.O.V.

I smiled after Hawk walked out. He still loves me. I picked up my ice cream and was about to take a bite when Beast Boy came barging in. I let out a scream and glared at him. I now had ice cream all of my face. "What the fuck do you want Beast Boy?!" He looked pissed. He looked me in the eye which is something he rarely does.

"Rae are you and that ass hole Hawk back together?" I smirked and said, " When did he ever ask me out in the first place?" "Rae?" " *sigh* He asked me out a few minutes ago." " Well? What did you say?" "Yes, I said yes. Why would you care anyway?" "Because I'm your friend Raven.... right?" He looked at me with fear in his eyes. 'Was he afraid of losing me?' "Yeah BB we're friends. Why wouldn't we be?" " I don't know cause you want to be with him instead of your friends?" I never thought my heart could ache as much as it did in that moment.

I was frozen. 'Why would he think that?' "Beast Boy no I......" I didn't know what to say. I felt my eyes fill with tears as he shook his head and left. I started to cry after that. ' He hates me. Beast Boy hates me, and so does everyone else. I'm an idiot. I have no friends. why am I so stupid?!' "Raven are you ok?" I heard Robin's voice say that. "WHY WOULD YOU CARE? APPARENTLY EVERYONE HATES ME!!!!!" I couldn't help but scream. "No one hates you Raven-" I cut him off," According to Beast Boy everyone does." I looked over at him and he looked beyond mad. "Don't listen to Beast Boy Raven, he's been a jerk towards everyone lately."

Robin sat down by me. He gave me a hug. I pulled away and gave him the weirdest face in the fucking world. He broke out laughing. I joined him a few seconds later. Starfire poked her head in and saw Robin rolling on the floor laughing myself lying on my bed cracking up. We looked at her and she had an even weirder look on her face. Robin and I starting laughing all over again. I heard Star start laughing too.

This time Bluejay, Robin's girlfriend, came in. We all looked at her and she yelled, "Hey Cyborg is this normal?!" Cyborg poked his head to see Robin, Star, and I with chipmunk faces trying not to laugh. He broke out laughing at our faces. We couldn't hold our laughter in either. "Katrina get the beds for insane people ready!" "How many, and why?" "4 and cause Robin, Raven, Starfire, and Cyborg went insane!!!" Katrina came in dragging Hawk and Icefire with her. "OK what's-" She cut herself off to the sight of us laughing like insane people.


Robins' P.O.V. (rare)

I couldn't breath Rae, Star, Cyborg couldn't either. Bluejay, Icefire, Hawk, and Katrina were staring at us like we were insane. The thing is we just might be. Not one of the Titans except Beast Boy could stop their laughter. I finally pulled myself together and stood up. "OK guys I think that's enough." Raven pulled herself together first.

"Robin are you ever going to tell them or what?" I knew what she meant. I still haven't told Bluejay or her friends about the Titans. " Tell us about what Robin?" Bluejay questioned me. I sent a glare towards Star and Cyborg and they shot up. Cyborg saluted me which set off all of our laughter again, even Bluejay's, Icefire's, Katrina's, and Hawk even chuckled.

Raven stood up and took a deep breath looked up at Hawk and said, " Make it 6 insane beds." I nodded. Raven looked at the others and said, " I'm going to bed so out, out, out, out, out, out, out." We walked out and said our good nights. Bluejay lead me to the room I would be staying in. I kissed her good night and lay-ed down. It had been a long day. I then felt myself drift into sleep.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! Please let me know if this is a good story or not. If you want me to continue I want 2 votes on this chapter, 3 comments from 3 different people, or 1 new follower.

Thnx, SierraMorris0

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