Chapter Twelve POV: Hazel Levesque(Jewel in disguise)

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I flew in on a pegasus too. Moonmist came to pick me up. Annabeth said she was sending Moonmist to pick all of the girls up, as long as they wanted it. I can't wait to see Frank and the school. Though he tells me that there's a person that's extremely rude, annoying, and that his name's Harry Potter.

Though I'm pretty sure I can still see the good in him. There's good in every person-well, except for monsters, Saturn, and Titans. And giants, they're mean. And evil gods and goddesses. They're mean too. So I guess I will have to brace myself for the future. You never know, things might be good....or bad. I was wrong he was horrible when I arrived he said

" Great another American. And she's black(Harry is racist in this. We have nothing against black people, this is just the way he is. To all you Harry lovers, if you really really really have to know why he's like this, PM me, it will be a spoiler though. ~@HunterXofXArtemis)

" What do you have against black Americans?"

" Well you're not British, which is already a bad start, but blacks are slaves. That is their destiny."

Oh great he's ignorant, hubris, and racist. No wonder no one likes him. When we entered the castle, I was taken to a room with a stool and on the stool was a hat. I put it on and it said, "Smart, brave, very loyal, determined." Then it said, "Slytherin!"

I walked outside and Frank was there waiting for me he brought me into a hallway at the end was a door. Frank opened it and led me towards a room. I barely got a chance to register a beautiful common room before Frank led me towards a hallway and a door with our names on it. When I entered, it was so fancy. It was red, black, white, and gold, really soft. It was a bit out of my style but it was comfy. After 2 two days Jason came he was sorted into Gryffindor. Then Piper came she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Thalia came and she was sorted into Slytherin.


Frank: How come Hazel's chapter isn't as interesting as others?

Stella: Because.

David: Why do you hate me?

Stella: Because.

Percy: Why do you steal my cookies?

Stella: Because.

Jason: Oh come on!

Valerie: Watch and learn bro. Stella, do you like someone?

Stella: ...non, non, non! Jamais! Eh bien, pas jusqu'à ce que je deviens 16 ... ou 15 ..

Jason: Wha?

Stella: French, duh. Don't you know about my life?

Jason: Uh...

Frank: And this all started because Hazel's chapter sucked.

Stella: Yup!

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