Chapter 10: Pov: Annabeth

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   I woke up screaming. When I finally realized I wasn't there, I stopped screaming and started breathing heavily. It had seemed so real... Percy had just left, but I already missed him. Looking around, I realized I was in the forest. Now I remembered. I had come out here to the river because I wanted a quiet place to think. I decided right then and there I was IMing Percy. Of course, I'd see him day after tomorrow, but... I quickly went to the river's edge. I took out a flashlight and made a rainbow. Tossing a drachma in, I hurriedly said the offering, and waited nervously. When Percy's face appeared, I sighed in relief. " Gods, Percy, I already miss you. I had a nightmare again," I said before anything registered. Thankfully, he was alone.

" Annabeth? What happened? When are you coming, I had a nightmare last night too. What happened in your nightmares?"

" Percy, I-I was there again. And this time, she was there too. She said she was rising. She said she had a weapon that we would never stand against. She said we have a spy."

"It's probably her trying to psyche you out, Annabeth. Don't worry."

" I can't help it, Percy. What if what she's saying is true?"

" Annabeth... Just try not to worry, okay? I'll see you in two days. I'll be waiting outside for you, just let me know what time you arrive."

" Alright. I'll see you in two days." Just two days. I told myself. Two more days.

Those two days were torture. When I wasn't doing anything, I worried. About Nyx. About Percy. About the world. I think Malcolm and the others were getting annoyed. Piper and Hazel dragged me out to a mall to get stuff in an attempt to cheer me up. It didn't work. I did get a new book though, it was called Speak. It was about a girl named Melinda who was raped. Aphrodite appeared at one point, and she found a nice, light gray jacket that I liked. So all in all, not too bad. But I still worried. So it was a relief to finally go. I IMed Percy and told him when I was arriving. Then I left, feeling slightly better.

My entrance was smaller than Percy's. I just rode my new pegasus, Moonmist. She's Blackjack's mate. She had a black coat and her left ear was white like a crescent moon. Also, the area right above her right front hoof was white. Blackjack had insisted on coming with us so he could be with Moonmist. After all, she was staying here all year. When Moonmist swooped in to land, I spotted Percy a little ways back, behind a two guys and a girl. One guy had glasses, one was a redhead, and the girl had bushy hair.

I broke into a smile when I saw Percy. Glasses thought I was smiling at him, and he grinned at me. Ignoring him, I started running towards Percy. The glasses guy thought I was running to him and when he got too close, I pushed him away and hugged Percy. Glasses looked offended, and he muttered something to his friends. I didn't care. I wouldn't care if Gaea took over. All that matters was me in Percy's arms, his lips on mine. All that mattered, was us. (I'M BEING SO MUSHY. DO YOU NOT AGREE? COMMENT IF YOU AGREE! ~@HunterXofXArtemis.)

When we broke apart, I smiled up at him. " Finally. I'm here."

" I'm glad you are, Mr. Glasses and his friends have been extremely annoying," he mumbled into my hair.

" I have to be Sorted, don't I?" He nodded.

" I want to be in the same house as you."

" Wise Girl, even if we're not, at least we have a dorm to ourselves."

" Roses are red, violets are blue. I'll still have nightmares and so will you."

" Try to be positive!" This whole conversation, we had been walking towards the castle, and we had to separate.

" I'll show you our dorm later. Time for your sorting!" He kissed my cheek then waved. I waved back and watched his back recede.

" You deserve better than him." Immediately I spun around. Glasses was leaning against the wall.

" Who are you to tell me who I deserve and who I don't?

" I'm Harry Potter, that's who."

" Who?" I knew who he was, just felt like annoying him.

" I'll let that slide. The thing is, Wise Girl-" I pressed him against the wall.

" Not. Just. Anyone. Can. Call. Me. That."

" Percy did. And he's just a wizard. I'm a hero."

" Percy's more a hero than you ever will be. Now get out of my sight. Potter." He scrambled away. I took a deep breath in and then exhaled. Then I walked in the small room to be sorted.

" Let's see. Hmm, very smar- Whoa! Well, I'll give you a choice, just like the other one. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor."

With Percy.

" Looks like it's GRYFFINDOR!!!" He (it?) shouted the last part. I looked around. It was kind of awkward, since I was alone. I took the hat off and left the room. As I was leaving, I noticed a pair of green eyes in the shadows. I pretended not to notice it, then, just as I was passing the place, I spun and had my dagger at his throat in an instance.

" Heard you got Gryffindor. Now we're together."

" Potter. What did I say?"

" You said get out of my sight. But am I listening?"

I growled and started walking away. He isn't worth getting in trouble for, I told myself. I decided to head back to the Demigod Dorms. DD. Ha. That's a good idea. I'm calling it DD now. I found my way there. Percy was waiting outside. I saw his eyes were closed, and when I got close enough., the door opened. He said

"You coming, Wise girl?" He grinned.

We entered the room. I saw a cozy common room and a hallway with several doors. He started pulling me to one door specifically. When he opened the door, I saw a room that was designed perfectly for me and Percy. Laughing, I spun around and grabbed him. " I think this is gonna be one of the few quests I'll like in even the slightest."

" I would love it if it weren't for Hairy Pooper (got that from a book I read, sorry don't remember what book it was)," Percy sighed. I grimaced.

" I've been here for two hours, and he's hit on me twice already."

"I'll murder him."

" Percy. Don't waste your breath on him."

" Don't care."

" Come on, Seaweed Brain, let's go outside."

" Can we go swimming?"

" No."

" Please?" (Hoover)Damn it. He's giving me those baby seal eyes. I rolled my eyes.

" Fine."

" YAY!" He dashed out of the room. I rolled my eyes again and followed him outside.

By the time I made it, he was already in the lake. " Come on in, Wise Girl!" I smiled.

" Come get me!" He jumped out and started running. I shrieked and started running. I was a faster runner, but Percy was definitely stronger. He caught up with me, and pushed me in the water. I laughed and surfaced just as Percy jumped in again. He surfaced and grinned at me, but I had stopped smiling.

" Styx , ο Χάρι Πότερ είναι εδώ (Styx, Harry Potter's here)," I said to Percy. " Αυτόν και τους φίλους του . Ερμιόνη και ο Ρον είναι εντάξει , υποθέτω , αλλά είναι φοβερό ( Him and his friends. Hermione and Ron are okay, I guess, but he's terrible)." Percy turned around and his face fell.

" Get away from me stalker," Persassy said.

" Τον μισώ. Θέλετε να πάτε να βρείτε Δραχο , Λήδα , Γιννψ, Νιχο , Ωιλλ , Κατιε, και Γροώερ; Μπορούμε να έχουμε ένα χρόνο καλύψουν ημίθεος ( I hate him. You want to go find Draco, Leda, Ginny, Nico, Will, Katie, and Grover? We can have demigod catch up time)," Percy asked me.

" Sure!" I said. My day was just getting better and better.

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