The Painful Choice(8)

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Hawk's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to no one in the house. Raven's phone was still here so that instantly worried me. 'She never leaves the house without her phone. Weird. I hope she's OK. I better find her.' I thought to myself as I began to panic. "Calm down Hawk. They're most likely fine." I said quietly to myself. I went to see if they were here and I just didn't notice.

The only other person in the house that I found was Jazmine. I frowned. "Where are they?" I asked myself quietly. "I guess I'll wait and see if they come back soon." I remembered I had to work today so I picked up Jazmine, dropped her off at Blue Jay's and went to work.

[8 hours later]

I came home and neither one of them were back. 'Alright Dove most likely went home and maybe the Titans needed raven? I don't know anymore.' I frowned. "Where could they be?" I whispered afraid that something bad happened to them. Then I remembered that Jazmine doesn't like to behave when she's with Jay. I grabbed my keys again and went to go pick up Jazmine from Blue Jay's.

I pulled up and turned off my car. I knocked on the door until Jay, who was covered in baby food and puke answer the door. Before I could say anything I heard Robin's motorcycle behind me. I looked at him and saw him staring at Jay trying not to laugh. All of a sudden we both lost it and started laugh our asses off.

"Shut the fuck up and get this demon out of my house!!!!" Robin looked at her playfully. "Your house huh?" "Yes MY house, any problems with that hon?" Robin just shook his head and sighed. "Hey Robin, have you seen Rae today?" I asked hoping he had. He shook his head. "Haven't seen her for a few days, why?" "When I woke up this morning she wasn't there and she left her phone home." Robin shook his head again. "Sorry man." I sighed. 'Where could they be?'

After I asked Jay if she'd watch Jazmine for little while longer and she finally agreed I went home. When I saw neither one of them were there I teleported to where they were. Surprisingly they were in the same place. I appeared and saw a guy in all black standing behind them with a knife in his hand and a gun in his pocket. They were both tied up.

"Hawk, about time you showed up. For a seconded I thought you weren't gonna show." "Let them go!" I growled as my hands began to glow. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The guy said as he put the knife on Raven. My hands and eyes stopped glowing. "What do you want?!" I asked with a growl. The guy smirked.

"Well you see Hawk, your mother killed my mother, my father, and my baby sister. When she did that I swore to her I'd put her family through an eternal hell. I ALWAYS keep my promises." My anger built up fast. He ungagged both and the girls but they stayed silent. "You have a choice Hawk. One of them dies, one of them lives. Make a choice." I was stunned. 'Basically he wants me to choose who dies?! My beautiful wife or my baby sister?! I can't choose to kill one of them!!'

"You're not going to hurt either one of them!" I said angrily. "Well there is the option of both." He said simply. I shook my head. 'THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!' "Take your time and choose carefully." "Hawk....." I heard Raven whisper my name. I looked up into her beautiful eyes. I knew what she wanted me to do. She wanted me to let her die and let my sister live. That wasn't going to happen. I'm not going to loose either one of them.

I looked up. "I....... I choose-


CLIFF HANGER!!!! Sorry but I had to. Alright I'm leaving his choice up to the readers. 1 thing though. I want you to put yourself in his position. Imagine the you're having to choose between losing a very close loved one or the one you're meant to be with. Depending on how many votes there are is depending on the result!!!!! You'll have until August 25th, 2014 to decide. That means I won't be updating next week. 2 WEEKS GUYS!!!!!!! Haven fun! You're only allowed to vote 2 time per account.

Thnx SierraMorris0

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