Love Can Beat ANYTHING(9)

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Hawk's P.O.V.

'I already knew what I had to do. I knew who I was going to choose.' "I- I choose........ YOU!" My voice rang out in anger as the room went black and he flew back against the wall. My magic held him there as I untied Raven then Dove. "Are you two alright?!" I embraced them both worried and scared. "I'm fine Hawk." Raven whispered in my ear. I looked over at Dove, she nodded.

"Good." I said sternly. "Go back to the house both of you." "What about you?" Raven asked quietly. "I'll be there soon enough." They both nodded and disappeared. I went over to the guy. "If you EVER touch them or my family AGAIN, I'll kill you." I growled sharply, eyes red. "Do you understand me?!" He nodded terrified. I smiled. "Good."


Raven's P.O.V.

We appeared at the house and sat down. I noticed Dove had a bad cut. I gently took her arm and began to heal it. She looked at me. "What are you doing?" "I'm healing you." She nodded and sighed. "Thanks." She whispered after I finished. I nodded. "What's Hawk doing?" I shrugged.

About a minute or so later he appeared and went into the kitchen. I followed him and saw blood on his knuckles. "Hawk what happened?!" He just looked at me and smirked. "HAWK?!" Dove came in a second later and saw the blood to. "Hawk?" She asked quietly. He just continued to smirk. I grabbed him and kissed him, wiping the smirk off of his lips.

I pulled back and looked at him. "Hawk?!" He chuckled. "I just gave him what he deserved." He said simply. "Which was?!" He just smiled and dried his hands. I sighed. "You are so stubborn!!!!" He just shrugged. "HAWK!!!!" Dove and I exploded in sync. "I just beat the living shit out of him, making sure he wouldn't mess with either one of you again." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going back to sleep. And Hawk," I paused making sure he was listening. "Go get Jazmine." "OH YEAH! Wait, FUCK I LEFT HER WITH BLUE JAY!" My head dropped and Hawk rushed to get our daughter. After he left it was silent. "Who's Blue Jay?" Dove blurted out randomly. "A friend." " Oh. Alright." With that I went up stairs and fell asleep.


Hey guys sorry for not updating on Monday the first week of school was hectic. I'll try to update more though. So what do ya think so far? Yay? Nay? Vote and comment if you like it!

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