Another One(10)

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Hawk's P.O.V.

I pulled up to Bluejay's a.k.a. Lucy's house and knocked. She opened the door pissed. "Hey Luc, you OK?" I asked scared she was gonna murder me. "Take your devil child." she spat angry. I glared at her. "She's not a devil child!!" She let out a breath. "Sorry but she's driving me to the point of insanity." I blinked. "Didn't BG already do that??" She glared deeply at me. I looked down.

Robin came out a few seconds later in a much better state than Lucy with my daughter. I smiled. "I think she likes me." Robin said as she grabbed his finger. I nodded. Lucy glared at us. "Fuck, you both." she said. Robin and I chuckled. "Fuck." Jazmine blurted out. "Start watching your language around my daughter." my voice came out firm. Lucy busted out laughing. I continued to glare at her. "OK, OK, I will." she said between laughs. "You better." I said and took my child. I strapped her into her car seat and drove off.

I pulled up to the house and saw flames everywhere. I blinked scared knowing the ones I loved were in there. After I opened my eyes again the flames were gone. I shook my head and got Jazmine out of the car. I unlocked the door and went in. "Rae I'm home! Can you come down here a sec?" I called out with my baby girl in my arms. Raven came down looking pissed. "What's wrong love?" I asked concerned. "What the fuck were you thinking?!" I opened my mouth to warn her of our daughter's new coping habit but it was too late. "Fuck." She said for the second time today.

Raven looked at her and had to hide her smile. She walked out and lost it. She came back in with her 'game face' on. "Is that what you were going to say?" She asked fighting a smile. I nodded. "Mhm." I was fighting a smile too. She shook her head, then seemingly remembered what was wrong in the first place.

She pulled me into the other room and slapped me. I felt tears built up in my eyes. I looked down, unable to meet her eyes. "Again, Hawk, Again. Really?!" She was on the verge of screaming at me. "I'm sorry....." I whispered. She sighed. I just walked out and locked myself into the spare room, sitting down on the bed. I let my tears fall then. I sobbed uncontrollably. 'God what the fuck did I do this time?! Great, she's angry with me again. I hate it when she's angry at me but I still screw up. Goddamn it! What the hell is wrong with me?!' I couldn't stop crying.

I heard a soft knock at the door. "Hawk?" Raven called out. I silenced myself. "Hawk open the door baby..... Please?" I didn't make a sound. She sighed. She knew how sensitive I was when it came to her. I didn't mean to make her feel guilty but I wasn't ready to face her yet. "Hawk?" She called out once more. I opened the door and held her in my arms. "Sssshhh. It's OK beautiful. Don't cry. Sssshhh. I'm sorry." she pulled away and gave me a teary smile. I just kissed her. "What did I do this time?" I saw guilt cross her eyes. I lifted up her chin where she was looking at me. She looked down again. "I'm pregnant Hawk, we're having another baby." My head dropped and I groaned. "ANOTHER ONE?!"

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