Falling In Love With Him(3)

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Raven's P.O.V.

Before we could all take off I heard a familiar voice ring out. "And where do you think you're going?" I tensed immediately. I noticed the boy did too. Beast Boy look at me worriedly. All of a sudden I was slammed into a sighed of a building by a car. My vision quickly faded to black, the last I hear is my teammates yelling my name.

I woke up in the medical room and blinked. My vision was really blurry. I hoped Eagle hadn't hurt my team. I heard a voice yelled, "Guys, she's awake!!!!" I think the voice belonged to one of the girls we met earlier. I couldn't be sure. I blinked again trying to get my vision to focus.

I heard footsteps but my vision was too cloudy to see who they belong to. Then I hear Robin's voice say," Cyborg is she going to be OK?" He didn't respond. I blinked a few times and I could see again. I sat up fast and said," How long was I out?" No one responded.

That's when Robin said, " Thanks to Hawk only a few hours, if it hadn't have been for him you probably would've been out for days, maybe even weeks from now." Hawk walked in a few seconds after that. I said to him, " Thanks." He nodded acknowledging that I said my thanks. He ran some tests on me and a few minutes later he said to everyone else, but I'm pretty sure he was talking to me too, " She should be fine but I might run some tests on her later just to be sure."

I stood up and stumbled a bit but I regained my balance and asked, " Where is...... is......." My voice trailed away when the memory of him hits me hard. They knew who I was talking about even though I lost my voice. No one answered for a minute then Robin said, " I'm sorry Rae but he got away. We would've gone after him but right then you were our top priority was you." I nodded in understanding. I walked out of the room and went into my room and slammed the door behind me.

A few minutes later there was a knocked my door. I cracked my door and peeked out to see a very handsome Hawk if I do say so myself. I thought to myself, 'What does the cutie want??? OH SHUT UP RAVEN HE PROBABLY DOESN'T EVEN LIKE YOU THAT WAY!!!!' I speak quietly, "Yes?" "Can I talk to you in private? It's important." I opened the door wider and motion for him to come in. He came in and I said, " What do you need?" "How do you know my brother Eagle?" That shocked me. The first thought that popped up in my head was, 'Great there are two of them!!!! Can my life get any worse?!?!'

"Don't worry I'm nothing like Eagle and by the way, I can read minds." I mumbled quite annoyed," Could've warned me earlier." "How do you know Eagle?" He asked me again. It took me a few minutes to find my voice, but it still came out as a whisper as I said,"He's my........ My......... My............. Ex-boyfriend." He looked shocked but I couldn't see it for long cause tears made their way to my eyes. I couldn't stand what he said next. " He abused you, didn't he?" I let the tears I had been holding back flow freely from my eyes. The next thing I knew my knees gave out on me and I was on my knees crying.

All of a sudden I felt him pull me close to him. I didn't try to pull away. Memories of Eagle were hitting me hard and I couldn't take it. I buried my face into his chest. I thought to myself, 'For some reason with him holding me, it felt like nothing could hurt me and I could be free to feel without hurting the ones I love.' As I was thinking this I felt myself drift into sleep.


Hawk's P.O.V.

I went up to Raven's door and knocked. I needed to know how she knew Eagle. 'Did they date? Is she my sister but I just don't know it? Well I guess I'll find out.' All of those thoughts were running through my head when the door cracked open. She whispered, " Yes?" "Can I talk to you in private? It's important." She nodded and the door opened wider and she motioned for me to come in. When I went in it surprised me when I realized that her room looked a lot like mine. I was snapped back into reality when she said, " What do you need?" I figured I'd get straight to the point. "How do you know my brother Eagle?"

She didn't respond so I read her mind. She thought to her self, 'Great there are two of them!!!! Can my life get any worse?!?!' I said out loud, " Do't worry I'm nothing like him and by the way, I can read minds." She glared at me and muttered, "Could've warned me earlier." I smirked for a second then asked the question again, "How do you know Eagle?" She didn't respond for a few minutes then I heard her whisper, " He's my......... my.......... he's my ex-boyfriend." I started to remember what Eagle did to the last girlfriend that I met of his and said," He abused you, didn't he?"

She started to cry and then she hit her knees sobbing. I got up and went over to her. I pulled her into me and she didn't pull away. I thought, ' Poor girl, I can tell she has been through a lot.' The next thing she did shocked me. She buried her face into my chest. It almost seemed as if she was letting years and years of problems, pain, and tears she has kept inside out. I lifted up her face so I could see it and I noticed she had cried herself to sleep. So I picked her up and carried her to her bed. I covered her up and then I kissed her lips gently and whispered, "Sleep well beautiful." Then I left her room.

I went into the living room to find Arrow and Beast Boy arguing. It still shocked me that there were two of him. All of a sudden Cici screamed, " CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She accidentally use her super scream so in result Arrow, Beast Boy, and Myself were on our knees covering our ears. She stopped screaming and said, "Sowy guys." Beat boy looked at her and said, " Don't worry it's OK." I mumbled," Speak for yourself." Cici smiled and said, " Hey BB Wanna race in the water?" He nodded and they both ran out.

Arrow glanced at me and said," I guess I'll go help Cyborg with the car." I grabbed the remote and started flipping channels. A few Minutes later I heard Raven say," Who was screaming?" She scared me half to death. I jumped a little and I heard her giggle. She snatched the remote and flipped to a random channel. I asked her," What are you watching?" "The Vampire Diaries." Before it even got ten minutes into the show she had explain to me what the Vampire Diaries are at least a million times. Every time she explained it I replied with, " OK then."

It was a few hours later of Vampire Diaries and I knew Raven and I were the only ones up. I ask her for the trillionth time what the show was about and that time she didn't respond to me like she did the last few she whispered to herself, "How does he not know what the fucking Vampire Diaries are?" "Well it's not my fault I don't watch giry girl shows!" I snapped at her.

She got in my face and hissed," The Vampire Diaries isn't a girly girl show!!!! Do you think I'm a girly girl watching girly girl show to you?! Is that really what you think of me?! A girly girl?! Huh?!" Anger was coming off of her faster than Flash Girl can run after food. I lost my voice when I looked into her eyes and when I did find my voice it came in a whisper," No, I don't." All of a sudden we started getting closer and closer until I felt our lips meet.

It was magical. All of a sudden her hands were playing with my hair and my hands were on her hips. I pulled her closer and we stayed like that for a few minutes. She broke the kiss and she stood up and said," Uh... Sorry." She was about to walk off when I realized I had feelings for her. I grabbed her hand and said," Wait." She spun around and I kissed her. Next thing I knew she was lying on top of me on the couch and we were making out, that is until the windows shattered. Raven was levitating in a instant. I heard her gasp and she whispered, "Brandon....."

I saw a boy come in flying. Raven looked pissed. Raven said, " What do you fucking want you mother fucking bitch?!" He said, " This mother fucking bitch has a name Rac-" He was about to say something but Raven cut him off.

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