Chapter One POV: Perseus Jackson

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           I was walking towards the big house cause we had a meeting. I knew it must be major cause everyone was coming. Behind me I heard running and I knew who it was, my half brother David.

"Hey brother from another mother,"David said. I rolled my eyes. He reminded me of Leo. Leo... Oh well, the Fates are evil and that's that. I ruffles the fourteen-year-old's hair.

"How's it going little bro?"


"Runs in the family," I said, grinning.

We started running. When we got there I saw Annabeth. She said

"Morning seaweed brain, Kelp head"

That's what she calls David. She would say 2.0, but that's quite a mouthful. Wow. Big words. My Wise Girl is rubbing off on me.

"Hey Annabeth, or as Mr.D would say Annie Bell."

David's not afraid of teasing the gods when Mr. D says, 'I'll turn you crazy.'  He says, 'I already am.' Another reason he's like Leo. I di-

" -weed Brain! Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth called, snapping her fingers in my face.

" Oh, sorry. I zoned out."

" Yeah, we can tell." Ah, the beautiful voice of my cousin. Note the sarcasm. I turned around to see Valerie, daughter of Pluto (we have a portal thing now), and Stella, daughter of Zeus. They were fourteen, same age as David, and terribly annoying. But I loved them anyway.

" Hello, dear cousins. A pleasure to see you," I said, mock bowing. Stella rolled her eyes. The pair was stubborn, sarcastic, and impossible to deal with.

" Come on!" She yelled. " You're gonna be late!" I just frowned and jogged over. Stella and Valerie were always like this, but this time there was a strain to their voices. I wondered why. Anyways, by now I had reached the meeting room.

" Hey Superman, Pinecone Face," I grinned, high-fiving Jason and Thalia.

" Hi Ghost Queen, Tinker Bell," Piper welcomed. Stella ignored her. That was the one name she hated. Piper just stuck her tongue out at her.

" Hello, Beauty Queen."

" Children. I have some important news to discuss," Chiron said, stamping his hoof.

" There is... another, species, you could say. They are wizards." Cue shocked silence.

" They just came out of their own war, against a man called Voldemort," Chiron said, grimacing. No doubt he expected our reaction.

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Voldemort- oh my gods, Volde-mort!" I shrieked with laughter. The rest of the room was laughing like crazy too, all except Nico, who just cracked a grin. Chiron smiled too, then got our attention.

" Well, I need you to go to a wizarding school in England. The gods bicker, and fail to notice the silent terror rising from the depths of Tartarus." That shut everyone up. Val groaned. From what I know, she's been at Camp Jupiter for seven years, so this would be her third war. Eh.

" Well, children. Here are some tips. Make sure no one suspicious sees you getting your wands, they will wonder why you don't have them yet. I'll have the non-dyslexic of the group take these school supplies lists, and that is it, I believe."

" Chiron, what's the school called?" Will Solace asked, and arm around Nico. I forgot to mention, they're dating. Chiron grimaced again.

" Er, Hogwarts."


Chiron had to be joking nobody would name their school that.

"So we're going to a school that teaches us about the warts on a hog" said David

"No they're wizards, David."

"So they teach us how to magically remove warts."

Everyone laughed.

"Chiron who's going to the school," Stella asked.

"Ah yes well that would be, er, you, Valerie, David, Thalia, Nico, and the Seven, um, Six. Katie will be going along to teach Herbology with Professor Sprout, Grover will go to help with Care of Magical Creatures, and Will will be going along to work in the infirmary."

" Chiron, what is this "silent terror"?" Asked Annabeth.

" Umm, it is not yet certain, dear. But we know that it is either Nyx or Chaos. Tartarus rises with whichever goddess it is."

" Hold up. I thought Chaos was a guy!" I interrupted.

" Actually, it's uncertain whether Chaos is a girl or a guy. Many just think of it as a void. So, in my opinion, I think it's Nyx who is rising." Annabeth sounded extremely calm, but hey, after you've known someone for five years, you learn to read their body language. Annabeth was scared. After all, just Tartarus alone had nearly killed us. Nyx and Tartarus...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me: Hello dear readers! I'm sorry how bad my account is. :/ 

Percy: You should be!

Annabeth: Are you still mad about the cookie incident? 

Me: Anyways.........thanks for reading this! And if you read this you, uh....

Annabeth: Get a free copy of a book!

Me: No.

Annabeth: Aw.....

Percy: Cookies?

Me: Cupcakes!!!

Annabeth and Percy: *facepalm*

Me: Whatever, but here you go readers! *hands you a cupcake*

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