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[ 1 year later ]

Raven's P.O.V.

'Omg will that kid ever shut up?! It's 5o'clock in the mornin for petes sake!!!!!!' "Hawk, baby, HAWK!!" "Huh w-what? What happened? Oh kid. On it." I closed my eyes and was about to go back to sleep when I felt Hawk's sweet lips press against mine. I instantly kissed him backed. His lips made their way down to my neck and I couldn't help but giggle. "HAWK!!!!! Will you sto- oh, Hawk." I finally got him off of me after a few minutes. He went to go check on the kid. I felt myself drift into sleep.


Hawk's P.O.V.

I went into Jazmine's room and saw my little girl crying. "Aw sweetheart what's wrong?" I picked her up and cradled her, again. "I love you sweetheart. Shhh. It's ok sweetheart. Shhh." 'Good she's asleep.' I set her down in her crib.

I stayed in there for a minute. All of a sudden I heard a voice say, "Sup bubbs?" I looked up to see my baby sister, Dove, standing in the doorway.

"Dove. When did you get here?" I said as a gave her a bear hug. "30 seconds or so ago. Let me go Hawk!" "SHHHHHH!!!!!" I growled. I pointed to Jazmine. "Oh sorry. Wait a second you have a daughter?!?!?!?!?!?!" I slapped myself in the face as Jazmine started crying again. "Damn it Dove I just got her to go back to bed!" I growled at my sister. I knew she didn't care though. She was pissed at me. I gave her a stern look at pushed her out of Jazmine's room and whispered, "Stay here!"

I shut the door behind me and picked her up again. "Shhh sweetheart it's ok. Shhh. Daddy's here shhh." 'Finally. She is asleep again. I'm gonna kill Dove.' I walked out of her room and face my very angry sister. "Well? Can you explain yourself? " "Dove I don't have to explain myself. It's my life not yours so deal with it."

Before she could get in another word Raven came in. She was mad. "What's going on Hawk?" "Sorry Rae. My sister decided to drop by." "At 5 in the moring? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dove rolled her eyes at her turned back to me and started tapping her foot. I sighed. "Listen Dove can't we talk about this later? I'm exhausted." "No we can't Zachary." Now that pissed me off. "Listen here Roberta this isn't up for discussion now go home and come back la-" All of a sudden she slapped me.

That straight up made me mad, but before I could do anything Raven said something, "Don't hit him. Now go back to where ever the fuck you came from and come back another day at a decent time." "Excuse me?" Dove replied. I could tell she was getting on Raven's bad side. "Dove go home, now." "But-" "NOW!"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I instantly felt horrible. "Dove I-" "Forget it Hawk. I'm sorry I came here in the first place. Don't worry I won't make that mistake again." Then she disappeared. I felt like I was going to cry. Raven hugged me. I started to cry. She's my baby sister. "Rae I'll be back. I have to go after her." She nodded and let go of me. I kissed her and appeared where she was. I saw her sitting there crying her heart out.

'What did I do?! She's my baby sister and I just rejected her. I'm a horrible person. I'm her big brother I'm supposed to be protecting her from pain not causing it!!!!' "Sis I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry." I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my chest. She cried harder. I held her the whole time. She finally looked at me . I gave her a small smile and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry sis I didn't mean it. I'm just really tired. Having a child is hard work. I'm sorry. Forgive me?" She gave me a big hug and smiled. "I forgive you bubby. I lub you bubby." "I luv u too sis."

I embraced her one last time and picked her up. "Hawk- wha- what the fuck are you- HAWK!!!!" "Hush your coming back to my place and staying there." "But-" I gave her a stern look that said shut up. She gave me a sweet baby smile. I appeared in the spare room at our house and put her to bed. I tucked her in and smiled at her. She fell asleep and I went back to our room. I layed down exhausted. I felt myself drift off to sleep. It had been a long morning.

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